Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Vagus Nerve Reset Gentle Hatha Yoga | YWM 668 – 60 Mins



Our vagus nerve sends signals from our internal organs to our brain. When it is balanced and engaged we feel open and curious, compassionate and mindful, in the present moment, we are able to ask for help and offer it in return, we feel safe and connected (to ourselves and our environment). Sometimes we need to “reset” our vagus nerve if we are experiencing sympathetic arousal of our nervous system (anxious & irritable, angry, fight or flight, stuck in worry) or if we are stuck in shut-down (which can look like sleeping a lot, lack of motivation, depression, dissociation, numbness and helplessness). This yoga class is a great class to practice daily to bring you back into ventral vagal activation so that you can go with the flow, meet the demands of the day, be grounded in the present moment and give and receive help with and from others.