

"By Stander, Standing By" Sunday, October 15, 10:50 am, 2023 This weekend when we honor awareness about our Trans Beloveds, I want to talk about some stories I've heard from members lately. I want to talk about how we show up and invite others to do the same. I want to talk about the real danger of the bystander. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate; Liz Strand, Board of Trustees; Hamner Family, Chalice Lighting; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Lambert Moss, soloist; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Felix Borggraefe, Audio; Asani Seawell, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher