Tess Of The D'urbervilles By Thomas Hardy

Her father compels her to visit the biggest mansion in the village to claim kin with the aristocratic d'Urberville family. She falls prey to the debauched son of the house and...

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Woodlanders (version 2), The by HARDY, Thomas

The Woodlanders is one of Hardys later novels, although he originally intended it as a successor to Far From The Madding Crowd. It concerns the life and loves of Giles...

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Hand of Ethelberta, The by HARDY, Thomas

Ethelberta was raised in humble circumstances but became a governess and consequently, at the age of 18, married well. However, her husband died two weeks after the wedding. Her...

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Thomas Hobbes: Do Poder À Soberania Do Estado

Nesta coletânea de estudos sobre Thomas Hobbes, diferentes autores abordam um tema comumente relacionado à sua filosofia, a saber: quais são as condições, os critérios e os...

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Manual De Arqueologia Bíblica Thomas Nelson

AS MAIS SIGNIFICANTES DESCOBERTAS ARQUEOLÓGICAS relacionadas a todos os livros da Bíblia.Leigos, pastores, estudantes, acadêmicos e qualquer um que esteja procurando por um...

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Thomas Sowell e a aniquilação de falácias ideológicas

Thomas Sowell especializou-se em dinamitar o grande edifício do politicamente correto. Desde as primeiras páginas do seu corpus escrito este ponto resta claro: as coisas são o...

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Thomas Edison: Biografia De Um Genial Inventor E Empreendedor

Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio, 11 de fevereiro de 1847 — West Orange, Nova Jérsei, 18 de outubro de 1931) foi um inventor e empresário americano que desenvolveu muitos...

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Memórias De Um Colono No Brasil - Thomas Davatz

Memórias de um Colono no Brasil é um livro único e de valor inestimável, escrito por Thomas Davatz, um imigrante suiço que veio para Brasil trabalhar  numa fazenda. Davatz...

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Far From The Madding Crowd By Thomas Hardy

This story opens with a lovely, poor and proud young woman who lives with her aunt. The young woman saves the life of a farmer who subsequently falls in love with her. However,...

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Song of the Soldiers' Wives by HARDY, Thomas

Thomas Hardy is regarded as one of the best English novelists. His novels are heartbreaking, unconventional, sad and lyrical. He also wrote many poems. This is one of the best....

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