Dr Pieter DeWet Live



Dr. DeWet has spent his entire career in medicine starting from the time he entered medical school to search for the most effective, least harmful and the most cost effective methods to treat patients with complex health challenges, and currently treats patients from all around the country and worldwide for diseases and health conditions ranging from the most simple to some of the most complex. Dr. DeWet approaches all patients holistically, which means he focuses on body, mind and soul and routinely addresses and assists in the treatment of patients physical, emotional, social, mental, environmental and spiritual issues as it relates to their overall health situation. He is determined to find and treat the root causes of illness in each patient that he sees which is one reason why Dr. DeWet is credited for getting very good results with the majority of his patients, especially those that are willing to make the commitment to heal all aspects of their health challenges.


  • Regenerative Medicine and Pulsed Electromagnetic Filed Therapy

    18/07/2014 Duração: 58min

    Regenerative Medicine and Pulsed Electromagnetic Filed Therapy (PEMF) - Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), is a reparative or regenerative tool most commonly used in the field of orthopedics for the treatment bone fractures. It has been shown in research to help accelerate the healing of bone non-union fractures and failed fusions and is used in the treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis. It has also been shown to help in the treatment of depression. PEMF works by using directed pulsed magnetic fields through injured tissues. This is believed to stimulate cellular repair and literally exercises cell membranes and resets voltage of tissues thereby improving function of cells dramatically. Listen to this show to learn more about this exciting new technology and its history, background information and in what conditions it is being studied to evaluate its potential benefits. At QHI Wellness we offer this modality in conjunction with many other phenomenal strategies as part of our regenerative medical

  • HOCATT- Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy

    11/07/2014 Duração: 58min

    The name HOCATT is an acronym, Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy. The HOCATT is an ozone steam sauna with multiple additional modalities. It was developed for a single purpose – strategic wellness. The continued use of the HOCATT provides the means to help the body heal itself and return to health/wellness/fitness with added treatments for beauty and performance enhancement without ever having to step out of the HOCATT. With each 25 to 30 minute treatment, patients receive scientifically proven therapies that provide relief of common symptoms of aging and illness thus providing overall improvement of health while simultaneously benefiting from beauty treatments and treatments that potentiate athletic performance/fitness! It’s exactly what everyone is looking for – wellness simplified!

  • Top 10 things you need to do to get healthy now!

    27/06/2014 Duração: 57min

    Listen to this radio show if you are struggling with frustrating health challenges and are not getting answers or results. Whether you are struggling with poor energy or have ongoing aches and pains. On this show you will learn about the most important steps you can take TODAY to get your health back on track. First and foremost, we will be talking about overcoming four key blocks to healing. We will also be discussing goal setting, another key to healing. Other subjects that will be covered among the 10 things you need to do to get healthy now, includes: Discover and clear the conflicts programming for disease; figure out what your body needs as far as food and nutrition; increase physical activity and learn how to overcome locks to healthy eating and increasing activity; improve gut health; detox or die; balance your hormones; reduce toxin exposure; reduce exposure to adverse electromagnetic influences. Get a copy of Heal Thyself, Transform your Life, Transform your Health for more information on these

  • Multiple Health Challenges of Vanessa

    20/06/2014 Duração: 58min

    If you feel defeated because you have multiple health challenges or don't even know where or how to begin addressing them, then today's show is for you. Hear the story of Vanessa's wellness journey and the success she has experienced in overcoming hypothyroidism, weight loss, hormonal balance, adrenal failure, low back and knee pain. If you want to shop for some great packages to help you on your journey, visit www.shopqhi.com and look for the Thyroid Support Package, Weight Loss Package with HCG, Women's Menopause Health and Vitality Package, Level 1 Recall Healing DVD, Recall Healing Women's Health Challenges DVD set.

  • Emily's Journey, her battle with Lyme Disease 06-13-14

    13/06/2014 Duração: 57min

    Join us as we here of Emily's courageous battle against Lyme Disease. She will share with us her very inspiring story, giving hope to others who battle this health challenge

  • Holistic Pain Management

    06/06/2014 Duração: 57min

    Pain, in conventional medicine is often treated as the enemy, rather than a sign of deeper dysfunction that ought to be explored in order to find and treat the source so that true healing can occur. Treating pain symptomatically is not a zero sum game either. As a matter of fact the toll related to the drug treatment of pain is considerable. In America the number of narcotic drug prescriptions continues to soar with about 200 million prescriptions for narcotics in the opoid group alone dispensed per year. The death toll from accidental overdoses, suicide related overdoses, and interactions with other drugs continue to skyrocket. This applies not only to narcotics, but also to OTC pain killers such as those containing acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) and NSAIDS such as ibuprofen (like Motrin and Advil). As a matter of fact one could argue that OTC pain killers are more dangerous in some ways than prescription pain killers with the death toll for acetaminophen and ibuprofen alone above 10,000 each per year and

  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

    30/05/2014 Duração: 58min

    Hormones and your health are synonymous. Life in human form is impossible without adequate amounts of an array of these biochemical messengers affecting the function of every cell in your body. • Are you waking up at night sweating profusely and feeling like you have a heater stuck on high inside your body? • Has your love life come to a standstill because your libido has taken a leave of absence and lubrication has gone AWOL? • Is your skin shriveling up and wrinkles driving you batty? • Are your bones thinning, are you losing strength and energy, • Is your mental clarity waning, bladder falling out, breasts sagging? • Suffering the blues before your periods, swelling and headaches occurring or just plain moody? With age there is a natural decline in the quantity of these messengers that are directly linked with the aging process. Specific deficiencies bring about specific symptoms. For example deficiency in sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone leads to an array of symptoms and condi

  • Women's Health: Sometimes It's Tough To Be A Woman

    23/05/2014 Duração: 58min

    · Are you frustrated with menopausal symptoms or signs of premature aging because your hormone factories have shut down? · Are you suffering from a lack of energy because your thyroid or adrenals are not cooperating? · Are menstrual problems getting you down? · Is your sluggish metabolism driving you nuts because your weight just keeps climbing and just won’t budge, no matter what you do? · Do you suffer from a chronic illness like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus or Auto Immune Thyroid disease, Chronic Fatigue issues or Fibromyalgia Syndrome? We have a wealth of experience in helping women of all age groups stem the tide of misery from all these conditions, recapture their health, vitality and youthfulness. Dr. De Wet meets with every patient to design a unique treatment plan to address their particular health challenges. What makes QHI Wellness unique is that Dr. De Wet is not only an MD, but he is also Board Certified in Family Medicine, specializing in holistic medicine

  • Women's Health: Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos Disease

    16/05/2014 Duração: 58min

    Today our guest is Vanessa, who has experienced this type of problem first hand. Low thyroid is a common problem in this nation. We will learn how important the thyroid is and how to maintain good thyroid health.

  • Unlocking the Secrets to Illness: Introduction to Recall Healing Part 2

    09/05/2014 Duração: 58min

    Recall Healing! This may be one of the most important discoveries in medicine. Unlock the keys to illness with us today by tuning in and finding out how your emotions and conflicts pave your journey to illness and most importantly how to turn the corner and set yourself free.

  • Unlocking the Secrets to Illness: Introduction to Recall Healing Part 1

    02/05/2014 Duração: 58min

    Recall Healing! This may be one of the most important discoveries in medicine. Unlock the keys to illness with us today by tuning in and finding out how your emotions and conflicts pave your journey to illness and most importantly how to turn the corner and set yourself free.

  • Nitric Oxide - Miracle Molecule

    18/04/2014 Duração: 58min

    Listen and learn about the miracle molecule that already exists in your body waiting to be resurrected to the levels of your youth. This remarkable molecule can help your body to restore and maintain healthy blood pressure, circulation, cardiovascular health, energy, brain health, and sexual enjoyment! This remarkable molecule is called NITRIC OXIDE. It is the very molecule that is elevated by Viagra for better blood flow and the molecule formed during exercise to make blood vessels open wider. Nitric oxide declines with age. Levels start to fall around the age of 30. By the age of 70 year old, we have lost about 75% of the ability to generate Nitric Oxide. 1 or 2 lozenges per day of this wonderful formula we will talk about, starts working within 20 minutes. http://www.shopqhi.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=108

  • Magnesium...the magic mineral!

    04/04/2014 Duração: 57min

    We don’t normally do shows about single nutrients, but this one is so critical, that it deserves a show dedicated to it. Used in over 300 reactions, the energy pathways, detoxification, cardiac system, sleep, immunity, gut, brain and nerve health. Our diets leave 50-70% of the population deficient and soils are depleted by commercial farms. This is one nutrient you cannot live without! You will learn what forms are best to take, how to take them. Hint: can be taken orally or many other different ways! We will also be touching on calcium and other critical minerals that we have to have for optimal health. Check out our magnesium malate on www.shopqhi.com and my book “Heal Thyself, transform your life, transform your health”, which has information on magnesium and other minerals you need.

  • Vitamin O - Most Neglected Yet Most Critical Nutrient for Health!!

    28/03/2014 Duração: 57min

    Oxygen is so critical for health and well-being and yet almost never looked at or recommended in health care. Only when patients start turning blue or are obviously short of breath, do we consider oxygen supplementation in medicine. Learn about the fantastic Health optimizing, life enhancing and regenerative benefits that can be obtained by checking for oxygen deficiency and supplementing oxygen if necessary. At QHI Wellness, we take this nutrient very seriously and use many different strategies like supplementation with oxygen at night, exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT), hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), ozone therapies and altotherapy (high altitude simulation therapy). For more information on O2 therapies, contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069. Also check out my book, Heal Thyself - transform your life, transform your health for more information on oxygen therapies and our website www.qhiwellness.com

  • Allergies and Sinuses

    21/03/2014 Duração: 57min

    It’s that dreaded time of year again, with seasonal allergies kicking in big time nationwide, making millions of us around the country miserable. So many also suffer other complications from unaddressed allergies, including sinus infections, asthma, chronic throat problems, hoarseness, etc. The spring pollen brings misery for so many! Also, mold spore counts rise when the weather is warm and moist. Join us this week to get great information about natural antihistamines and ways to cool the inflammation. Why be miserable when the season of birth and renewal brings such beauty in the form of lovely flowers and trees. The best defense is to start early before the symptoms flare. We will also be discussing a very common cofactor in allergies, which is underlying low grade sinus infections, which may affect as many as 90% of East Texans. Most people are unaware of this, seeing that they don’t exhibit the usual overt symptoms of infection. We will of course also cover the diagnosis and treatment of subtle and mo

  • Are Your Supplements Helping or Harming?

    14/03/2014 Duração: 58min

    Are your supplements helping or harming you? A big deal was made recently about a study published in the editorial summarizing the new research papers, published Dec. 16 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, which is supposed to have shown that multivitamins are useless in preventing cancer and heart disease and dementia. Unfortunately the media at large latched onto this study and are using it to try to dissuade people from using any supplements. A dietary supplement industry group slammed the editorial and studies. “The editorial demonstrates a close-minded, one-sided approach that attempts to dismiss even the proven benefits of vitamins and minerals," Steve Mister, president and CEO of the Council for Responsibile Nutrition, said in a statement. "It’s a shame for consumers that the authors refuse to recognize the real-life need for vitamin and mineral supplementation, living in a fairy-tale world that makes the inaccurate assumption that we’re all eating healthy diets and getting everything we need from foo

  • Circulatory Ailments - Turn diseased blood vessels into healthy ones!

    07/03/2014 Duração: 58min

    This show is about blood vessels: Do you suffer from cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebral vascular disease, hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, or atherosclerotic disease. If so or if you want to know more to prevent these maladies, then listen to this show. Do you know the difference between the various types of blood vessel diseases and how interrelated they are? What are the many conditions and risk factors implicated in these conditions? Much of this damage can be stabilized, halted or reversed with lifestyle, attitude, and an understanding of your unique chemistry. Learn how. Check out our heart / vascular specials on shopqhi.com including our own De Wet Wellness Circulatory Formula, and for more information on our clinic QHI Wellness, check out our main website qhiwellness.com.

  • Candidiasis - The Great Immitator!

    07/02/2014 Duração: 58min

    In America we see many cases of yeast overgrowth in our patients bodies. We have been plagued for over half a century with this problem. It contributes to many other health problems. It comes in the form of vaginal yeast infections, and babies getting oral thrush of the mouth. These consist of lesions of thick, ulcerated sores. Treatments by over the counter medications are often not very helpful.

  • Silent Killers - Are Environment Toxins Making Us Sick?

    31/01/2014 Duração: 58min

    Today you will hear about the sources of toxicity, the diseases caused by toxicity, the symptoms, and treatments for removing toxicity from the body. In our clinic we have many tools and treatments to clean up your bodily environment, as well as your home and office. There are toxins in the water, air and fabrics. Learn how to reduce your exposure to toxins.

  • "What you don't know about your drugs might be hurting you (big time!!") : The dark side of prescription drugs - and how to protect yourself

    10/01/2014 Duração: 57min

    Remember, drugs treat symptoms not causes. During this radio show me and Susan Spence will be reviewing the often neglected adverse impacts that drugs have on nutrient balance, physiological function, mental health including impact on emotions and mood. We will also be discussing alternative strategies for some of the most common conditions and the specific drugs that are used to treat them. Alternative treatment strategies we will be discussing will include diet, nutrient replacement therapies and other holistic approaches. Check out our website: www.shopqhi.com for info on our condition specific package specials with a lot of the supplement protocols we will be discussing on this show. Also go to www.qhiwellness.com for info on our clinic, QHI Wellness or call us at 903 939 2069.

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