Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Magnesium...the magic mineral!



We don’t normally do shows about single nutrients, but this one is so critical, that it deserves a show dedicated to it. Used in over 300 reactions, the energy pathways, detoxification, cardiac system, sleep, immunity, gut, brain and nerve health. Our diets leave 50-70% of the population deficient and soils are depleted by commercial farms. This is one nutrient you cannot live without! You will learn what forms are best to take, how to take them. Hint: can be taken orally or many other different ways! We will also be touching on calcium and other critical minerals that we have to have for optimal health. Check out our magnesium malate on www.shopqhi.com and my book “Heal Thyself, transform your life, transform your health”, which has information on magnesium and other minerals you need.