Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Being Stoic



Some weeks, there are things you just have to accept. Not that it was a bad week, but Gorilla Christopher was like [to himself]: "'ll get the episode up at some point...worst case, Gorilla Shawn's always got your back..." So here it is, in its snazzy glory...all about...stoicism... * * * This is how it flows: When did you first become aware of stoicism? Do you consider yourself stoic? Whether or not you consider yourself stoic, what are some of your stoic moments in life? What are some good things about stoicism or being stoic? What are some bad things about being stoic? Do you think stoicism is avoidance? And along that line of thinking, many will argue stoicism is anything BUT avoidance, because you are always prepared to deal with the worst. Do you think that’s a realistic way of looking at the world? A tenet of stoicism is accepting the things you can and cannot control. Doing something about those things you can control…and letting the things you cannot roll off you. Your thought