

Today, Jody and I are at the California Grill with Jamie and JJ Eubanks, the founders of Magical Vacation Planners. We discussed relationships, leadership, and management during our time together, specifically how it has shifted during the past few years. As leaders, there are a lot of things to focus on. You can’t control others; you can only give them the tools needed. It is up to them what they do with them. You can manage your stress. If there is anything 2020 showed us, it is how to slow down, and take lemons and make lemonade. As a leader, priorities are paramount. It isn’t enough to focus on the bottom line. You need to focus on people. When trying times hit, make sure they are ok. Do what you can to take care of each other. You take care of your team. They take care of the clients. It is a trickle-down effect. Every crisis changes everything. Take the time to prepare your team. Turn setbacks into opportunities to learn and grow. Leaders help others get through things. You are a teacher and a student.