Creating Disney Magic: Lessons In Leadership, Management, And Customer Service



Lee Cockerell, former Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World, shares his wisdom and experience from his time with Disney, Marriott, and Hilton. Lee discusses how you can apply lessons in leadership, management, and customer service to create magic in your organization.


  • Hiring Someone for Their First Job

    01/08/2023 Duração: 16min

    "Experience changes you, and hopefully for the better." - Lee Cockerell I  remember the uncertainty I felt as a young boy starting my first job. I was 16, behind the wheel of a delivery car for Parks Drugstore. There was an enormous responsibility that also gave me a thrill of independence. I also really wanted to prove myself.  On the first day, my eyes strayed from the road to the address I was supposed to deliver to. Before I knew it, I had crashed the car. The fear of facing my employer was almost paralyzing. But when I did, he was understanding, kind, and supportive. That interaction not only saved my confidence, it built my understanding of how to handle mistakes made by first-time job seekers. Fast forward to now, where I find myself in a position to guide and mentor young individuals navigating their first jobs. I often recall my initial experiences, the lessons I learned, and the support I received.  The three things I emphasize most are often: the importance of showing up on time maintaining a posi

  • Building a Culture from Scratch

    25/07/2023 Duração: 15min

    "Magic is when nobody can figure out how you do it because you're so good." Never underestimate the importance of building relationships with your team. This is especially important if you are building a culture from scratch. One of the best ways to do this as a leader is to make sure you are hiring the right people. Start setting clear expectations during the interview process. After that make sure you are consistently creating a positive and customer-focused environment. When I first took on the role of a General Manager at a well-established hotel, I was a stranger in a sea of employees. They didn't know me, and I didn't know them. But I quickly found out, the secret to gaining their trust was visibility. Walking through the operation several times a day ensured that everyone knew my face, and more importantly, knew that I was approachable. I made it a point to meet every single person, show them respect, and assure them that if they needed anything, I was there to help. This wasn't just about gettin

  • How to Implement Training into Action

    18/07/2023 Duração: 17min

    In a big organization, you have to have clarity of expectations. You follow the recipe, you get a good product. You leave ingredients out, you don't get consistency. - Lee Cockerell One of the most common questions I get asked is how to implement new polices and programs. During this conversation Jody shares a question from Jennifer, who recently asked something very similar. She said that during their training things seem to go well, yet after that she sees a problem. Whether it's a new dress code or a behavior they talked about in training, things seem to fall apart because of management not staying consistent. This is why I talk about the importance of consistent leadership in creating a strong and reliable brand experience for your customers. In this episode, you will: Discover the pivotal role of steadfast leadership in implementing effective policies and procedures Unearth the significance of setting clear expectations for maintaining consistency in your organization Identify how leaders can bolster yo

  • The Power to Make Positive Change

    11/07/2023 Duração: 19min

    "People generally don't change when they want to. They change when they have to." Ray Edwards is an experienced and talented copywriter who joins this episode to talk about having the power to make positive change. He has spent his career helping entrepreneurs build their brands through powerful storytelling. The way he came about his passion for personal growth has given him a unique lens. Ray's life was turned upside down when faced with a series of debilitating seizures. It wasn't until he underwent a life-altering surgery that he discovered the true power of thoughts and beliefs in personal growth and development. During our conversation Ray shares about how he has worked to overcome the challenges of Parkinson's Disease. He goes into even more detail in this book, Read This Or Die. In it, he highlights the importance of developing a strong, resilient mindset in overcoming adversity and achieving personal success. Ray's knowledge of writing and the mind is how he is able to successfully teach people

  • Soft Skills for Technical Teams

    04/07/2023 Duração: 16min

    "Anybody that feels loved, appreciated, does better work. They have a better life. They are happier." Recently I received a listener question about how to encourage technical teams, such as engineers, to develop soft skills. Soft skills, like empathy and discipline, are crucial to deal with the challenges presented in any industry. Something to always remember is that success cannot be accomplished without people. One way to support your technical teams is by investing in ongoing training and education, including about soft skills. They are also essential to building a positive workplace. Creating a positive culture and environment that values people leads to better work outcomes and greater employee satisfaction. In this episode, we discuss: the role of soft skills in boosting the success of technical teams. the impact of respectful treatment in professional environments. incorporating soft skills training for technical professionals. the benefits of fostering a culture of appreciation and reco

  • Employee Development Leads to Retention

    27/06/2023 Duração: 15min

      "People want to know they matter" During this episode of Creating Disney Magic, Jody and I answer a listener question about employee development.  Investing in employee development leads to higher retention rate and boosts productivity.  Many managers and business leaders make the mistake of overlooking employee development as an essential factor in their success.  Want to know the secret to higher productivity, less sick days, and a good attitude?  Offer development opportunities and treat your team members right.  In this episode, you will: Uncover the powerful link between employee development, business success, and talent retention Realize how supporting the growth of your team members remains essential even without promotions on offer Embrace the advantages of providing unified training to everyone in your organization Delve into the significance of making training and development a key aspect of employee retention efforts Find out how online courses, regular book discussions, and targeted seminars c

  • Working with Multiple Generations

    20/06/2023 Duração: 14min

    "The more you know, the better decisions you make about people." When I think back to my time at Disney and working in the hospitality industry, I remember that managing multi-generational teams can be challenging. It is also one of the most rewarding aspects of leadership. I learned a lot about how to manage employees of different generations through an individualized communication strategy. A fast way to model and develop an inclusive work culture is by being receptive to various employee needs and respecting their differences. As a leader you need to be listening to all voices, including those of immigrants, single moms, and younger employees. By understanding individual needs and preferences, leaders can develop an approach tailored to each employee. Over the years I had a number of scenarios where accommodating individual needs led to employee loyalty and successful product launches. Do not shy away from young people that are speaking up and voicing their opinions. It's critical for parents to teach thei

  • Training New Leaders

    13/06/2023 Duração: 17min

    "Your responsibility is not to sit in the office, but to be out in the operation." There are a few things I learned throughout my career about effectively train a new leader. It starts by hiring the right people and setting clear expectations. Clear expectations includes making sure the new leader's personal appearance is up to standard and they understand the importance of being visible and present in the operation. Never minimize the role of management in making sure employees reach their full potential. It is essential to start with training on empathy and discipline. That lays a good foundation for building other aspects of leadership. A manager's responsibility is to make other people better. They do what they need to so that guests and team members leave with positive experiences. They know that it can be done well when employees learn to embrace the company's culture. Leaders must remain disciplined and set the example. People watch what leaders do, so model what it means to uphold high standards and r

  • Work on What's Important Now

    06/06/2023 Duração: 14min

    "You're not a product of your circumstances. You're a product of your decisions." Through my experience as a leader, I have learned that time management and prioritization are key to success. In this episode, I shared my insights on how to achieve better time management and make better decisions. There are a few things great leaders do in order to make sure they don't stray into unnecessary tasks. The first is that they have a strong understanding of what is important. They make sure they are focusing on completing those tasks, and delegating tasks to great people. It's also important to take care of the basics before moving on to bigger tasks. During this episode I suggest some practical tips such as starting with small tasks with big returns, taking walks for health and taking courses to improve time management. These steps can help professionals to improve their time management and decision-making skills, ultimately leading to success. Other ways to focus on what is important now: Master time management a

  • Using Technology to Serve Customers

    30/05/2023 Duração: 15min

    Today, Jody and I evaluate the answer to a recent webinar question. Haden asked, “How do you see technology being integrated with customer service to deliver improvement?” I will be the first to admit that I have not always been a fan of technology in a customer service environment. First and foremost, it should not be used as a copout for delivering subpar service. That being said, there is a time and a place for it. The key is to use it to serve the customer, not just your interests. Think through how it can be used to serve your customer. Then ask some critical questions. Does the customer like it? Does it make sense? Does it limit your ability to exceed expectations? Whenever you implement anything new, you need to evaluate a few things. How will the customer respond? How will the employees deal with it? What will it do to the bottom line?  If it checks the boxes and looks like it will enhance the experience, go for it. Do your best to think through and anticipate the impact it will make. If you want to t

  • How to Exceed Customer Expectations

    23/05/2023 Duração: 15min

      Today, Jody and I unpack a question that Jody came up with while looking at our soon-to-be-released Performance Excellence Course in the Cockerell Academy. How do you exceed guest expectations? This is a question that any company will benefit by asking themselves. And the answer is simple. Get feedback regularly from your guests. Over time, expectations will become clear. The things that guests value will rise to the surface through compliments and complaints. As a company, you must prioritize the most important things first. Take the feedback on what needs to be improved. Enlist your team to work on them by identifying what needs to happen to improve. Have the nerve to ask the question, and be willing to receive the answer. Be sincere. Watch for trends. Over time, keep chipping away at the issues that come to the forefront. It is getting easier to exceed expectations because so many companies fail to simply meet expectations. Be on top of things. Repeat business is the name of the game. Keeping your guests

  • Incremental Improvement Gets You Closer to a Promotion

    16/05/2023 Duração: 14min

    Today, Jody and I tackle a listener question that hits close to home. “How do you lead after your leader has been replaced and you were passed over for the role?” I experienced this exact scenario personally. Momentary disappointment can be the best thing to happen. It can be an opportunity to learn and grow in your current role. If you can be patient and make incremental improvements, you will work yourself into a promotion. Don’t get too upset over the little things in your career. Maintain your reputation for being responsible and dependable. It is tempting to show your disappointment, but don’t do it. You are playing the long game. People are watching how you handle the disappointment. Whether you like it or not, people will talk about you and how you handle things. You never know the conversations that are taking place around situations. If someone gets promoted into a leadership role over you, handle it maturely. Communicate support and be the biggest supporter your new leader has ever had. Everything y

  • Creating Magic Mastermind Recap

    09/05/2023 Duração: 15min

    Today, Jody and I recap our most recent Creating Magic Mastermind hosted at the Element Hotel Sky Lounge at Icon Park in Orlando Florida. So far, this was our best mastermind event to date. We were honored to have Karl Holz as our guest speaker. Karl and I go way back. Not only has he held many prestigious roles at Disney, I hired him, and it was the best hire I ever made. One of the big takeaways from Karl's sharing was the importance of never letting your team see you depressed. It may be unrelated to work, but people are watching you, and how you carry yourself communicates security to them. If you do something, be the best you can be at it. Don’t be afraid to hold out for the right hire. Karl was the 14th person interviewed for his position at Disney, and it was worth the wait. Another takeaway that became evident from the mastermind is that you never know when the light will come on for someone. You share and put yourself out there, and you never know what interaction or message will be the one to make i

  • How to Understand Employee Satisfaction

    02/05/2023 Duração: 18min

    Today, Jody and I answer a listener question. Our anonymous listener asks, “When gauging employee satisfaction, is it better to focus on the positives or negatives? Do you look at what’s going right or what’s not going right?” The answer goes beyond what is right or wrong. Get to know your team, and build trust so they will answer honestly either way. You want them to communicate without fear and feel like they can tell you anything. An employee should never have to think about if they should or shouldn’t say something to their boss. Your team doesn’t work for you, they work with you. When everyone is in their spot, the team can function reliably with everyone doing their part. Once you get to this place, people feel secure and look forward to working with you. Where there is no trust, people withhold information. You are paying people for their opinion and expertise. Cultivate an environment where they can give you what you need. Don’t be afraid to rethink the basics. Be careful and don’t start to view yours

  • Invest in Yourself

    25/04/2023 Duração: 16min

    Today, Jody and I discuss a topic made famous by Warren Buffett. What does it mean to invest in yourself? People often associate investing in yourself with spending money. Enrolling in college. Taking lessons. Investing financially in a specialist or a coach. All of these are a type of investment. But you can invest in yourself every day without spending a dime. Personally, I consider anything you do to make sure you know more today than you did yesterday as an investment in yourself. An easy option is reading every day or listening to podcasts. Meeting people you admire for coffee or auditing a class at the local university. These are free options that have huge dividends in your life when you apply them. Exposing yourself to the world around you and getting out of your comfort zone is another way to make a self-investment. Looking back over my life, learning how to be a public speaker and taking care of myself physically have been the two best investments I’ve made. You can help yourself and others by alway

  • Get Ahead of Your Problems

    18/04/2023 Duração: 16min

    "Build the relationship before you need it." In this episode of Creating Disney Magic, Jody and I discuss the significance of tackling problems promptly. It’s the best way to reduce stress and improve relationships. Recognizing mistakes and apologizing immediately helps you manage your emotions and build trust with others. There is a difference between stress and distress. Distress causes issues due to a lack of control in situations. Make sure you take control and responsibility for your actions. That way you can set a positive example and promote mutual respect. It’s the best way to foster better relationships in your personal and professional life. Other ways to get ahead of the problem: Develop swift problem-solving abilities to diminish stress and fortify connections. Understand the value of apologies in maintaining trust and respect. Differentiate stress from distress for tailored management solutions. Turn mistakes into chances to display moral fiber and dependability. Read The Main Street Leader news

  • Use Training to Make Progress

    11/04/2023 Duração: 15min

    Today, Jody and I are unpacking how to ensure the training your team gets is effective and creates long-term change. Training is essential to most businesses. But if nobody does anything after you train them, you didn’t train them. Whether you are an employee or a manager, it boils down to being disciplined and accountable to applying what you learn. Most people don’t have a problem knowing what to do. They have a problem with doing it. Training needs to be implemented. Do the things that will make sure you don’t have issues down the road. Create systems to help you accomplish what is necessary. If you are an employee, take notes, be intentional, and create systems to help you apply what you learn. If you are a manager, hold your team accountable and create an infrastructure that supports the application. Any problem you have in your life, you can go and learn how to do better. Use the people around you and the systems you have in place to push yourself. The choices you make create the life you have. If you a

  • Working with Disengaged Employees

    04/04/2023 Duração: 17min

    Today, Jody and I are answering a few questions about working with a disengaged employee that we didn't get to on a recent webinar. If you have an employee who is disengaged, you need to assess the situation. Determine if there has been a change, or is this how they have always been? If someone has changed, than something has changed, and it is your job as the manager to identify it and help them find the solution. If you notice an employee has disengaged, or their performance is slacking, sit down with them. Communicate your concern and remind them of what the expectation is. Help them see what they need to do to get back to the expected performance level. Give them specific examples and your specific expectations. If there is an employee you hired and they have disengaged from the start, you need to reset expectations clearly and communicate that there is a high standard. Own where you have been a part of the problem or where clarity may have been lacking. From there, you can communicate the desired directi

  • The Magic of Helping Others

    28/03/2023 Duração: 35min

    Today, Jody and I are at the California Grill with Jamie and JJ Eubanks, the founders of Magical Vacation Planners. We discussed relationships, leadership, and management during our time together, specifically how it has shifted during the past few years. As leaders, there are a lot of things to focus on. You can’t control others; you can only give them the tools needed. It is up to them what they do with them. You can manage your stress. If there is anything 2020 showed us, it is how to slow down, and take lemons and make lemonade. As a leader, priorities are paramount. It isn’t enough to focus on the bottom line. You need to focus on people. When trying times hit, make sure they are ok. Do what you can to take care of each other. You take care of your team. They take care of the clients. It is a trickle-down effect. Every crisis changes everything. Take the time to prepare your team. Turn setbacks into opportunities to learn and grow. Leaders help others get through things. You are a teacher and a student.

  • Education and Experience is the Perfect Combination

    21/03/2023 Duração: 17min

    Today, Jody and I are answering some questions we received at a recent event hosted by the Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education. One question we received was how educators enhance or improve their hospitality curriculum. Embrace that hospitality touches every industry. It is about how we treat people. Encourage students to pursue a base degree in hospitality and utilize their master's degree specializing in a specific industry. Another question we received focused on Disney and how they value education and experience.  Disney cares if you can do the job, not about the degree you hold. They want to know what you can do for them. Performance is key. After that, you must stay relevant in your area of specialty. Keep up to date on industry trends and current standards. This goes much further than a degree. Next, what is the best advice on what educators can do to help their students land a good starting position out of college? Make sure they understand the importance of attitude, continuing

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