Complete Service-first Unitarian Universalist Society Of San Francisco



First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Sunday worship service. Home of liberal spirituality for over 150 years, the Society welcomes people of all racial and religious backgrounds. Our Congregation includes gay, straight, transgendered, and questioning people. More information is available at


  • SACReD Stories, SACReD Decisions and Mary, Mother of God

    10/12/2023 Duração: 01h21min

    "SACReD Stories, SACReD Decisions and Mary, Mother of God" Sunday, December 10, 10:50 am, 2023 What is your faith story? What is your reproductive story? How is the Divine a part of both of these stories? How can we weave them together free from shame, judgment, and stigma? Join us as we examine our stories alongside one of the ancient stories of Mary, Mother of God. Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams from SACReD, the Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity, will lead an exploration of this Advent story and share some of the biblical support for Reproductive Justice. Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams, Guest Preacher; Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Sam King, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Jon Silk, Drummer; Shannon Warto, Soloist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • I Will Meet You There

    03/12/2023 Duração: 01h17min

    "I Will Meet You There" Sunday, December 3, 10:50 am, 2023 For weeks, there have been conversations in our church forums, at movie screenings, and on the steps as people gather and leave to address the war in Gaza. On Sunday (I think!) we will talk about the struggle to hold these events and dig into one of the issues coming up around the events: the ancient evils of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. And find ways and places to dig into the hard moral and political questions of this day in the community, weathering them as whole as we can. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Richard Davis - Lowell, Worship Associate; Bruce Neuberger, Lay Leader; Galen Workman, Board of Trustees; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Oh, We Give Thanks: A Bread Communion

    26/11/2023 Duração: 01h17min

    "Oh, We Give Thanks: A Bread Communion" Sunday, November 26, 10:50 am, 2023 In this quiet service, we will make space to be fed, to reflect on our times around the table and how they have shaped us, to share some of the food we love, and to fill up on the nourishment of giving thanks. If you have a baked good to donate to the table (for sharing at a service or afterwards), please let Vanessa know ( Others inspired at the last minute can just put it out at coffee hour after service! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Jef Caers, flute; Andy Kessler, Songleader; Mark Sumner, Pianist Eric Shackelford, Camera; Alex Schofield, Sound; Jonathan Silk, Order of Service; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • "In Transition"

    19/11/2023 Duração: 01h17min

    "In Transition" Sunday, November 19, 10:50 am, 2023 This week, the end of Trans Awareness week, we will hear voices of trans folx and be together in their stories and wisdom -- from people we know and love to writers from the United States to the hijra community in India. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Santana McBride, Worship Associate; Lucy Smith, Board of Trustees; UUSF Bell Choir led by Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF/India Tour Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Asani Seawell, Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Toward the Beloved Community of Unitarian Universalism

    12/11/2023 Duração: 01h16min

    "Toward the Beloved Community of Unitarian Universalism" Sunday, November 12, 10:50 am, 2023 The late civil rights activist John Lewis called us to: “Not get lost in a sea of despair and to never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” Week after week, year after year, Unitarian Universalists gather to build the Beloved Community that centers Black, Indigenous, People of Color, fosters collective liberation, and reminds us that we are not alone in our quest for life saving liberal religion. Come and get in good trouble with me! Rev. Kevin Alan Mann, MDiv., Guest Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Linda Enger, Board of Trustees; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director Shulee Ong, Camera; Felix Borggraefe, Sound; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director & Audio Video Remix; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • The Enfleshed Life: What Life and Love of a Body Entails

    05/11/2023 Duração: 01h22min

    "The Enfleshed Life: What Life and Love of a Body Entails" Sunday, November 5, 10:50 am, 2023 One of the biggest injuries that Christianity is part of in our journey to human wholeness is seeing the body as sacred—not in the sense of something pristine that could be defiled or whose urges were dangerous, but as something to be honored and trusted. We can blame St. Augustine for some of it. We can blame a world bent on extraction and marketing to us from piling on. However, the wholeness we seek to find in nurturing one another asks for a life that relishes and cherishes enfleshed life. Let’s talk about that! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Carmen Barsody, Worship Associate; Galen Workman, Board of Trustees; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Gregory Stevens, Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Connecting Across Borders and Divides

    29/10/2023 Duração: 01h20min

    "Connecting Across Borders and Divides" Sunday, October 29, 10:50 am, 2023 This is the time of year of the Pagan celebration of Samhain, and the Christian (no doubt borrowed and adapted!) witness to All Souls and All Saints, and to the celebrations of Día De Los Muertos in Mexico and across Latin America. All of these community and religious ceremonies and sacred times begin with the Samhain idea that at this time of year, the veil between the living and the dead is thinned. It is a season, therefore, for reaching across that veil and pulling those we have loved and lost—their spirit and their legacy—more intentionally into our world for a while. In the spirit of this time and sacred season, you are invited to bring a copy of a photo or a memento of someone you have lost that we can put on the altar during worship. Be prepared to share their name. You are also invited to bring their favorite food to the worship. The foods that you bring will be shared during social hour. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior

  • Lessons for Future Ancestors

    22/10/2023 Duração: 01h20min

    "Lessons for Future Ancestors" Sunday, October 22, 10:50 am, 2023 "Let us measure success by how many of us can say: I am living a life I don’t regret. A life that will resonate with my ancestors" -adrienne maree brown Matt is a musician and worship leader who has led hundreds of services for UU congregations across the country. He has a degree in hand drumming and serves as Director of Community Life for Sanctuary Boston. Matt Meyer, Guest Preacher; Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Diane Allen, Board of Trustees; Mark Sumner, Music Director; Elliott Etzkorn, Pianist Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • By Stander, Standing By

    15/10/2023 Duração: 01h25min

    "By Stander, Standing By" Sunday, October 15, 10:50 am, 2023 This weekend when we honor awareness about our Trans Beloveds, I want to talk about some stories I've heard from members lately. I want to talk about how we show up and invite others to do the same. I want to talk about the real danger of the bystander. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Liz Strand, Board of Trustees; Hamner Family, Chalice Lighting; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Lambert Moss, soloist; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Felix Borggraefe, Audio; Asani Seawell, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • The Uses and Abuses of Scripture

    08/10/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    "The Uses and Abuses of Scripture" Sunday, October 8, 10:50 am, 2023 On a Sunday when we mark Indigenous Peoples Day, we will enjoy music from a group of Native Hawai’ian musicians. Rev. Buehrens reflect on how scripture was abused in the spread of settler colonialism, even as he invites people, in his Monday evening adult RE course on the Hebrew Bible, to learn about how the scriptures can be understood and used to counter oppression and begin the process of healing. Rev. John Buehrens; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Lori Lai, Treasurer; Dennielle and Miles Kronenberg, Chalice Lighters; Worship Associate; Grandview Aloha Band featuring Ka’ala Carmack; Rosalie Alfonso; William Klingelhoffer; Pastor James Aarona; Mark Sumner, Songleader; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Greggory Stevens, Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • “Hello, Frank!” in honor of the feast of St Francis which is on Oct 4.

    01/10/2023 Duração: 01h16min

    “Hello, Frank!” in honor of the feast of St Francis which is on Oct 4. Sunday, October 1, 10:50 am, 2023 Living in a city named for St. Francis, we find ourselves looking for the humanity behind the saint as we negotiate very difficult times: Ideals of loving the poor get confused with the complexity of addressing poverty and homelessness; and a reverence for all creation can leave us wondering what really matters environmentally. Join us as we look beyond the saint and find the human. Carmen Barsody & Sam Dennison, Faithful Fools; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Linda Enger, Board of Trustee; Christoph Wagner, Cellist; Joanne Kong, Pianist; Mark Sumner, Songleader; Jon Silk, Drummer; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Jose Matias Pineda, Sexton; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • "Healing and Hope: A sermon on forgiveness and beyond"

    24/09/2023 Duração: 01h19min

    "Healing and Hope: A sermon on forgiveness and beyond" Sunday, September 24, 10:50 am, 2023 Yom Kippur is a day for Jewish people to focus on forgiveness and determine how they will move forward in the next year. This morning, we will focus on our own relationship with forgiveness and participate in a ritual that allows us to find a sense of peace. If you are joining virtually, then please have a rock or stone to participate in the ritual. Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Jonah Berquist, Moderator; Gupta Family, Chalice Lighting; Bell Choir directed by Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. Klingelhoffer, Shofar Shulee Ong, Camera; Felix Borggraefe, Sound; Santana McBride, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • We Are All the Same.... and Not: A service of celebration and reflection on being in community

    17/09/2023 Duração: 01h26min

    "We Are All the Same.... and Not: A service of celebration and reflection on being in community" Sunday, September 17, 10:50 am, 2023 September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month. Mari Magaloni Ramos, Santana Gonzalez Gomez and Vanessa Southern will explore some of what we celebrate this month and also larger reflections about being in community together. Rumor has it there may also be members of a Mariachi band at church!! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Santana González Gómez, Worship Associate; Galen Workman, Board of Trustees; The Ferree Family, Chalice Lighting; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Morgen Warner, Soprano; Mariachi Trio El Jalisco Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Asani Seawell, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Ingathering Sunday: Bring in the People and the Waters!

    10/09/2023 Duração: 01h30min

    "Ingathering Sunday: Bring in the People and the Waters!" Sunday, September 10, 10:50 am, 2023 This Sunday is opening Sunday! Church may serve as a place to "Remember" or to get an understanding of what it is to be human. Bring any water from areas you went this summer (even if it was from your backyard spigot or a nearby park). If you don't, we will have water accessible, and we look forward to your offering of what you bring from the summer into community -- what wisdom, what joy, what grief, what sense of possibilities or yearnings -- all of it presented into the year we begin together. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Rev. Seanan Fong, Community Minister; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Lucy Smith, Board of Trustees; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Nancy Munn, Soloist; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Santana Gonzalez-Gomez, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Co

  • Good Job!

    03/09/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    "Good Job!" Sunday, September 3, 10:50 am, 2023 On Labor Day, we celebrate workers - that is, the vast majority of people - and the work they do. We honor the struggle of workers organizing to make work sufficient and bearable. We ask: What is a good job? Is it having decent pay and benefits? Is it doing work that feeds your soul? Dare we dream to have both? The Covid pandemic has challenged our cultural view of work: what has shifted and what are the implications for social justice? Rev. Millie Phillips, Affiliated Community Minister; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Galen Workman, Board of Trustees; Rockin' Solidarity Labor Chorus conducted by Pat Wynne, Director; Mark Sumner, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Connection Through Sharing

    27/08/2023 Duração: 01h23min

    "Connection Through Sharing" Sunday, August 27, 10:50 am One of the ways we find connection at UUSF is through the Small Group Ministry program. Groups meet twice a month to reflect and to share about a topic. We will explore this type of connecting during the service. Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Linda Enger, Board of Trustees; Megan Lehmer & Ralph Fenn, Small Group Ministries; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; Nancy Munn, Soprano; Wm. Garcia Ganz, Pianist; Ben Rudiak-Gould, songleader Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk and Alicia Cover, sound; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • La Dolce Vita in Motion

    20/08/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    "La Dolce Vita in Motion" (also known as "Reflections on My Life as a Dancer”) Sunday, August 20, 10:50 am In seminary we spent part of our first year in a class part of which entailed writing our "Spiritual Autobiography." We had to look back on everything as it related to our journey as a spiritual being or around our beliefs or experiences of religion and spirituality. It made me realize that you and I can write any number of versions of your life. So inspired by this week's "Extravaganza of Joy" party at UUSF I'm writing my Dancing Autobiography. The preacher can get away with a lot in Summer, can't she?! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Carmen Barsody, Worship Associate; Jonah Berquist, Moderator; Larry Chinn, Jazz Pianist; Elliott Etzkorn, Pianist; Ben Rudiak-Gould, songleader Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Matias Salazar, Sexton; Gregory Stevens, Live Chat Moderator; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Living Joyfully

    13/08/2023 Duração: 01h18min

    "Living Joyfully" Sunday, August 13, 10:50 am Couldn't we all use a little bit more joy in our lives from time to time? We're surrounded by supposed ways to get joy: buy this, do that, follow these three simple steps. But when we chase it, it can seem more elusive than ever. How can we keep our minds and hearts open to happiness? How might we live more joyfully? Sam King, Guest Preacher; Santana González Gómez, Worship Associate; Tommy Kesecker, Percussionist; Nancy Munn, Pianist; Ben Rudiak-Gould, Songleader Jonathan Silk, audio and video; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • "The Quick Fix: A conversation about what is lost when we attempt to rush reconciliation."

    06/08/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    "The Quick Fix: A conversation about what is lost when we attempt to rush reconciliation." Sunday, August 6, 10:50 am August is a month in which people around the world celebrate the ascension of the Virgin Mary and mourn the horror unleashed in Hiroshima. What can these two events tell us about our capacity for causing harm to vulnerable populations and to our own spiritual development when we attempt to assuage our discomfort with the work required of us when we are faced with spiritual and societal strain or fracture? Please join Worship Associates Richard Davis-Lowell and Mari Magaloni Ramos for this one of a kind conversational service. Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Mark Sumner, songleader, Elliott Etzkorn, pianist Eric Shackelford, Camera; Alicia Cover, Order of Service; Jonathan Silk, Audio; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Worth and Dignity

    30/07/2023 Duração: 01h21min

    “Worth and Dignity” Sunday, July 30, 10:50 am Ever since the 1860’s, when led by our Minister, Thomas Starr King, this congregation has been notable for its commitment to Social Justice. We give scholarships to first generation students, we help feed people in need. We provide free after-school care for local children. We shelter those, who have none, during the winter months. We support ministries in the community, and much else. Today our firmest belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, is being assaulted by the forces of Capitalism, the increasing wealth of the rich, the ethos of materialism, and the coercive power wielded by the media. All this contributes to the widening gap between people who are wealthy and those who struggle to survive. How can we be true to our beliefs? This morning we will explore ways in which we can become more aware of the ecological, economic, and power dynamics which benefit the few, and keep us separate. Believing that study and reflection in community, can h

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