Fellowship Presbyterian Church

The Wonderful Grace of God



Chapter one- locust plagues that destroy all , a punishment for Israel's sin.-Chapter 2-1-12- The Day of the Lord, God's power revealed through locusts.--God's Grace gives life, we must be found in Christ.-I. Summary of Plan VS 1-17. -We must repent from our hearts. God will speak to us, with grace . We must repent-rending our heart with weeping and mourning.-God will receive all glory. Trumpet will call the people and call them to awaken. Then let the priests weep and pray to spare.-II. Pity and jealousy- God has steadfast love, we will praise our Deliverer.-God will give back all He took, chasing off the locusts. He will call us to rejoice.-III. Future Promise of God-He will pour out His Spirit on all people.-The Lord is full fo mercy.