Creating Disney Magic: Lessons In Leadership, Management, And Customer Service

How to Implement Training into Action



In a big organization, you have to have clarity of expectations. You follow the recipe, you get a good product. You leave ingredients out, you don't get consistency. - Lee Cockerell One of the most common questions I get asked is how to implement new polices and programs. During this conversation Jody shares a question from Jennifer, who recently asked something very similar. She said that during their training things seem to go well, yet after that she sees a problem. Whether it's a new dress code or a behavior they talked about in training, things seem to fall apart because of management not staying consistent. This is why I talk about the importance of consistent leadership in creating a strong and reliable brand experience for your customers. In this episode, you will: Discover the pivotal role of steadfast leadership in implementing effective policies and procedures Unearth the significance of setting clear expectations for maintaining consistency in your organization Identify how leaders can bolster yo