Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Protesting



If you've listened to the show, you know we believe Black lives matter. You know we believe in underdogs. You know we're the kinds of people the assholes will brand wicked socialists. And we're good with that. We've had our goofy moments over the years, but always strive to listen, learn, and be better. So yeah...this week, we're talking about politics and protests... This is what we talk about: Do you consider yourself a political person? Have you ever been to a protest? Do you think protests work? Would you go to a protest now? What other political actions have you taken? Have you ever worked on a political campaign? Do you think there is a political solution to the current crises in America and the world? Do you think riots are effective political action? What’s your opinion of the current protests/riots? What’s the future of political action?