Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Playing Instruments



We got through this entire episode without making an instrument = penis joke. Apparently, after 300 episodes, we have become complacent. For that, the Gorillamen apologize. So...this week we talk about hard wood(en) instruments and playing flutes. (But not skin flutes...another opportunity squandered...) It's all about musical instruments. Specifically, here's what we discuss: What's your first memory of someone playing a musical instrument? Do you play any instruments? (What...and how long have you played?) Did you ever take any kind of musical training? How do you teach yourself new musical skills? Have you ever played live music for an audience? Who is the best musician you personally know (and what do they play)? If you could snap your fingers and play any instrument very well, what would you choose? Is there an instrument you feel you'll never play that you still think is very cool? What is it? (And why?) Do you believe playing a musical instrument benefits the person playing? If so, how? H