Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Vitamin O - Most Neglected Yet Most Critical Nutrient for Health!!



Oxygen is so critical for health and well-being and yet almost never looked at or recommended in health care. Only when patients start turning blue or are obviously short of breath, do we consider oxygen supplementation in medicine. Learn about the fantastic Health optimizing, life enhancing and regenerative benefits that can be obtained by checking for oxygen deficiency and supplementing oxygen if necessary. At QHI Wellness, we take this nutrient very seriously and use many different strategies like supplementation with oxygen at night, exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT), hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), ozone therapies and altotherapy (high altitude simulation therapy). For more information on O2 therapies, contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069. Also check out my book, Heal Thyself - transform your life, transform your health for more information on oxygen therapies and our website www.qhiwellness.com