Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)



Hormones and your health are synonymous. Life in human form is impossible without adequate amounts of an array of these biochemical messengers affecting the function of every cell in your body. • Are you waking up at night sweating profusely and feeling like you have a heater stuck on high inside your body? • Has your love life come to a standstill because your libido has taken a leave of absence and lubrication has gone AWOL? • Is your skin shriveling up and wrinkles driving you batty? • Are your bones thinning, are you losing strength and energy, • Is your mental clarity waning, bladder falling out, breasts sagging? • Suffering the blues before your periods, swelling and headaches occurring or just plain moody? With age there is a natural decline in the quantity of these messengers that are directly linked with the aging process. Specific deficiencies bring about specific symptoms. For example deficiency in sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone leads to an array of symptoms and condi