Creating Disney Magic: Lessons In Leadership, Management, And Customer Service

Using Technology to Serve Customers



Today, Jody and I evaluate the answer to a recent webinar question. Haden asked, “How do you see technology being integrated with customer service to deliver improvement?” I will be the first to admit that I have not always been a fan of technology in a customer service environment. First and foremost, it should not be used as a copout for delivering subpar service. That being said, there is a time and a place for it. The key is to use it to serve the customer, not just your interests. Think through how it can be used to serve your customer. Then ask some critical questions. Does the customer like it? Does it make sense? Does it limit your ability to exceed expectations? Whenever you implement anything new, you need to evaluate a few things. How will the customer respond? How will the employees deal with it? What will it do to the bottom line?  If it checks the boxes and looks like it will enhance the experience, go for it. Do your best to think through and anticipate the impact it will make. If you want to t