Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Talking About Funerals



This week, we're talking about the most fun you can have staring at a dead body: funerals! (Well, most fun for most of us...the Gorillamen do not want to think of what would do it for many others...) * * * What is the first funeral you remember? What do you see as the role of funerals in society? How much do you think social norms factor into funerals? Have you seen any breaks from traditional mores where funerals are involved? Any changes you’d like to see? Have you ever had to arrange or help in some way with a funeral? What did you think? What are your thoughts about the funeral industry? When you die, do you want a funeral? If so, what would you like? What’s the best funeral you ever attended? What’s the worst funeral you ever attended? What is your favorite movie, book, or song about funerals? If you could attend any funeral in history, which one would you attend? What is the future of funerals?