Fellowship Presbyterian Church



The latest feed from Fellowship Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.com.


  • The Way

    28/05/2023 Duração: 36min

    A Better path -way- to happiness.-Blessedness is a way to righteousness--1. Vs1,2-Blessed is the one who avoids the way of the wicked-Proverbs 14-10-the way of death, we need to avoid. We need to avoid becoming comfortable with evil. We need to avoid scoffers.-We must plant ourselves in the way of of the Law-Word. We need to exert effort and vigilance to stay on the better path.-2. Vs 3,4-Blessing is produced by the righteous way-Living in Christ is the better way. It can be slow and often full of discouragement, but we need to be patient. Often there is no immediate gratitude. Remember that the wicked are like chaff, to be blown away. Wicked living is a downward way.-3. VS 5,6-Blessed is the way that is known by the LORD.-The wicked will not stand and will perish.-Mathew 7--Holiness is the best path, under God's leadership. We need to turn and follow Jesus.-Living in a righteous wa

  • Foundational Holiness

    18/05/2023 Duração: 40min

    Because of Grace, we must live Holy lives.-Summary of verses 1-2- Grace is upon us.-I. Because of Grace, we must focus on Glory.- Our hope is on Grace and is on the revelation of Christ. - a. preparing our minds-Peter focuses on our thinking. We must think correctly. We must -think for action. We must focus on the words of Christ.- b. Sober minded-attitudes, we must behave with the attitude of Christ. We must be alert. We must look for our hope.-ll. because of Grace, we must be focused on Holiness.-WE need to understand who we really are. We are to be obedient children for we have been adopted. We are redeemed children. a new creation. We are not to be like the world, we are to be kept separate. Do not return to our pagan ways.-We are to be holy- this is an act of worship.-We need the Holiness of Jesus and must hate sin.

  • The Glory of Revelation

    09/05/2023 Duração: 33min

    Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must glory in our salvation.- 1. Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must know the Gospel. God used prophets in the Old Testament, to give us His word. These were true to God, speaking His word. They told us that man needs a perfect savior and God will send him. The OT is about the Grace of God. Kings were not perfect, we need a better King. The prophets spoke of one coming and how he would fulfilled all they spoken. This should give us courage.- 2. Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must believe the Gospel. We have received grace. We look to a suffering Christ -his-humiliation-. We are forgiven, called a union with Christ. He has ascended to heaven and we must believe in the Gospel.- 3. Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must proclaim the gospel. The Gospel is a living and active thing, making the dead alive.--The Bible has given us a rich gift- the good news of Jesus and His Grace.

  • Suffering unto Glory

    07/05/2023 Duração: 31min

    Christ is coming back and we must rejoice. This is our hope and belief.-God has guarded us and our inheritance, but we experience suffering and trials.-1. Christ is coming back and we must suffer.. He knows this-- a. our suffering will be only for a short while.- b. it will refine and strengthen us -2. God is sovereign over all.- All trials are temporary, but we are called to eternal glory.-3. He refines us. -vs 7--Genuineness of faith tested -All is sent for God's Glory-The already but not yet.--We see Jesus now by faith

  • A Royal Rebirth

    28/04/2023 Duração: 31min

    1. God gives salvation- we must hope-Blessings are from the greater to the lessor.-Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord.-Mercy is great, Our hope is a living Hope. He is forever.-Remembering that Jesus has suffered and knows what we suffer.--2.God gives salvation- We must rest in Him-God has promised rest and peace. We are to rest in in God's promises.-We are born in the Royal family, we have an inheritance in heaven guarded by God.

  • The Trinity at Work

    19/04/2023 Duração: 39min

    Peter writes to the true Israel of God- here it is mostly Gentiles.-We are excluded from the world-our home is in Heaven.-A. Father- the foreknowledge of God.-We are the elect exiles-chosen by God.-He plans for us.-B. Spirit Sanctification-He amplifies God, Shows His Greatness.-He guides us and makes us more and more Holy.-God is Holy, so must we be Holy as well.-C. Jesus- He suffered for us.-He was obedient to the Father-We are sprinkled with His Blood.-We must obey the Gospel and live in Christ. We must hold to the faith given to us.-Sprinkle is an old testament way of administering water and blood.--Ezekiel 36-23--Christ's blood was sprinkled on us-Hebrews 9-11.-In our salvation all the Godhead participated.

  • The Heart of History

    10/04/2023 Duração: 24min

    The death and resurrection of Jesus is the Heart of History. -The disciples were blindsided by lack of faith. The body is gone. He was raised, thus changing everything.-Peter and John ran to the tomb and remembered what He had taught them his resurrection.-1. Validity- soundness of evidence-See Isaiah 53-2. Victory-Jesus reversed all that was bad- removed death and sin. All was victory in the resurrection for the people of God.-3. Vivification or being made alive.-we are justified and made completely clean. See Romans 6.--He is Risen- this is the core message of the Gospel-our Great Hope.

  • Where the Lord Dwells

    07/04/2023 Duração: 36min

    Israel had been oppressed for the sins they had committed. The nations had sinned against Israel as well - against God. The nations stole things from Israel to add to their pagan shrines. We see through the peoples' sins, God, being a just God, paid the people back for their evil. -The wars in scripture were religious affairs for God told the people who were not following him that there would be no peace for them. In the final day of the Lord, God will roar, there will be thunder - the earth will tremble.-The people of God were blessed because God walked with them. No one would or will desecrate God's church. There is rich salvation in Christ and all of the enemies will be punished. God will continually dwell with those who believe and God pardons in His time those who believe.

  • The Wonderful Grace of God

    23/03/2023 Duração: 40min

    Chapter one- locust plagues that destroy all , a punishment for Israel's sin.-Chapter 2-1-12- The Day of the Lord, God's power revealed through locusts.--God's Grace gives life, we must be found in Christ.-I. Summary of Plan VS 1-17. -We must repent from our hearts. God will speak to us, with grace . We must repent-rending our heart with weeping and mourning.-God will receive all glory. Trumpet will call the people and call them to awaken. Then let the priests weep and pray to spare.-II. Pity and jealousy- God has steadfast love, we will praise our Deliverer.-God will give back all He took, chasing off the locusts. He will call us to rejoice.-III. Future Promise of God-He will pour out His Spirit on all people.-The Lord is full fo mercy.

  • Doomsday Prepping

    07/03/2023 Duração: 32min

    We all need to prepare for the ultimate event of our lives.-We need to prepare for the Day of the LORD. We should remember the plague of locusts and the destruction they caused. This is an invading army headed by God. -I. The day is coming, we need to know what we face- the Day of the Lord is coming, -ver 1- God is sending an alarm.-Vs 2 it will not be a happy event. God is angry, and sending his army of locusts. vs 3 there will be a fire before them and one after-fire destroys. Before the fire and locusts it is like the garden of Eden, after they pass the land is a desolate wilderness.-V4 locusts are described as horses, Vs 5, they sound like the rumblings of chariots. All this causes anguish vs 6, dread is in their faces. vs 7-9- Gods army of locusts complete their mission.-II. We must prepare ourselves- We wait for the return of Christ. This is a personal thing. Jesus will come back in the Day of the Lord. No one can survive except through Christ and his Grace. We all need to repent and turn to Him, for af

  • Strange Messengers

    28/02/2023 Duração: 29min

    Joel lived about 500 BC. Jerusalem was living in sin, the temple and its officials were not doing their job. The book is concerning a locust plague, one like had never been seen before. Joel tells us that the economy has been destroyed by these locusts.-1. Sovereignty Joel tells us that God has sent the locusts and is responsible for the destruction of the food-2. Repentance Joel calls for all to repent, esp. the priests. He calls for sack cloth and fasting.-3. The Day of the LORD God will rain judgement on them, But God offers refuge.

  • Running the Race

    20/02/2023 Duração: 52min

    Hebrews was written for Jewish Christians. It was written to tell them what they are and what Jesus has accomplished. He points them to the Old Testament Saints.-We run our race of faith with endurance-12.1 Call-Inlight of the Saints in chapter 11 we run with endurance.-There are so many witnesses, they are like a cloud over us. We are to get rid of any weight or -stuff-, and to set aside sin.-12.2 Focus-We are to focus on Jesus, the founder of our faith, for He endured the cross. He now sits at the Right Hand of God.-12.3-Consideration-Christ endured for us the cross, we can draw endurance from Him who has done this for us.

  • Santification

    15/02/2023 Duração: 34min

    Sanctification- 1- Are you a Christian and 2- Why or how do you know.-In being purified by the Holy Spirit which involves the inner life of man, we see it is a lengthy process, a super natural work of God. The nature of man is purified, making us holy and complete to do good works for the glory of God.-If a person is not justified, he cannot understand this process. For in justification we have sanctification of being set apart for God. We are God's workmanship, being made righteous. God's glory is NOT shared with another and He is jealous for his own glory. God wants us set apart in our behavior. God draws us to his holiness and his mercy makes us alive in Christ.-God prepared our good works before hand. Bearing good fruit for Christ is a sign of righteousness.-Are we clothed in righteousness for Christ's sake-- Is our burden heavy or light-- Do we walk the narrow road---With Christ our burden should be light and clothed in his righteousness.

  • A Prayer for the Knowledge of God's Will

    14/02/2023 Duração: 50min

    Paul's Colossian's prison prayer.-In Philippians, Paul prayed for love abounding to knowledge.-Here in Colossians, He prays for Knowledge of Gods will.-There was a heresy to which Paul is responding. Here he is pointing to the Person and Work of Christ.-They were all Saints. -We are to give thank to the Father, for He has qualified us to share in the inheritance.

  • Christ's Transforming Glory

    10/02/2023 Duração: 53min
  • Growth in Grace

    10/02/2023 Duração: 50min
  • Show No Partiality

    10/02/2023 Duração: 35min

    Partiality- the example. vs 2-1-4 we do not dishonor the wealthy. Jesus would honor the poor-Partiality- Not a Christian trait vs 2-5-13 -a. God chooses the poor-b. God's law vs2-8-11-Gods law opposes partiality, Matthew 25-31-40-c.Because of Gods Mercy vs 2-12-13 God shows mercy to all who are His.

  • The Greatest Inheritance

    23/01/2023 Duração: 39min

    Only Jesus can offer us lasting treasure---the full gospel of eternal life. We are to forsake the vain hopes of the world and follow Jesus for he offers us what we see.-In today's passage, there is a rich young ruler, who seems to have all he could ever need. He perhaps is a respected person, a ruler over the synagogue.-He wants to be a follower of Jesus as he falls on his knees before Christ. He wants to know how he can obtain eternal life, for he wants to add to what he already has. The problem the rich young ruler has before him is that he wants to know what HE needs to do to inherit eternal life. He thinks he can earn it by his own merit. Afterall why can't a good man go to heaven- -Jesus goes over the commandments. The ruler says he has kept all of these since his youth. This man doesn't know his own heart. For we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.-The ruler should have fallen before God confessing his sins and asking for forgiveness. His eyes are blind, for the road to hell is paved wit

  • Receive the Implanted Word

    22/01/2023 Duração: 33min

    James is similar to Proverbs. Receiving implanted word-all things will come.-v.19-21 hear the Word-the trial is here, your heart responses to it. We often forget about goe in our trials. We must be quick to hear, listening to God's council.-The anger of man does not produce faith. Trials are to show us how to give control to God.-Salvation is an ongoing process. Paul says to work out your salvation.-22-27-Doing the Word-Listening is not enough. Action produces blessing. Sin often causes us to thing that the law is oppressive. The implanted word produces religion. Beware of false religion.-We should be slow to speak and slow to anger.-the Christian life is a trial-

  • The Righteous Foundation

    13/01/2023 Duração: 35min

    God is not in our culture, but He is in His Holy Temple, His throne in Heaven.-He is our Righteous King. He tests all children of men. God is perfect to test-judge all men. Jesus give us righteousness. The righteousness shall behold his faith. -We must not compromise the truth, we must seek refuge in the Lord.

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