Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Top 10 things you need to do to get healthy now!



Listen to this radio show if you are struggling with frustrating health challenges and are not getting answers or results. Whether you are struggling with poor energy or have ongoing aches and pains. On this show you will learn about the most important steps you can take TODAY to get your health back on track. First and foremost, we will be talking about overcoming four key blocks to healing. We will also be discussing goal setting, another key to healing. Other subjects that will be covered among the 10 things you need to do to get healthy now, includes: Discover and clear the conflicts programming for disease; figure out what your body needs as far as food and nutrition; increase physical activity and learn how to overcome locks to healthy eating and increasing activity; improve gut health; detox or die; balance your hormones; reduce toxin exposure; reduce exposure to adverse electromagnetic influences. Get a copy of Heal Thyself, Transform your Life, Transform your Health for more information on these