Dr Pieter DeWet Live



Dr. DeWet has spent his entire career in medicine starting from the time he entered medical school to search for the most effective, least harmful and the most cost effective methods to treat patients with complex health challenges, and currently treats patients from all around the country and worldwide for diseases and health conditions ranging from the most simple to some of the most complex. Dr. DeWet approaches all patients holistically, which means he focuses on body, mind and soul and routinely addresses and assists in the treatment of patients physical, emotional, social, mental, environmental and spiritual issues as it relates to their overall health situation. He is determined to find and treat the root causes of illness in each patient that he sees which is one reason why Dr. DeWet is credited for getting very good results with the majority of his patients, especially those that are willing to make the commitment to heal all aspects of their health challenges.


  • Great Relationships Contribute to Health

    27/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    Great relationships are the most significant contributors to great health while dysfunctional relationships are the greatest contributors to ill health. Join us today as we discuss the direct correlation of relationships and health. We will be hosting a Recall Healing seminar on this subject Feb 14-16. Please call our office for more information. Contact us at 903-939-2069 or visit our website at qhiwellness.com for more information to be posted soon.

  • Relationships - A Recall Healing Perspective

    20/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    Vanessa is our guest today. Our problems with having great relationships began in the womb. Difficulties, and being overwhelmed with life are associated with our relationships with our parents, and other caregivers as a child. Being rejected as a child causes us to feel rejected by others as an adult. Autoimmune diseases begin in the womb. Poor relationships as a child set us up for diseases in later years.

  • Healing Magic with Hormones

    06/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    Discussion regarding HCG and the benefits derived in the area of metabolic problems and weight loss.

  • Holiday Blues!! How to deal with emotional challenges and common psychological illnesses naturally and effectively!

    08/11/2013 Duração: 58min

    This time of year we see more people dealing with depression, anxiety and many other psychological conditions. On this show me we will be discussing common sense solutions other than drugs to conquer them! Will also be reviewing the roots of psychological diseases including the underlying conflict programs, the nutrient deficiencies, toxins affecting moods, diet, lack of exercise. We will be discussing the best and the worst treatments for these conditions. For review of treatment options, contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069, or check out our package specials on www.shopqhi.com including our basic detox package and other supplements used for treatment of various conditions. Also check out my book, Heal Thyself - transform your life, transform your health and Gilbert Renaud's book called Recall Healing - pyramid of health and our numerous Recall Healing DVDs covering various subjects.

  • Radical Health Transformation: Vanessa's story Dr Pieter DeWet Live 11-01-2013

    01/11/2013 Duração: 57min

    140 lbs down and counting, low thyroid, reflux disease, and a multitude of other health problems resolved!! Listen to this show to get the low down on how Vanessa transformed her health and how you can do the same! With 68% of adults overweight, Rates of chronic diseases like diabetes, reflux disease, chronic joint problems and a many others dramatically increasing and health care system at a breaking point because of government interference and conventional medicine focusing on treatment of symptoms rather than causes, time to get radical in how we approach disease. For more information on resources available, contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069. Also go to our website, www.qhiwellness.com.

  • Stress....Most Common and most neglected root cause of disease - Dr Pieter DeWet Live 10-17-2013

    18/10/2013 Duração: 57min

    Disease occurs when the brain, body organs, tissues and cells are impacted by stress. This is the most critical and yet most underappreciated factor programming the body for for disease. In fact disease is a brain solution for overwhelming stress and depending on the type of stress and framework in which it occurs, directs the the brain and body to manifest disease. Dr.Claude Sabah, father of Total Biology and a major contributor to the knowledge base and treatment modality now known as Recall Healing said: Disease is the brain's best solution to keep the person alive as long as possible. Therefore disease is a survival program. He also said: That in order to heal from any disease, it is necessary and sufficient to remove the source of conflict within oneself. The most important source of stress relate to conflicts incurred as a result of emotional and physical traumas during one's lifetime, in the womb and related to biogenealogical traumas related to what happened to our ancesterors in the past (epigeneti

  • Bringing sexy back - 120 pounds down and counting - a success story!

    11/10/2013 Duração: 58min

    Did you know that four of five Americans 25 and older are struggling with their weight? Are you sick and tired of battling with a sluggish metabolism that is affecting your self-confidence, self-esteem, your energy and vitality? What about the financial and personal hardships that so many of you are dealing with contributed to by being overweight or obese, and the frustration of keeping weight off even if you have lost it. Did you know that 98% of people gain all of their weight back and more within 5 years of successful weight loss? Listen to this program if you want to learn about achieving the body you want. Dr. De Wet, author of "Bringing Sexy Back - Transform the body you have into the body you want" will be interviewing the author of his introduction to his book today on this show. John Martin will be sharing his inspiring story of transcending massive odds to achieve phenomenal weight loss, great improvement in his health overall and is now inspiring thousands of others with his success. Lose weight

  • Healing is Voltage - Can Regenerate Tissues

    27/09/2013 Duração: 57min

    So much of what happens to people today has an impact on the electrical charges in our tissues, cells and organs. Stresses, diets, and environmental toxins affect those electrical charges.

  • Don't vaccinate before you educate! - Dr Pieter DeWet Live 08-30-2013

    30/08/2013 Duração: 58min

    Are vaccines safe and health promoting or are there grave reasons for concern related to vaccines. With chronic disease epidemics like Autism, auto immune disease, cancer, all kinds of neurological disorders being seen especially in our children but also in adults, are vaccines contributing to these? Listen to this radio show to learn more as Dr. de Wet interviews two amazing men drawing attention to the dark side of vaccines and the protection of our right to decide whether to get vaccinated or not and whether to vaccinate our children or not. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein is the author of the book, "Don't vaccinate! before you educate" and Alan Phillips, JD. Is the only lawyer in the US dedicating his entire career to protecting the rights of those who refuse to submit to vaccinations. He will share his thoughts on all the legal issues revolving around the issue of vaccinations. - www.QHIWellness.com

  • Radical weight loss - Rehabbing a broken metabolism - HCG and more....

    16/08/2013 Duração: 58min

    My guest on today’s show is a renowned physician and definitely the expert nationwide on HCG. I am honored to have this opportunity to pick his brain and to share my thoughts on other steps besides HCG that can heal virtually any metabolism. Like many new therapies, HCG is not without controversy. The FDA has not approved HCG for weight loss, and says this has not been proven; On this show we will be discussing the HCG protocol and many other exciting vignettes on the steps that can be taken to radically transform virtually anyoe’s broken metabolism. For more information HCG visit www.qhiwellness.com and www.shopqhi.com

  • Restoring mental and physical health by restoring brain health - mapping and reprogramming the brain:

    09/08/2013 Duração: 57min

    Neurofeedback is an emerging technology that is gaining worldwide acceptance through continual positive case studies and research. Research has shown symptoms that are clinically responsive to neurofeedback can include ADD, Addiction, Anxiety, Autism, Depression, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, OCD, Traumatic Brain Injury and more! We will be discussing other common sense solutions to the conditions mentioned. For further information on neuro feedback (Clear Mind) contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069 and look us up on www.qhiwellness.com.

  • Autoimmune Disease Epidemics

    26/07/2013 Duração: 59min

    Learn about the most common forms of Autoimmune Diseases, including Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus (SLE), scleroderma, mixed connective tissue disease, and hashimoto's thyroiditis. Why do they happen and how do we eliminate them completely. Dr. DeWet gives basic principles on how to reverse these conditions, rather than just treating symptoms.

  • Regenerative Medicine - Repairing a Broken Body Part 2

    19/07/2013 Duração: 57min

    Our guest today is Margaret, who has been working on health problems with our clinic for over 6 years. Now we have some new technologies and modalities available which will enable patients to go farther toward healing than ever before. We will be discussing the reasons for cancer also today.

  • Regenerative Medicine - Rebuilding A Broken Body Part 1

    12/07/2013 Duração: 57min

    Most people in our society are on the slippery slope of disease and dysfunction. Can a damaged body be revitalized and even be rebuilt? What does it take to get systems and organs that have lost function to start working again? Amazing results are being achieved with some great new and some older strategies. Some of those are common sense strategies like eating right, exercising, taking the right nutrients, adding health promoting microbes to the gut and balancing hormones. However there are some EXCITING new treatments and technologies that literally are able to regenerate and reactivate broken systems and dysfunctional organs in the body. These include: 1) Intermittent hypoxemia therapy (IHT) for rebuilding healthy cells with increased numbers of and healthier mitochondria (the power houses of our cells) - reactivates sluggish metabolism, dramatically increases stamina and athletic performance, improves functions of heart, lung, kidney, liver, brain and much much more!! 2) Pulsed Electromagnetic Filed The

  • Effective weight loss strategies for the metabolically challenged

    05/07/2013 Duração: 57min

    Are you one of the 68% of adults in this country struggling with excess body weight, or are you dealing with weight related health challenges, having to take pharmaceuticals for these challenges that are leading to more disease creation. The Cost of the Obesity Epidemic: Contributor to pain and suffering; Devaluation – broken self images; Health – contributor to premature death and disease; Cost – massive contributor to national debt; Negative Impact on society; Negative Impact on future generations; Massive increase in health care costs since 1970, with increasing obesity and overweight rates playing a large part. Listen to this radio show to hear about radical, non surgical and non drug based solutions to a broken metabolism. We will be discussing a series of very powerful strategies to reset and rehabilitate sluggish, dysfunctional metabolisms including diets that work but individualized for each person, the Beta HCG weight loss program (with men loosing an average of 30 lbs and women loosing an average of

  • Enemy within - the many faces of Lyme disease and related infections!!

    28/06/2013 Duração: 57min

    Are you struggling with chronic pain, exhausted, can't think straight, little strength and vitality, just plain tapped out. Rest assured, you are not alone. Could you be suffering from a stealth infection that is ruining the health and well being of millions of people world wide? Lyme disease and other associated and similar infections, are rapidly on the rise contributing to or is the causative agent in many if not most that suffer from chronic fatigue, inflammatory arthritic conditions, confusion, memory loss, dementia, autoimmune diseases of all kinds, inflammatory bowel disease and weakened immune system with recurrent infections of any kind. Over 350 different types of illnesses have been linked to Lyme infections and more and more are added to the list every year. Challenges: Hard to diagnose; failure to even consider it in most with chronic illnesses; lack of education of health care providers, hard to treat with treatment failure rates very high; Complications that can include more disease, disabilit

  • Allergies and sinuses driving you crazy?

    31/05/2013 Duração: 57min

    Its that time of year again: Allergies flare up and it can be incredibly hard to get a handle on it. Stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, itching, fatigue and aches can make you feel awful. You're popping those zyrtec, benedryl, allegra, claritin like they are candy. And so many of you have already been on a round or two of antibiotics for a sinus infection or you might be concerned that your sinuses have become infected and might be making Your allergy symptoms worse. Tired of snorting, blowing your nose, waking up in the middle of the night? Consider getting to the root of the problem rather than just dealing with symptoms. You could have a fungus! There are many reasons why people are plagued with allergy problems. The most common are food sensitivities, environmental sensitivities and fungus or low grade bacterial infection in the sinuses. If you are not treating the problem at the core you will not be able to get a handle on it and get real relief. You DO NOT have to deal with this day after day!

  • Health Magic with Water! Revitalizing and energizing with clean, ionized alkaline water.

    24/05/2013 Duração: 57min

    Do you know What's In YOUR Water? Chlorine? Fluoride? Pharmaceuticals? Chemicals? Plastic? Don't think you're safe if you drink bottled or filtered water either. Water is vital to your health. Yet most people either don't drink enough water or drink contaminated acidic water that makes optimal health harder to achieve. Listen to this show to learn everything you need to know about accessing safe, health and vitality promoting water. Learn about alkalizing, revitalizing and energizing with ultra pure, alkalized, ionized water. For more information, go to www.alkaviva.com/PieterdeWet and check out our QHI Wellness website at www.qhiwellness.com for more information on QHI Wellness or call us at 903 939 2069.

  • Primal Panacea - High dose IV Vitamin C

    26/04/2013 Duração: 57min

    On this radio show we revue the indications, benefits and research findings in regards to high dose IV Vitamin C therapy. Benefits according to studies include improved cardiovascular health, anti aging effects, is used in cancer management to minimize side effects of chemotherapy and is even used for treatment of cancer in integrative medical facilities around the world.

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