

Today, Jody and I discuss a topic made famous by Warren Buffett. What does it mean to invest in yourself? People often associate investing in yourself with spending money. Enrolling in college. Taking lessons. Investing financially in a specialist or a coach. All of these are a type of investment. But you can invest in yourself every day without spending a dime. Personally, I consider anything you do to make sure you know more today than you did yesterday as an investment in yourself. An easy option is reading every day or listening to podcasts. Meeting people you admire for coffee or auditing a class at the local university. These are free options that have huge dividends in your life when you apply them. Exposing yourself to the world around you and getting out of your comfort zone is another way to make a self-investment. Looking back over my life, learning how to be a public speaker and taking care of myself physically have been the two best investments I’ve made. You can help yourself and others by alway