Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Discussing 2020



Fuck 2020! (Amirite?) In so many ways, it was a horrible year. But...were there any good moments? The mighty Gorillamen cannot speak for all humankind, but...we considered all that was horrible this year, while still trying to be cheery. Specifically, this is what we talked about: How did you start 2020? When was the first time you suspected the year might not be going well? What were some of the early (pre-pandemic) bright spots of 2020 for you? What were some of the pre-pandemic bad parts of the year? When the pandemic hit, how long did you think it was going to last? What was your first "it can't possibly get any worse"… but then it got worse moment? What were some bright spots in the last 3/4 of 2020? What was your favorite new TV show of this year? Movie? Album/Song? (as always, feel free to come up with a list) What was the best thing about 2020? The worst? The silver lining? What's the future of 2021?