Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Unemployed



Friday, February 7, marks the completion of Year Seven of Men in Gorilla Suits! While we've never taken the Two-Guys-Talking-About-Random-Things podcast genre by storm, we'd be lying if we said seeing the growth we've had over the years didn't mean anything to us. So, to all who listen...THANK YOU!!! Okay, and now on to the latest episode, which is all about...unemployment! Here's what's discussed: Who is the first working person you remember who ended up facing unemployment? When was the last time you were unemployed? What is the longest you've ever been unemployed? Why do you think some people absolutely freak out when they are faced with unemployment? How is unemployment damaging? We've touted strong employment rates for close to a decade in the U.S. Do you think things are as strong as politicians claim? Do you think companies prey on people they know are unemployed or underemployed? Have you ever been unemployed by design (i.e. quit and not had another job lined up)? What do you dislike m