Fellowship Presbyterian Church




Sanctification- 1- Are you a Christian and 2- Why or how do you know.-In being purified by the Holy Spirit which involves the inner life of man, we see it is a lengthy process, a super natural work of God. The nature of man is purified, making us holy and complete to do good works for the glory of God.-If a person is not justified, he cannot understand this process. For in justification we have sanctification of being set apart for God. We are God's workmanship, being made righteous. God's glory is NOT shared with another and He is jealous for his own glory. God wants us set apart in our behavior. God draws us to his holiness and his mercy makes us alive in Christ.-God prepared our good works before hand. Bearing good fruit for Christ is a sign of righteousness.-Are we clothed in righteousness for Christ's sake-- Is our burden heavy or light-- Do we walk the narrow road---With Christ our burden should be light and clothed in his righteousness.