Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West



Audio Podcast from Dr Melissa West Real Yoga for Real People Includes my weekly Yoga show and short podcasts discussing all things yoga.


  • Legs Up the Wall Yoga for Nervous System Healing | YWM 670

    20/10/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    In this healing nervous system restorative yoga class we focus on the healing power of support through self-regulation. In this class, we create the conditions for support and nervous system healing with the wall. The wall and the earth together are the foundations that will invite deeper nervous system healing. When we find ourselves fully supported by props, such as the strap and the wall, a co-regulated relationship with ourselves emerges. This class invites you into a nervous system healing protocol that offers an easy step by step process for healing. Legs Up the Wall Yoga for Nervous System Healing Sequence Legs up the Wall Hamstring Stretch R & L Half Happy Baby R & L Figure Four R & L Twist Right and Left Goddess Legs up the Wall An Autumn Day Perfect for Getting Things Done, But by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer Props Needed: Wall, Yoga Strap

  • Restorative Yoga for Immune System Support | YWM 669

    14/10/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    This 60-minute Restorative Yoga class designed to support your immune system. In this session, we'll explore therapeutic poses that are designed to activate your lymphatic system, thymus glands and vagus nerve. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, the restorative yoga poses encourage relaxation and reduce the production of stress hormones which suppress your immune system. There are several poses which support lymphatic drainage and production which aid in toxin removal and enhance your immune system's effectiveness. Throughout the class we will also focus on postures and breath practices to support your respiratory health and activate your parasympathetic nervous system which will also improve sleep quality, and reduce inflammation. These restorative yoga poses are designed to assist in improving lymph production and therefore toxin removal and support immune cell circulation in your body. Restorative Yoga Immune Support Pose Sequence 1. Legs Up the Wall 2. Supported Fish Pose 3. Body Tappin

  • Vagus Nerve Reset Gentle Hatha Yoga | YWM 668 – 60 Mins

    07/10/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    Our vagus nerve sends signals from our internal organs to our brain. When it is balanced and engaged we feel open and curious, compassionate and mindful, in the present moment, we are able to ask for help and offer it in return, we feel safe and connected (to ourselves and our environment). Sometimes we need to “reset” our vagus nerve if we are experiencing sympathetic arousal of our nervous system (anxious & irritable, angry, fight or flight, stuck in worry) or if we are stuck in shut-down (which can look like sleeping a lot, lack of motivation, depression, dissociation, numbness and helplessness). This yoga class is a great class to practice daily to bring you back into ventral vagal activation so that you can go with the flow, meet the demands of the day, be grounded in the present moment and give and receive help with and from others.

  • Gentle Hatha Yoga to Soothe Overwhelm & Body Tension | YWM 667

    16/09/2023 Duração: 50min

    This gentle hatha yoga class will support you in dealing with information overload, overstimulation, overwhelm and nervous system regulation. By easing your way back into your body with gentle and grounding yoga practices we can support nervous system dysregulation symptoms like anxiety, energy drain, and releasing intense emotions. Gentle and supportive movements will reduce physical tension and the muscular holding patterns that often accompany nervous system dysregulation. Gentle hatha yoga practices like this support us in self-regulating allowing us to respond to the ongoing stresses of life so that we can increase our capacity to navigate this strongly transitional time. Gentle Hatha Yoga to Soothe Overwhelm & Body Tension Sequence Somatic Breathing with Grounding Touch Reclined Somatic Embodiment Sleeping Pigeon Reclined Twist Knee to Chest Pose Cat Pose Lunge Pose Eye Yoga Tadasana Qigong Inspired Sequence Dancer Standing Pigeon Cobra Malasana Reclined Twist Somatic Breathing with Grounding Touch Poe

  • Intro to 5 Element Theory Yin Yoga Wood Element | YWM 666

    01/09/2023 Duração: 54min

    This is the second class in a 5-class series that will introduce you to 5 - element theory in 1 hour yin yoga classes. We will begin by describing what 5 element theory is. From there we will go into wood element, its organs, meridians, the emotions associated with it, the colour and direction. Intro to 5 Element Theory Yin Yoga Wood Element Sequence Centering Butterfly Bananasana Hand to Big Toe Pose Broken Wing Pose Eye Yoga Reclined Butterfly Props Needed: Bolster, 2 blocks, yoga strap, meditation cushion Poem: Forgiveness by Mary McCue

  • Intro to 5 Element Theory Yin Yoga Water Element | YWM 665

    25/08/2023 Duração: 53min

    This is the first class in a 5-class series that will introduce you to 5 - element theory in 1 hour yin yoga classes. We will begin by describing what 5 element theory is. From there we will go into water element, its organs, meridians, the emotions associated with it, the colour and direction. Intro to 5 Element Theory Yin Yoga Water Element | YWM 665 Sequence Wide Legged Child’s Pose Sphinx Pose Half Happy Baby pose Half Caterpillar Dragonfly Reclined Bound Angle Savasana Props Needed: Bolster, Yoga Strap, Folded Blanket, Blocks Poem: Wintering by Sandra Lim

  • Yoga Nidra to Soothe Chronic Pain | Yoga with Melissa 664

    17/08/2023 Duração: 34min

    This transformative Yoga Nidra practice designed to soothe chronic pain. In this session, I offer an alternative approach that doesn't involve suppressing or denying your suffering, nor does it require you to reach some elevated spiritual state. Instead, I invite you to embark on a journey of curiosity and courage, gently exploring uncharted territories within yourself. As you navigate the waves of pain, you will be invited to witness how your heart contracts and observe the stories woven by your thinking mind in response to this perfectly natural human response to pain. This intimate and honest exploration provides new ways to relate to your physical pain. Visualize this Yoga Nidra as a compassionate embrace, tenderly holding your heart's suffering and facilitating the release of the narratives created by your mind. By freeing yourself from the stories generated by your mind, a shift occurs. The pain transforms from an overwhelming burden to a dynamic field of sensations. Embrace the openness and presence

  • Powerful Full Body Self Connection Yin Yang Yoga | YWM 663

    17/08/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Welcome to a powerful Yin Yang Yoga class, focused on cultivating full-body self-connection. This practice combines elements of strength and surrender, offering a balanced experience for your body and mind. We begin with 30 minutes of yin yoga and Butterfly pose, encouraging self-connection and the recognition of our inner refuge. Trusting in our own presence, we can navigate life's complexities with more ease and find contentment in caring for ourselves. Moving into Pigeon pose, we explore appropriate edges, embracing grace, gratitude, and acceptance. Stillness becomes our guide, allowing the magic of yin yoga to unfold, nurturing our bones, joints, and meridians. Surrender to gravity and the sensations, experiencing the power of non-doing. In Bananasana, we deepen our self-connection, building trust in ourselves and our lives. Transitioning to the 30 minute yang/hatha portion, we engage in a series of dynamic poses, including Hand to Big Toe Pose, Bridge Pose, Dead Bug Pose, Cat Pose, Side Plank, Downwar

  • Nurture a Peaceful Heart Full Body Yin Yang Yoga | YWM 662

    07/07/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    In this yin yang yoga class to nurture a peaceful heart, we will dedicate the first 30 minutes to gentle and intentional yin postures to cultivate tranquility and inner peace. Beginning with wide-legged child’s pose, we will surrender to the present moment and gather the yin energy required for the yang portion of the class in our sea of tranquility. Next, we target your heart meridian with broken wing pose and begin our exploration of the principles of yin. In each of the yin poses, I will give you the anchor of a unique loving kindness mantra to nurture a peaceful heart. As we move through the yin portion of the class, we cultivate softness, gentleness and compassion within ourselves and radiate that kindness outward into the world. In heart-melting pose, we lovingly surrender into the realm of non-doing, embracing stillness and cultivating peace within ourselves. Finally, in supported-fish pose, I will teach you an acupressure point to regulate your emotions in fire element season. In the second half

  • Blissful Heart Effortless Full Body Restorative Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 661

    30/06/2023 Duração: 52min Blissful Heart Effortless Full Body Restorative Yoga is a 60 minute, deeply rejuvenating and heart-centered practice. You will experience a unique blend of restorative yoga poses and inspiring poetry for your heart chakra, your heart organ system, your heart meridian, and fire element in summer that is deeply soothing and nourishing during the most yang time of year. As you effortlessly rest into your restorative yoga postures, I will read you contemporary, spirit-infused poetry designed to touch your heart and encourage introspection and self reflection. May these inspiring words from contemporary heart-felt spiritual poets resonate with you and awaken a sense of inner peace and tranquility. To calm your heart, we will engage breath practices or pranayama as a gateway to calm your heart, body and mind. Through various breath practices from gentle cleansing breath practices, to more soothing breath practices we will invite in a sense of surrender and release tension from our bo

  • Yin Yang Yoga for Self Love | Yoga with Melissa 660

    23/06/2023 Duração: 01h04min This 60 minute class begins with a 30 minute yin yoga sequence for your heart meridian to invite in self love followed by a 30 minute qigong inspired hatha yoga full body yoga flow that will leave you feeling refreshed and full of self love. Our consumer culture is highly competitive and values certain types of intelligence, bodies, and achievements. The standards set by the dominant culture cause us to feel like we can’t measure up in a way that is incredibly painful for our psyches. This causes us to live in what Tara Brach calls a “trance of unworthiness.” This continual sense of feeling that we are falling short of the person we should be, when what we really want is love and approval. With loving awareness and kindness we can choose to let go of the belief that we are unworthy. When we feel filled with judgment, shame, confusion and inner criticism, there are ways that we can come back to compassion and loving kindness. Our ego-self believes that we do not have a place w

  • Sacred Yoga Nidra for Insomnia & Rest | Yoga with Melissa 659

    16/06/2023 Duração: 34min We all know how difficult it is when you can’t fall asleep or you fall asleep and you can’t stay asleep. Fatigue and exhaustion settle in. Sleep anxiety becomes real. Nobody want to spend their nights tossing and turning. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or experience fragmented sleep, this yoga nidra is here to support you through your insomnia. Yoga nidra is a state of deep relaxation that allows your mind and body to unwind, releasing the stress that contributes to insomnia. It will activate your parasympathetic nervous system known as rest and digest, promoting a sense of calm, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. By entering into the state of deep relaxation offered in yoga nidra, it can lead you into a more restorative rest or sleep, allowing you to feel more rejuvenated when you wake. Throughout this yoga nidra, you will be invited to feel the gentle guidance and protection of your ancestors, guardian angels and spirit guides surrounding you with pr

  • Yin Yang Yoga to Neutralize Anxiety | Yoga with Melissa 658

    09/06/2023 Duração: 58min Fire element season, summer, is the most expansive, yang, outward focused, with its long, hot, social days. It can ignite the fire of anxiety in our bodies. Throughout this yin yang 60 minute yoga class, we will bring in the gentle, balancing and harmonizing qualities of five element theory to neutralize anxiety. We will bring in the moderating influence of water, to quell the expansiveness of fire and anxiety. We will pull and pressurize the tissues of the small intestine meridians to clear the mind of worry and judgment. This class begins with a 30 minute yin portion to tune into the always present and nourishing earth element so that you can release the accumulated physical tension from anxiety into thte ground. You will experience several calming and relaxing yin yoga postures to support you in neutralizing the fire of anxiety. From there, we will move into the yang portion of the class which will be a gentle and intentional 30 minute hatha yoga session. We will bring in qi

  • Full Body Deep Stretch with Sun Salutations | YWM 657

    02/06/2023 Duração: 53min This hatha yoga full body deep stretch will support you in releasing tension and sore muscles at any time of day but is great for mornings. We will support our nervous system in this deep stretching using a technique called Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). PNF stretching involves a combination of stretching and contracting muscles to improve your flexibility by creating a feeling of safety in your nervous system. We will start this full body deep stretch hatha yoga class with wrist-free sun salutations to improve circulation and blood flow throughout your body so that you have enhanced delivery of oxygen and nutrients in your muscles and organs as we move into our deep stretching. This dynamic warm up will help prepare your body for the rest of the class and improves the flexibility and mobility of your spine. This deep stretching class will improve the flexibility of your side bends which will help to stretch and lengthen the muscles and connective tissues alon

  • Healing Energy Yoga Nidra – YWM 656

    26/05/2023 Duração: 24min

    Welcome, this guided healing energy yoga nidra meditation is designed to bring deep relaxation and awareness to different parts of your body, supporting your immune system and your body's natural healing abilities. The yoga nidra or non-sleep deep rest will support you in letting go of tension, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, and stimulating your body's healing response. Throughout the meditation, you'll be encouraged to focus on your breath, allowing it to flow naturally and deeply, promoting relaxation and activating your parasympathetic nervous system. You'll also be guided to set an intention for your practice, such as "my body is already healing itself" or "I am filled with vibrant health and vitality," to cultivate a deeper mind-body connection and support your immune system. We will use visualization to circulate healing energy through your body. Several studies have shown that visualization and intention can enhance your body’s natural healing abilities. "Effect of Guided Imagery with

  • Yoga for Strength & Flexibility:

    21/05/2023 Duração: 52min

    This 60 minute hatha Yoga for Strong Glutes & Flexible Hips is a great strength and flexibility class to focus on internal and external rotation of your hips as well as build your glute strength. By focusing on the flexibility of your hips, you will improve the range of motion of your joints, muscles and connective tissues, making it easier to move in your everyday life. Flexibility training will support you in releasing muscle tension, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. A relaxed physical body will also relieve your mental stress and improve your overall relaxation. By focusing on building strength in our glutes in this hatha yoga class for strength and flexibility we will build muscle tone to support your body in better posture, core strength and overall movement patterns. Strength training improves bone density and your overall bone health. Strengthening any muscle group will increase your metabolism, supporting your body in burning more calories at rest. Strong glutes will support you in stabili

  • Cozey at Home Restorative Yoga – YWM 654

    12/05/2023 Duração: 50min

    In this restorative yoga practice we will focus on being as cozy as possible to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and allow your body to fully release tension. This restorative yoga class with props, including the furniture from your living space will allow your body to recover from stress and tension. By creating a comfortable environment and using props such as your couch or a chair and a bolster to support your body in each pose, this restorative yoga class will support your body to release tension and promote relaxation. Cozey Restorative Yoga Sequence Legs Up the Chair Hand to Big Toe Pose Front Lying Twist Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold Legs Up the Chair Props Needed: Chair or Couch, Yoga Strap, Bolster, Block Poem: Spring Blessing by ~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer ~ Thank you to Cozey for gifting me: The Ciello - Sunset Beige 1-Seater / With Ottoman / Sunset Beige The Solis Adjustable Table in Eclipse

  • 10 min Full Body Morning Yoga for Positive Energy | Yoga with Melissa 653

    07/05/2023 Duração: 09min

    Are you ready to start your day feeling energized and refreshed? This 10-minute morning yoga flow is designed to wake up your body and mind for a great way to start your day. I have been teaching real yoga for real people for over 20 years and I love supporting you in getting on your mat every day for a full body-yoga routine that will wake up your body. This class is a full-body yoga work-out that requires no-props. We will strengthen your legs, release your back and shoulders, open your chest. This class will leave you feeling ready to take on whatever comes your way today! I’ve designed this class for you to practice it first thing in the morning before you start your work-day, but you can practice it whenever you need a boost of energy. Come back to it again and again and you will notice a difference in your energy and overall well-being. I hope you enjoy this class and have a great day!

  • 15 min Morning Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief | YWM 652

    01/05/2023 Duração: 13min

    This 15 minute morning yoga practice will support you in alleviating neck and shoulder pain. It is perfect for those of you, who like me, suffer from chronic neck and shoulder pain. I didn’t even realize how exhausting and energy draining it was to have neck and shoulder pain until I built these simple yoga exercises into my daily routine. It is a perfect way to start your day. This yoga sequence of simple yoga poses will help to release tension in your neck and shoulders, improve your shoulder mobility, increase flexibility and free up energy that has been stagnant in your shoulder joints. All you need is a yoga strap and you can do this practice anywhere because all the poses are done standing. So this is a simple yoga sequence that you can take with you when you travel, because you don’t even need a yoga mat! I will talk you through the movements and demonstrate the neck and shoulder yoga exercises in real time for each pose. Remember, when it comes to neck movement, a little is a lot. I hope you find

  • 10 min Yoga Nidra | Yoga with Melissa 651

    14/04/2023 Duração: 11min

    This short 10 minute yoga nidra meditation or NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) is a guided journey of deep relaxation and restoration for your body and mind. In this guided meditation, I will guide you through a body scan and breathing to support you in releasing tension, soothing your nervous system, reducing stress, and cultivating a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Yoga nidra is an effortless meditation that will support you in surrendering the pushing, striving and hustling that keeps us from rest. Find a comfortable place to lie down, gravy a cozy blanket and get ready for 10 minutes of deep restorative self care. Feel free to make any adjustments and modifications along the way to make the practice even more restful for you. May this practice bring you calm, soothe your nervous system, reduce anxiety and detach stress from your body.

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