Complete Service-first Unitarian Universalist Society Of San Francisco



First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Sunday worship service. Home of liberal spirituality for over 150 years, the Society welcomes people of all racial and religious backgrounds. Our Congregation includes gay, straight, transgendered, and questioning people. More information is available at


  • "The Quick Fix: A conversation about what is lost when we attempt to rush reconciliation."

    06/08/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    "The Quick Fix: A conversation about what is lost when we attempt to rush reconciliation." Sunday, August 6, 10:50 am August is a month in which people around the world celebrate the ascension of the Virgin Mary and mourn the horror unleashed in Hiroshima. What can these two events tell us about our capacity for causing harm to vulnerable populations and to our own spiritual development when we attempt to assuage our discomfort with the work required of us when we are faced with spiritual and societal strain or fracture? Please join Worship Associates Richard Davis-Lowell and Mari Magaloni Ramos for this one of a kind conversational service. Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Mark Sumner, songleader, Elliott Etzkorn, pianist Eric Shackelford, Camera; Alicia Cover, Order of Service; Jonathan Silk, Audio; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Worth and Dignity

    30/07/2023 Duração: 01h21min

    “Worth and Dignity” Sunday, July 30, 10:50 am Ever since the 1860’s, when led by our Minister, Thomas Starr King, this congregation has been notable for its commitment to Social Justice. We give scholarships to first generation students, we help feed people in need. We provide free after-school care for local children. We shelter those, who have none, during the winter months. We support ministries in the community, and much else. Today our firmest belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, is being assaulted by the forces of Capitalism, the increasing wealth of the rich, the ethos of materialism, and the coercive power wielded by the media. All this contributes to the widening gap between people who are wealthy and those who struggle to survive. How can we be true to our beliefs? This morning we will explore ways in which we can become more aware of the ecological, economic, and power dynamics which benefit the few, and keep us separate. Believing that study and reflection in community, can h

  • Lessons on Community from Nature

    23/07/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    "Lessons on Community from Nature" Sunday, July 23, 10:50 am What are the important lessons humans can learn about leadership, adaptation and cooperation? In this sermon, guest preacher, Aisha Hauser will share her favorite stories and lessons from nature about how we can better support each other in community. Aisha Hauser, Guest Preacher; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; Radim Zenkl, multi instrumentalist Shulee Ong, Camera; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Alicia Cover, Order of Service; Desired Effect, audio support; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • "WEAV: What is it?

    16/07/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    "WEAV: What is it?" Sunday, July 16, 10:50 am This past Spring, UUSF piloted a new program from Starr King School of the Ministry, WEAV. What is this program and how does it help with our 8th principle work? Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Sam King, Worship Associate; Jayanti Chapot, Reflection; Rochelle Fortier Nwadibia, Reflection; Reiko Oda Lane, organist; Michael Mandrell, guitarist; Richard Fey, songleader Alicia Cover, Order of Service; Shulee Ong & Eric Shackelford, Livestream Cameras; Eric Wood (Desired Effect), Audio; Tom Brookshire, Live Chat Moderator; Matias Salazar & Tony Miller, Sextons; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Setting Boundaries

    09/07/2023 Duração: 01h18min

    "Setting Boundaries" Sunday, July 9, 10:50 am I had a therapist years ago who said each day do one thing that makes you more of a self. What she meant was one thing that honored your needs, wants and/or named in a grounded way your expectations. As a country that flaunts human behavior without boundaries OR boundaries enforced to extreme (the right to shoot folks who wander on our property, for example) we seem to have lost the gentle, healthy frameworks and art of setting boundaries. Let's talk, from intimate ways, about the diversity and beauty of healthy boundaries. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Carmen Barsody, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, organist; Christine Tulis, harpist and vocalist; Nancy Munn, songleader Alicia Cover, Order of Service; Shulee Ong, Livestream Camera; Eric Shackelford, Livestream Camer; Eric Wood (Desired Effect), Audio; Gregory Stevens, Live Chat Moderator; Matias Salazar, Sexton; Tony Miller, Sexton; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Big Music Sunday

    25/06/2023 Duração: 01h15min

    "Big Music Sunday" Sunday, June 25, 10:50 am Today we feature the Areté Singers, performing the live concert premiere of a new work called Mass for the Eighth Day with its award-winning composer, Luke Mayernik, sharing a reflection on it, as well as accompanying the work on organ. Several other choral gems will surround the musical centerpiece of the service. Some of the finest singers in the Bay Area will be performing, including a number that our regular congregants will recognize. The Chorus is made up of artists from all around the bay each a part of the Areté Singers Network — an organization that provides performers for concerts, operas, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, corporate, and other life events. More info at Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Areté Singers, Tim Salaver, conductor; Mark Sumner, songleader; Luke Mayernik, organist; Kassidy Mayernik, soprano; Leandra Ramm, mezzo soprano; Solo Quartet: Stephanie Collins; Leandra Ramm; Ben Rudiak-Gould; Asher Davison; Iren

  • Our Authentic Selves

    18/06/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    "Our Authentic Selves" Sunday, June 18, 10:50 am To parent (officially or unofficially) we have to be our best selves, but also increasingly I realize the gift of being our authentic self -- as parents, more so perhaps than in any other role. That gift is not an easy one to offer, but we find ways to do it. And the world splits gorgeously open when we do. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate; Michele Kennedy, Soprano; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; Mark Sumner, Pianist Eric Shackelford, Camera; Santana Gonzalez Gomez, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Life is Pure Jazz

    11/06/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    "Life is Pure Jazz" Sunday, June 11, 10:50 am There are so many metaphors for life: a journey, an unfolding (like a flower), a cycle (like the cycle of the seasons), a drama ("Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player/That struts and frets his hour upon the stage"). And there are just as many metaphors about how to approach life so you weather it with grace, find some joy, meaning and come out on the other side having made something of it. How about life as jazz, pure jazz?! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Wonder Dave, Worship Associate; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Jon Silk, Drummer; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist; Richard Saunders, Bassist; Lambert Moss, Soloist Shulee Ong, Camera; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Asani Seawell, Live Chat Moderator; Matias Salazar, Sexton; Tony Miller, Sexton; Kelvin Jones, Sexton; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Extravaganza!

    04/06/2023 Duração: 01h18min

    "Extravaganza!" Sunday, June 4, 10:50 am Join us for this multigenerational celebration of the end of our year together. Bring a flower to be part of our celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Flower Communion introduced by Unitarian minister Norbert Čapek of Prague, Czechoslovaki and hear the story of Čapek and the ritual. Let's sing, hear the bells, enjoy the choir and tell stories. Service will be followed by our Annual Meeting! Please bring a flower from your garden to be part of this Sunday's Flower Communion ritual! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; UUSF Bell Choir led by Organist Reiko Oda Lane; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. García Ganz, pianist Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Gregory Stevens, Live Chat Moderator; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Matias Salazar, Sexton; Dan Barnard, Facilities Manager; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Compassion

    28/05/2023 Duração: 01h14min

    "Compassion" Sunday, May 28, 10:50 am Features COMPASSION DUO integrating music and message into a special service. Internationally-acclaimed concert artists Christoph Wagner, cellist, and Joanne Kong, pianist, weave together live music, reflections and imagery in an inspiring event that will illuminate how embracing the connections we have to the natural world and all beings can bring about transformative spiritual growth, positive change and planetary healing. They have given presentations at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Galveston County, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Richmond, VA, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Christoph Wagner, cellist; Joanne Kong, pianist; Richard Davis, Worship Associate; Mark Sumner, pianist; Ben Rudiak-Gould, songleader Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Nap Ministry

    21/05/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    "Nap Ministry" Sunday, May 21, 10:50 am Tricia Hersey, ordained and tired, got drawn to the idea of a ministry around rest, nap-in-happenings but also the larger idea of rest as revolution. Tied deeply to undoing some of the patterns of a culture that has made models of extraction more than colonial models abroad, Hersey unpacks what virtue around rest and work and justice embodied ask of us. It is all very fun and deeply powerful to consider. Note: This Sunday is the Sunday of the Bay to Breakers run so if you come to church in person (please do, if you are inclined!) just check your route against the route of the race! Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; The Bernal Hill Players: Martha Rodríguez-Salazar, flute; Leah di Tullio, clarinet; Jennifer Peringer, piano; Richard Fey songleader; Wm. García Ganz, pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Tom Brookshire, Live Chat Moderat

  • A Sacred Choice: Reproductive Justice

    14/05/2023 Duração: 01h19min

    "A Sacred Choice: Reproductive Justice" Sunday, May 14, 10:50 am On this day honoring mothers, what does it mean to truly support the choice to become a mother or not? What does the upcoming resolution call us as a congregation to do to support this choice? Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Bree Shennum, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Peg Lisi, Soloist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Little Did I Know

    07/05/2023 Duração: 01h25min

    "Little Did I Know" Sunday, May 7, 10:50 am An anthology on caring for young people, a grief (or preparation project) around the Empty Nest Chapter that was on the horizon. That's how the book project began, but it took me places that were so different than I expected... as our journey loving and caring for the young people in our lives, I guess, always does. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Carmen Barsody, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Santana Gonzalez-Gomez, Chat Moderator; Kelvin Jones, Sexton; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • A May Day Convergence

    30/04/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    "A May Day Convergence" Sunday, April 30, 10:50 am On May 1st, it would appear that everything is converging at the same moment, whether it be the international worker's holiday, the Beltane festival, or a desperate call for help. Rev. Millie Phillips, Affiliated Community Minister; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director Shulee Ong, Camera; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Santana Gonzalez-Gomez, Chat Moderator; Thomas Brown, Sexton; Athena Papsadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • The Problem with God

    23/04/2023 Duração: 01h17min

    "The Problem with God" Sunday, April 23, 10:50 am For a lot of people it's the notion of "God" that gets in the way of coming into a religious community. So I want to explore some of what the "problem with God" is and some ways folks have reframed that word -- or reclaimed it -- so that we can see what possibilities there are for God (and where we hit some limits). Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Rheinber Award Committee; Jennifer Peringer, piano; Mark Sumner, piano; Ben Rudiak-Gould, songleader Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Asani Seawell, Chat Moderator; Thomas Brown, Sexton; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • Heartbeats

    16/04/2023 Duração: 01h22min

    "Heartbeats" Sunday, April 16, 10:50 am I was 29 years old when I served as assistant minister to Diane Miller back in 79/80. 18 years in Hayward, then 17 in Columbus, 7 years retired. And bam! Just like that, I am 73 and have heart problems. I’m afforded good care through Ohiohealth, Medicare and supplemental insurance, gratefully. But there is no obvious Medicare of the spirit to help me, and most everyone I know, through these present difficult times of tumult, hurt, anger, fear and escalating injustice in the US and the rest of the world. I know my own metaphoric heart hurts more and more daily, but there are many things I remember from earlier in my life to remind me how to move through the present world with my heart beating with courage, freedom and love. Rev. Dr. Marco Belletini, Guest Minister; Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Sam King, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, Organ; Mark Sumner, Music Director; UUSF Choir; Nancy Munn, Solo

  • What Prepares us for Sunrise?

    09/04/2023 Duração: 01h27min

    "What Prepares us for Sunrise?" Easter Sunday, April 9, 10:50 am Easter morning with its tradition of Sunrise Services is about the good news of life resurrected. You can hear that as the story of Jesus as told and passed down, as a reminder of the natural cycle of seasons, or as a metaphor for so much of life that moves from loss to new beginnings and to loss and new beginnings again and again. But like cheap grace, Easter without the days and nights before it, resurrection without loss doesn't make sense. What happens in the in between of all that that we need to remind ourselves of and then celebrate? Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate; UUSF Handbell Choir led by Reiko Oda Lane, Organ; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Jason Park, Trumpet; Bill Ganz, Piano Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Jackson Munn, Camera; Thomas Brown, Sexton; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • You Are Loved

    02/04/2023 Duração: 01h23min

    "You Are Loved" Sunday, April 2, 10:50 am If folks from theologians to psychologists to wise elders are correct, love comes first. For all of us to be fulfilled, healthily liberated to be our full selves, we have to know and believe we are loved, for ourselves, as we are. How does it inform how we live, to take that necessity seriously? Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Allen Biggs, Percussionist; Tommy Kesecker, Percussionist; T. Mychael Rambo, Soloist; Mark Sumner, Songleader; Bill Ganz, Pianist Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Thomas Brown, Sexton; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

  • What Need One?

    26/03/2023 Duração: 01h22min

    "What Need One?" Sunday, March 26, 10:50 am Shakespeare’s King Lear asked the perennial question, "What need one?" I remember it from high school AP English class. Mrs. Laster, who was a force of nature — and put the class at 8 am to discourage the lazy, the dilettantes, the weak — drove it home. The question, that is, not the answer. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Jordan Ong, Canvass Testimony; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Bill Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Joe Chapot, Live Chat Moderator; Thomas Brown, Sexton; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher; Ralph Fenn, Les James, Tom Brookshire, Zoom Coffee Hour

  • From Special Creation to Kin

    19/03/2023 Duração: 01h15min

    "From Special Creation to Kin: How Scientific and Indigenous Understandings Call Us to a New Relationship with Nature" Sunday, March 19, 10:50 am For much of Western history, the dominant creation story has placed humans at the apex of the natural order. This Sunday we will look at how the scientific creation story calls us to a different relationship with life, one which is consonant with many indigenous understandings and with Unitarian Universalism as well. Rev. Jamie Hinson-Rieger, Guest Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Sam King, Worship Associate; Sara Ferree, Canvass Testimony; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Bill Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Joe Chapot, Live Chat Moderator; Thomas Brown, Sexton; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

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