Fellowship Presbyterian Church

The Glory of Revelation



Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must glory in our salvation.- 1. Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must know the Gospel. God used prophets in the Old Testament, to give us His word. These were true to God, speaking His word. They told us that man needs a perfect savior and God will send him. The OT is about the Grace of God. Kings were not perfect, we need a better King. The prophets spoke of one coming and how he would fulfilled all they spoken. This should give us courage.- 2. Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must believe the Gospel. We have received grace. We look to a suffering Christ -his-humiliation-. We are forgiven, called a union with Christ. He has ascended to heaven and we must believe in the Gospel.- 3. Because the Holy Spirit preached to us, we must proclaim the gospel. The Gospel is a living and active thing, making the dead alive.--The Bible has given us a rich gift- the good news of Jesus and His Grace.