Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Nitric Oxide - Miracle Molecule



Listen and learn about the miracle molecule that already exists in your body waiting to be resurrected to the levels of your youth. This remarkable molecule can help your body to restore and maintain healthy blood pressure, circulation, cardiovascular health, energy, brain health, and sexual enjoyment! This remarkable molecule is called NITRIC OXIDE. It is the very molecule that is elevated by Viagra for better blood flow and the molecule formed during exercise to make blood vessels open wider. Nitric oxide declines with age. Levels start to fall around the age of 30. By the age of 70 year old, we have lost about 75% of the ability to generate Nitric Oxide. 1 or 2 lozenges per day of this wonderful formula we will talk about, starts working within 20 minutes. http://www.shopqhi.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=108