Men In Gorilla Suits



A weekly philosophical look at pop culture and life.


  • Last Seen...Listening to Country Music

    19/03/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    Get along, all ya self-quarantining little doggies and listen to the Gorillamen talk about country music! (From Texas, no less!) Yeeeeeee-hawwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! What was the first country song you remember hearing? What was your impression of country music when you were younger? What's your impression of country music now? What makes country music popular? Are any of the stereotypes about country music (and its fans) true? When were you most into country music? What made you tune out of country music? Who is the best all-time country artist for you? Best all time country song? Worst All Time Artist? Worst all time song? Is there any country you're into currently? What's the future of country music?

  • Last Seen...Eating Plants

    06/03/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    Once the perceived domain of crunchy hippies, vegetarianism is much more than Birkenstock sandal-wearing hipsters who smell like patchouli. Around the world, it is the diet of many faithful sects; it sustains many top athletes; it is embraced by Hollywood and your average person alike. Dare we say it has even seen mainstream success in recent years? While one of the Gorillamen has not eaten meat since well before the start of Men in Gorilla Suits, we have yet to discuss eating plants. So...this time around, we change that! Here's what we chat about: What is your earliest memory of the concept of not eating meat? Are you now, or have you ever been, a vegetarian or vegan? (If so, when and why?) Why do you think there's a growth of vegetarians and vegans in the world right now? Vegans especially have a reputation for being pushy in their views. Do you think there's truth to that? Along those lines, why do you think some people are so aggressively opposed to the idea of not eating meat – to the point

  • Last Seen...Talking about Multi-Level Marketing

    20/02/2020 Duração: 01h15min

    We here at Men in Gorilla Suits are looking for 25 self-motivated people to join our team! Get in on the ground floor and make as much -- or as little -- money as you'd like. Great opportunity for stay-at-home moms or anyone wanting a side hustle that will break them free from the bonds of their 9-to-5 day jobs. Set your own hours -- be your own boss! We'll be visiting your airport Marriott soon, so sign up now! This week, we're talking about multi-level marketing schemes. (Oh, wait...we're calling it "network marketing" these days...) Here's what we discuss: What’s the first pyramid scheme you ever heard of? The first one you experienced? Has anyone ever tried to get you into an MLM/pyramid scheme? Have you ever fallen for one in any way, including buying the products? Why do people fall for pyramid schemes and MLMs? Should MLMs be illegal? Are all MLMs bad? Are there any good MLM products? What’s the worst MLM you’ve ever heard of or experienced? What’s the future of pyramid schemes/MLMs?

  • Last Seen...Unemployed

    05/02/2020 Duração: 01h29min

    Friday, February 7, marks the completion of Year Seven of Men in Gorilla Suits! While we've never taken the Two-Guys-Talking-About-Random-Things podcast genre by storm, we'd be lying if we said seeing the growth we've had over the years didn't mean anything to us. So, to all who listen...THANK YOU!!! Okay, and now on to the latest episode, which is all about...unemployment! Here's what's discussed: Who is the first working person you remember who ended up facing unemployment? When was the last time you were unemployed? What is the longest you've ever been unemployed? Why do you think some people absolutely freak out when they are faced with unemployment? How is unemployment damaging? We've touted strong employment rates for close to a decade in the U.S. Do you think things are as strong as politicians claim? Do you think companies prey on people they know are unemployed or underemployed? Have you ever been unemployed by design (i.e. quit and not had another job lined up)? What do you dislike m

  • Last Seen...Being Retro

    22/01/2020 Duração: 01h18min

    Break out the Rubik's Cubes and spin that vinyl ya damned hipster -- this time around the Gorillamen are getting Retro! Here is what's discussed... * * * What was the first thing you heard described as retro? What’s your favorite retro thing right now? What’s something you thought was dead that was brought back because of its retro appeal? What’s the best retro trend? The worst? Why do you think retro stuff is so popular right now? If you could bring back any product from your childhood, what would it be? Were things better “back in your day?” Have you ever seen a retro thing that was way worse than you remember the original being? Way better? What’s the future past of retro?

  • Last Seen...Talking about Toxic Masculinity

    08/01/2020 Duração: 01h35min

    This week, we're nailing bitches and battlin''s all about toxic masculinity! [And if you're completely new...uhm...we're not fans of toxic masculinity. Gorilla Shawn is currently at DisneyWorld and Gorilla Christopher just helped his wife of 27+ years with the lunchtime dishes...] Anyway, here's what we talk about this time around: When did you first hear about toxic masculinity? Growing up, were there toxic males close to you in life? Who? (And how do you think that affects boys?) Why do you think toxic masculinity exists? Have you ever been a toxic male? How? Is the very term "toxic masculinity" too broad a term? (i.e. Is it too easy to just dispel anything one doesn't like as toxic?) What do you think about those who say this is all blown out of proportion -- that men are just being men? How do you think we combat those who say it's all just the way men are? Can a guy be both tough but tender without being labeled toxic? Do you think the current political state plays a role in toxic m

  • Last Seen...Reviewing 2019

    27/12/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Gorilla Shawn decided a look back at the year that was would be snazzy...and Gorilla Christopher agreed. So, here's what we thought about 2019... * * * What was the first thing this year you thought was cool? What was the best thing that happened to you this year? Worst thing? Best thing that happened in the world? Worst? Favorite episode of men in gorilla suits? Favorite other piece of media from this year? Thing you wish you’d done this year? Thing you wish you’d done better this year? What’s your hope for next year?

  • Last Seen...Talking About Funerals

    13/12/2019 Duração: 01h24min

    This week, we're talking about the most fun you can have staring at a dead body: funerals! (Well, most fun for most of us...the Gorillamen do not want to think of what would do it for many others...) * * * What is the first funeral you remember? What do you see as the role of funerals in society? How much do you think social norms factor into funerals? Have you seen any breaks from traditional mores where funerals are involved? Any changes you’d like to see? Have you ever had to arrange or help in some way with a funeral? What did you think? What are your thoughts about the funeral industry? When you die, do you want a funeral? If so, what would you like? What’s the best funeral you ever attended? What’s the worst funeral you ever attended? What is your favorite movie, book, or song about funerals? If you could attend any funeral in history, which one would you attend? What is the future of funerals?

  • Last Seen...Streaming Things

    28/11/2019 Duração: 01h38min

    Gorilla Christopher has been sick for a week, and it's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., so let's get right to what we chat about this episode...about streaming services. * * * When was the first time you heard of a streaming service? (Music or video)? What’s the first streaming service you used? How many streaming services do you use now? How many are paid vs. unpaid? How much do you spend on streaming? What’s your favorite streaming service? What’s the worst streaming service? Do you still subscribe to cable/satellite or other TV? Have you ever subscribed to a streaming service for one show only? Is streaming a threat to traditional media? Is that a bad thing if it is? How has streaming changed your daily life, if at all? What’s the future of streaming?

  • Last Seen...Complaining

    14/11/2019 Duração: 01h15min

    Instead of complaining about how busy this week is for Gorilla Christopher, he's just going to post what he and Gorilla Shawn talked about this week: When were you first aware of this thing called complaining? Are you much of a complainer? When you do complain, what do you tend to complain about? How well do you handle being around people who complain? Why do you think some people complain as much as they do? What role do you think social media has played in complaining? Where do you hear most of the complaining you’re exposed to? Do you think complaining accomplishes much? What do you most dislike hearing people complain about? Do you think complaining can become almost addictive? If someone wanted to stop complaining as much as they might, what advice would you give them? What is the future of complaining?

  • Last Seen...Being Tourists

    01/11/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    Once you set foot on any Disney property, the sounds and colors will haunt your life for the rest of your days. This week, we're talking about tourism. Specifically: When’s the first time you remember hearing of the idea of traveling for fun, or to go see a thing/event? When was your first “touristy” trip? When you travel, is it for tourism, or is it task-oriented? (“I’m going to New York to see the Empire State Building” vs. “I’m going to New York for a work thing.”) What’s the most touristy thing you’ve ever done? What touristy thing do you hate? What touristy thing do you want to do? What’s something that you’ve gone somewhere to see, but very few people would even bother to seek out? Do you wish you could travel for leisure more? Have you ever worked in the tourism industry? Have you ever had to deal with tourists? What’s the future of tourism?

  • Last Seen...Being Stoic

    18/10/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    Some weeks, there are things you just have to accept. Not that it was a bad week, but Gorilla Christopher was like [to himself]: "'ll get the episode up at some point...worst case, Gorilla Shawn's always got your back..." So here it is, in its snazzy glory...all about...stoicism... * * * This is how it flows: When did you first become aware of stoicism? Do you consider yourself stoic? Whether or not you consider yourself stoic, what are some of your stoic moments in life? What are some good things about stoicism or being stoic? What are some bad things about being stoic? Do you think stoicism is avoidance? And along that line of thinking, many will argue stoicism is anything BUT avoidance, because you are always prepared to deal with the worst. Do you think that’s a realistic way of looking at the world? A tenet of stoicism is accepting the things you can and cannot control. Doing something about those things you can control…and letting the things you cannot roll off you. Your thought

  • Last Seen...Being Suburban

    03/10/2019 Duração: 01h21min

    Sprawling on the fringes of the city In geometric order An insulated border In between the bright lights And the far, unlit unknown - Rush "Subdivisions" This week, it's all about the suburbs! Here's what we talk about: How long have you lived in the suburbs? What’s the first time you heard a mention of the suburbs? Have you ever lived in the limits of a big city? Which do you prefer? The suburbs or the city? What’s the draw of suburbia for most people? For us? What’s the most suburban thing you’ve seen? What’s the most suburban thing you’ve done? Is there really a difference in kids/people raised in the suburbs and those in the city? What about suburbs vs country/rural? What’s your preference there? Are the suburbs a good invention, or a bad one? What’s the future of the suburbs?

  • Last Seen...Being Determined

    18/09/2019 Duração: 01h20min

    Because Gorilla Christopher is determined to get some writing in during his lunch break, here's what we chat about this week: When did you first become aware of determination? Are you a very determined person? What is the best thing, to you, about determination? What is the worst thing, to you, about determination? Who is the most determined person you know? Do you think there's anything wrong with not being a determined person? Can one be determined without being ambitious? As a society, do you think we place too much importance on being determined? Is there anything you are determined to do before you die? What's something you were once determined to do that you aren't anymore? What advice would you give to someone who wants to be more determined to do the things they want to do in life? We usually end by talking about the future. As we stare climate change in the face, do you think humanity is determined to actually do something about it?

  • Last Seen...Being Talented

    04/09/2019 Duração: 01h19min

    Very few people know Gorilla Shawn is a concert pianist and Gorilla Christopher is a chamber cellist. We are tops when it comes to our Mensa scores. Christopher swam the English Channel...under water, while holding his breath. Shawn can assemble furniture with his mind. Don't even get us started on our mad dance skills. But still...we are the most talented gorillas you will ever meet, and we combine all our talents into the most important thing you will listen to this week: the two of us talking about...talent! * * * We begin the episode discussing when we first realized some people were inherently better than others at certain tings...and then talk about when we first learned what talent was. Find out if we were aware of our talents when we were younger and what we did to discover them. After that, we chat about the most talented people we knew growing up. We devote a bit of time to talking about what we feel we're talented at doing -- and then discuss what we wish we were truly talented at

  • Last Seen...Making Bucket Lists

    23/08/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    All we ever wanted in life was to say we recorded 277 episodes of Men in Gorilla Suits. Check that off the bucket list, babeeeeeeee!!! * * * This is what we're talking about this week: When did you first hear of bucket lists? Do you have a bucket list? What is your opinion of bucket lists? What effect does social media have on bucket lists? What is the best thing about bucket lists? What is the worst thing about bucket lists? Are bucket lists the domain of the privileged? What are the top things on your bucket list? Is there something on your bucket list you'll likely never do? What's your oddest bucket list item? Do you think an unfinished bucket list is a sad thing? What is the future of the bucket list?

  • Last Seen...Talking to Strangers

    08/08/2019 Duração: 01h33min

    We don't care about SEO…we only care about talking about what we want to talk about… [Shawn is like, "Damn, Chris…we're trending in South Korea and Malaysia…be cool, manl! Be cool!"] (If he only saw the paragraph I deleted...) He is right, though: Chill, Chris…chill… And for those of you who listen to the show to hear English, the "CH" in Christopher is NOT the CH in Chill. (Also, thank you for listening. We'd rather people in South Korea and Malaysia listen than some angry redneck. But stalwart rednecks are okay with us...) English…it's wacky! Anyway...Shawn sings a lot in this episode...and makes Gorilla-Christopher sing along, so we're all golden! * * * What we talk about this week: Define a stranger. Were you warned of “stranger danger” when you were a child? Who is the strangest stranger you’ve ever met? Are we, as a society, too afraid of strangers in general (like as in the Neighbors app, or immigration, etc)? Our fears of others don't match reality. What’s the worst interaction

  • Last Seen...Making Things

    25/07/2019 Duração: 01h17min

    So busy making things this week that we don't have time to tell you all the things we are making.'s what we talk about this week! (Now Gorilla Christopher is going to go make lunch for tomorrow...) What is the first thing you remember seeing being made? What was the first thing you remember making? Why make things when you can just buy stuff? What are some kinds of making skills you’d like to learn? Why? What is something you recently made that you thought was cool? What is the coolest thing you've ever made? Is there something you really want to make, but haven't gotten around to? What prevents you from making certain things? Why do you think things like maker's groups have become so popular? Do you think society loses (or gains) something when people have everything made for them and cannot make things themselves? Where do things like 3D printers, laser cutters, and other things fit into making things? Do they make it all too easy? What is the future of making things?

  • Last Seen...Talking About Corporations

    10/07/2019 Duração: 01h19min

    "Yeah, uhm...we're gonna need you to come into work tomorrow. I know, I's 4:49 on a Friday and you're about to leave, but...we have a lot to do, so we're working this weekend. Oh, you have plans? Plans can be cancelled...I mean, it's not like your kid isn't going to go on to play professional baseball if they're just on some lowly city league. They're already too far behind. The best they will become is someone just like you who will one day work on Saturdays for a bigger cause. Oh, by the way...I know your property has been in your family for generations, but we lobbied local officials and we all agree that the town would benefit more from taxes once a strip mall is built there, so just remember: you're getting a fair price when we assert eminent domain. Seeya tomorrow..." This week, we're talking about corporations! Here's the list of what we discuss: What was the first corporation you were aware of? What’s the first corporation you were a part of in any way? Do corporations have too much

  • Last Seen...Facing Consequences

    26/06/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Apparently the consequence of having a day job when there's a wicked cold going around the northern part of the Lone Star State is that you might catch that cold by going into the office. The Gorillamen are in different stages of that cold, so please ignore any snarfiness in this episode. Also, we're just going to get straight to what we talked about this episode: When did you first learn there were consequences for certain actions? How much did consequences factor into your life when you were younger? How much do consequences factor into your life today? Do you think perceived consequences are often valid or are they overhyped? Neither of us have kids, but let's pretend we do. What consequences do you feel are most important to explain to a younger person? How does discipline factor into consequences? What is one lax action and consequence you wished you'd heeded more? What do you think about systems set up to measure results and force consequences (e.g. annual performance reviews)? Do you think it'

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