Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seem...Being Shamed



"Remember the time that I spilled the cup / Of apple juice in the hall / Please tell mom this is not her fault…" Blink-182 - "Adam's Song" This time around, we're talking about shame… Specifically, this: When did you first become aware of shame? Do you find shame a problematic thing? What's the most shame you've ever felt? What is something society (or even a large group of people) seem ashamed of that doesn't bother you at all? Have you ever shamed others? Do you think shame is used to control people? How damaging do you think shame is for those on the receiving end? We've all heard the saying, "Have you no shame?" Why do you think some people fixate on shame? Do you think shame can ever play a good role in society? What role does shame play in politics? Do you think we'll ever move beyond body shaming people? What's the future of shame?