Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Justifying Things



Gorilla Christopher almost totally forgot to load this! Sad thing: he got a jump on the episode, but didn't get to this part on Wednesday. Were he to justify things, he'd say, "Well, technically, our release date is Friday...Wednesdays just happened along the way..." Or he could have said something about a busy work-week or that things got lost in the excitement of an approaching long weekend in the U.S. But nah, he just totally forgot! Still...this time around, it's all about how people justify things...specifically: When’s the first time you heard someone try to justify something? Do you feel the need to justify your actions/decisions much these days? What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to justify? What are the little things we all justify every day? How do people justify the actions taken by our government lately? The racism, the violence against our own people, the fascism? Is use of force ever justified for private citizens? How about for law enforcement? What’s the most unjust thing you