Dr Pieter DeWet Live

"What you don't know about your drugs might be hurting you (big time!!") : The dark side of prescription drugs - and how to protect yourself



Remember, drugs treat symptoms not causes. During this radio show me and Susan Spence will be reviewing the often neglected adverse impacts that drugs have on nutrient balance, physiological function, mental health including impact on emotions and mood. We will also be discussing alternative strategies for some of the most common conditions and the specific drugs that are used to treat them. Alternative treatment strategies we will be discussing will include diet, nutrient replacement therapies and other holistic approaches. Check out our website: www.shopqhi.com for info on our condition specific package specials with a lot of the supplement protocols we will be discussing on this show. Also go to www.qhiwellness.com for info on our clinic, QHI Wellness or call us at 903 939 2069.