Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Talking about Multi-Level Marketing



We here at Men in Gorilla Suits are looking for 25 self-motivated people to join our team! Get in on the ground floor and make as much -- or as little -- money as you'd like. Great opportunity for stay-at-home moms or anyone wanting a side hustle that will break them free from the bonds of their 9-to-5 day jobs. Set your own hours -- be your own boss! We'll be visiting your airport Marriott soon, so sign up now! This week, we're talking about multi-level marketing schemes. (Oh, wait...we're calling it "network marketing" these days...) Here's what we discuss: What’s the first pyramid scheme you ever heard of? The first one you experienced? Has anyone ever tried to get you into an MLM/pyramid scheme? Have you ever fallen for one in any way, including buying the products? Why do people fall for pyramid schemes and MLMs? Should MLMs be illegal? Are all MLMs bad? Are there any good MLM products? What’s the worst MLM you’ve ever heard of or experienced? What’s the future of pyramid schemes/MLMs?