Men In Gorilla Suits



A weekly philosophical look at pop culture and life.


  • Last Seen...Discussing 2020

    24/12/2020 Duração: 01h24min

    Fuck 2020! (Amirite?) In so many ways, it was a horrible year. But...were there any good moments? The mighty Gorillamen cannot speak for all humankind, but...we considered all that was horrible this year, while still trying to be cheery. Specifically, this is what we talked about: How did you start 2020? When was the first time you suspected the year might not be going well? What were some of the early (pre-pandemic) bright spots of 2020 for you? What were some of the pre-pandemic bad parts of the year? When the pandemic hit, how long did you think it was going to last? What was your first "it can't possibly get any worse"… but then it got worse moment? What were some bright spots in the last 3/4 of 2020? What was your favorite new TV show of this year? Movie? Album/Song? (as always, feel free to come up with a list) What was the best thing about 2020? The worst? The silver lining? What's the future of 2021?

  • Last Seen...Listening to 90s Music

    11/12/2020 Duração: 01h27min

    Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. Now, don't you tell me to smile, 'cause nothing lasts forever -- even cold November rain. And I know it's up for me if you steal my sunshine because nothing compares (nothing compares) to you. So load up on guns and bring your friends; 'cause after all, you're my wonderwall... Yep, we're talking about 90s music! What's discussed this time around: What's the first 90s tune you remember hearing? While radio was still big in the 90s, what other things drove the rise of 90s music? What new style of music that came along in the 90s surprised you? What style of 90s music is your favorite? Why do you think alternative music took hold in the 90s? What is your favorite 90s tune? (Or hell, a list if need be...) Least favorite tune of the 90s? Do you have a favorite concert of the 90s? What 90s tunes do you still go back to? Right at the end of the 90s, Napster came along. How big was peer-to-peer shared mus

  • Last Seen...Discussing American Exceptionalism

    28/11/2020 Duração: 01h16min

    'Murica!!! This time around, we're talking about American Exceptionalism. Specifically these points: When were you first introduced to the idea of American exceptionalism? Do you believe in American exceptionalism? The concept traces back to the mid-1800s. Was America exceptional then? What’s the current state of America? What’s the current state of American exceptionalism? Can exceptionalism be dangerous? What’s actually exceptional about America, if anything? Has American exceptionalism damaged what is actually exceptional about this country? How could we change the idea of exceptionalism for the better? What’s the future of American exceptionalism?

  • Last Seen...Having Crushes

    12/11/2020 Duração: 01h11min

    You catch the gorilla's eye and he quickly looks away. But fuzzy face be damned, you swear his cheeks turn a bit red. You look away, and he glances back and smiles. You go your separate ways, but you cannot stop thinking about that gorilla and maybe, just maybe, you imagine he's probably thinking about you... This time around, the Gorillamen talk all about...crushes: When did you first become aware of crushes? Who, or even what, was your first crush? How do you define a crush? Who are some of your early crushes? Any fictional crushes? Did you ever have a crush on a teacher? Why? Who is your man crush...or even crushes? Besides the guys we just listed, any other current harmless crushes? Why do you think humans develop crushes? Are crushes an issue, or are they harmless? If your spouse has any crushes, are you jealous about them? Do you think crushes can become something more...even delving into the realm of becoming a problem? What is the future of the human crush on others? * * * "I Have a

  • Last Seen...Collecting Things

    29/10/2020 Duração: 01h32min

    We Gorillamen have collected 308 episodes of this show. So it seemed fitting that we talk about collections...specifically... When did you first notice someone collecting something? What was the first thing you collected? Why do we as humans like to collect things? What’s the coolest collectible you’ve seen? What’s the coolest collection? The weirdest? Do you collect anything now? If you could have a world-class collection of anything, what would it be? What’s the worst gift you’ve gotten because someone thought you collected something? Is collecting just another sneaky form of capitalism? What’s the future of collections/collecting?

  • Last Seen...Talking about Community

    15/10/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    Hello, and welcome to the Men in Gorilla Suits community. Membership has its privileges: no message forums, membership cards, or expectations other than, "We're not the bosses of whatever you want!" But there are podcasts, organizations, and so many other things around which communities are built. In fact, that's the topic of this episode. Some of what we talk about: What is your first memory of community? How important is a sense of community to a person's development? What are some communities you have been a part of...or currently still take part in? The online world makes it possible for anyone to try establishing communities. What are some online communities that have impressed you...and why? What are some examples of online communities having a negative effect on society? Have you ever established or managed a community? Do you feel we have a community based around this show...and what is your opinion of it? Do you ever feel like we should do more to create a sense of community base

  • Last Seen...Existing

    29/09/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    Does this podcast really exist? Do you really exist? Does anything actually exist? (Other than the simulation in which we are all trapped.) This time around, we get all deep and talk about our very existence...specifically: When was the first time you realized that you, as a person, actually exist? When was the first time you worried you might not exist? Is it possible that none of us exist? How often do you ponder your existence? The meaning behind it? Do you think people ponder the meaning of their existence enough? What do you do to find purpose? Why are we here? Does how we came into existence matter? (Religious idea vs scientific, etc.) What is, in your opinion, the meaning of life? What is the end of existence?

  • Last Seen...Playing Instruments

    15/09/2020 Duração: 01h16min

    We got through this entire episode without making an instrument = penis joke. Apparently, after 300 episodes, we have become complacent. For that, the Gorillamen apologize. So...this week we talk about hard wood(en) instruments and playing flutes. (But not skin flutes...another opportunity squandered...) It's all about musical instruments. Specifically, here's what we discuss: What's your first memory of someone playing a musical instrument? Do you play any instruments? (What...and how long have you played?) Did you ever take any kind of musical training? How do you teach yourself new musical skills? Have you ever played live music for an audience? Who is the best musician you personally know (and what do they play)? If you could snap your fingers and play any instrument very well, what would you choose? Is there an instrument you feel you'll never play that you still think is very cool? What is it? (And why?) Do you believe playing a musical instrument benefits the person playing? If so, how? H

  • Last Seen...Justifying Things

    04/09/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Gorilla Christopher almost totally forgot to load this! Sad thing: he got a jump on the episode, but didn't get to this part on Wednesday. Were he to justify things, he'd say, "Well, technically, our release date is Friday...Wednesdays just happened along the way..." Or he could have said something about a busy work-week or that things got lost in the excitement of an approaching long weekend in the U.S. But nah, he just totally forgot! Still...this time around, it's all about how people justify things...specifically: When’s the first time you heard someone try to justify something? Do you feel the need to justify your actions/decisions much these days? What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to justify? What are the little things we all justify every day? How do people justify the actions taken by our government lately? The racism, the violence against our own people, the fascism? Is use of force ever justified for private citizens? How about for law enforcement? What’s the most unjust thing you

  • Last Seem...Being Shamed

    20/08/2020 Duração: 01h12min

    "Remember the time that I spilled the cup / Of apple juice in the hall / Please tell mom this is not her fault…" Blink-182 - "Adam's Song" This time around, we're talking about shame… Specifically, this: When did you first become aware of shame? Do you find shame a problematic thing? What's the most shame you've ever felt? What is something society (or even a large group of people) seem ashamed of that doesn't bother you at all? Have you ever shamed others? Do you think shame is used to control people? How damaging do you think shame is for those on the receiving end? We've all heard the saying, "Have you no shame?" Why do you think some people fixate on shame? Do you think shame can ever play a good role in society? What role does shame play in politics? Do you think we'll ever move beyond body shaming people? What's the future of shame?

  • Last Seen...Being Popular

    05/08/2020 Duração: 01h08min

    You wouldn't know it by looking at us, but we have always been popular. The smartest and fittest -- Homecoming Kings...all-state quarterbacks. As adults, we've turned down film roles, eschewed playing in popular bands...even refusing roles as heads of state. Instead, we Gorillamen have chosen to channel all our popularity into a podcast that gets 250-500 listens a month! (Top those numbers, This American Life!!!) Okay, so this week, two unpopular geeks talk about popular things. Specifically, this: When was the first time you heard of a person or thing being popular? When you were a kid, were you concerned with popularity? Was your school/schools when you were young popularity contests? As a (supposed) adult, are you concerned with popularity at all? What’s the most popular thing you’ve done? What are some popular things you like? What are some popular things you hate? Are presidential elections just popularity contests? What’s the future of popularity? 

  • Last Seen...Being Controlling

    23/07/2020 Duração: 01h17min

    Do as we say...not as we do... (The Gorillamen know best...) You will listen to this episode and like it because we made it and we are in control... Okay, so you probably know by now that we are two of the least controlling people on the planet. But it's a good topic worthy of discussion, so...our gift to you (and what we discuss): When did you first become aware of the concept of control? Were you raised in a controlling household? Are you a controlling person? What is your opinion of controlling people? Any interesting stories about dealing with a controlling person? Why do you think some people are controlling? How do you deal with controlling people? How controlling do you think most U.S. workplaces are? What role does control play in politics? Do you think any good comes out of being controlling or having control? (On an individual or even societal level.) What are the downsides of trying to have or maintain control? What is the future of control?

  • Last Seen...Being Middle Aged

    05/07/2020 Duração: 01h18min

    Tick...Tock...the clock never stops. You pull your back toweling off after a shower. Sooooooooo many responsibilities! Youth is in the rear view mirror; being officially "old" shines in the headlights. But it's not all that bad; in fact, it's pretty fuckin' awesome! Welcome to middle age! In this -- the 300th episode of Men in Gorilla Suits -- we discuss: Who was the first person you ever heard described as “middle aged?” When do you believe you reached middle age? When did you first *feel* middle aged? What’s the worst thing about being middle aged? What’s the best thing about being middle aged? What was the worst birthday for you (as far as feeling like you we’re getting older)? Do you think there’s a certain invisibility to young people once you reach a certain age? When you were a kid, what age did you consider “old?” How about now? What sort of “middle aged” problems have you encountered? Which “middle aged” tropes turned out to be bullshit? What’s the perception of middle-aged people

  • Last Seen...Caught by Surprise

    27/06/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    BOOOOOOOOO!!! Ha! Surprised you, eh? Nah? Well, then listen to the Gorillamen talk about these things this time around: What is the first surprising thing you remember? What last surprised you? Do you startle easily? What are your thoughts about the horror movie jump scare? To that point, what role does surprise play in entertainment? (Stories, music, etc.) Your favorite surprise? Your worst surprise? What is the best surprise you ever pulled off? What do you think about surprise parties? What do you think about online reaction or prank videos? Were you surprised when Trump won in 2016? What do you think will be the next big surprise that affects much of the world in some way?

  • Last Seen...Protesting

    13/06/2020 Duração: 01h11min

    If you've listened to the show, you know we believe Black lives matter. You know we believe in underdogs. You know we're the kinds of people the assholes will brand wicked socialists. And we're good with that. We've had our goofy moments over the years, but always strive to listen, learn, and be better. So yeah...this week, we're talking about politics and protests... This is what we talk about: Do you consider yourself a political person? Have you ever been to a protest? Do you think protests work? Would you go to a protest now? What other political actions have you taken? Have you ever worked on a political campaign? Do you think there is a political solution to the current crises in America and the world? Do you think riots are effective political action? What’s your opinion of the current protests/riots? What’s the future of political action?

  • Last Seen...Adventuring

    30/05/2020 Duração: 01h31min

    May 29, 2020: We have run out of food in the arctic. Having eaten the sled dogs, we Gorillamen decided our last act would be recording a podcast. Good friends that we are, each offering their life for the other, we decided to let nature survive. One of us might make it after eating the other should one of us die first. But it is possible, as cold as it is, that we might not make it through the night... This episode, we're talking about these fine topics of adventure: When did you first become aware of the concept of adventure? How do you define adventure? What is the appeal of adventure? What’s your earliest memory of an adventure you took part in? What’s your best (or a couple best) adventure experiences? Your worst? How important is adventure in your life? What is your favorite adventure story? (Can be a book, movie, song…anything…) Must something be big in order to be an adventure? What do you think stops people from living adventurously? Do you think younger you would be pleased with the level o

  • Last Seen...Talking about Capitalism

    15/05/2020 Duração: 01h19min

    Could probably just drop the lyrics to Fugazi's "Merchandise" here and call it a wrap... This week, it's all about capitalism: When were you first aware that things cost money? When were you first introduced to the idea of an economy? What’s the first major purchase you remember someone making? What’s the first major purchase you made on your own? How do your major and minor purchases affect society? Is our current system of capitalism different to the one you remember from 20-30 years ago? Is capitalism a good way to run a society? Is an economy more important than the people in that society? How would you change our current system of capitalism, if at all? Is there a better system already out there? Or do we need something new to replace capitalism? What’s the future of (American) capitalism?

  • Last Seen...Eating Pizza

    30/04/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    In Gorilla Christopher's efforts to not talk about that thing everyone is talking about, this week we talk about...PIZZA!!! Here's a peek at the points: When did you first become aware of pizza? When’s the last time you ate pizza? What, to you, makes a pizza great? Why do you think pizza is so popular? Worst pizza you ever had? Your all-time favorite pizza? Have you ever worked in the pizza industry in any way? What are your favorite pizza toppings? Where do you stand on what’s deemed as untraditional toppings...things like pineapple or weird fusiony things? What is your favorite untraditional topping or full pizza? If you had to pick a side in the thin pizza vs. deep dish battle, who’s side are you on? What is the future of pizza?

  • Last Seen...Quarantined

    17/04/2020 Duração: 01h28min

    Dearest listeners. While the pandemic is far-reaching, we Gorillamen are doing as well as can be expected. Such dire circumstances, but we must strive for some semblance of our lives before March, when the vapors strongly made its presence known. But if history tells us nothing else, it's that those of us who stay in place and consider many things have the greatest odds of weathering through. To that end, Gorilla Shawn and Gorilla Christopher communicated recently through telegraph, creating a thing that history may remember one day as a "podcast." While they realize many may be exhausted by the constant drumming of newsboys and news moguls, it is important to share our own stories, so one day one may look back and live history through our eyes. To that end, we offer this show... These items are discussed: How long have you been doing the stay-at-home thing? Did you start before or after someone recommended it? When did your town/county officially order you to stay at home? How are you holding

  • Last Seen...Being Forgiving

    02/04/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    With the world in a weird state right now, the Gorillamen have thought about addressing Da Covidz, but instead...Gorilla Christopher opted for something more inspirational...forgiveness. (He almost went with Pizza as the topic, so expect that next time it's his call...) Anyway, here we go... When did you first become aware of forgiveness? Are you a very forgiving person? What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever forgiven? Is there anything you can’t forgive? How does living in a world that demands speed, perfection, and getting what you want (sometimes, at any cost) affect forgiveness? What are some benefits of forgiveness? Who’s the most forgiving person you know? What do you think of those who equate forgiveness to weakness? How important do you think forgiveness is to living a happy life? Some people joke about odd “unforgivable things” like putting pineapple on pizza, beans in chili, or wearing white after Labor Day. Other people take those things seriously. What do you think about how people react

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