Complete Service-first Unitarian Universalist Society Of San Francisco

Ingathering Sunday: Bring in the People and the Waters!



"Ingathering Sunday: Bring in the People and the Waters!" Sunday, September 10, 10:50 am, 2023 This Sunday is opening Sunday! Church may serve as a place to "Remember" or to get an understanding of what it is to be human. Bring any water from areas you went this summer (even if it was from your backyard spigot or a nearby park). If you don't, we will have water accessible, and we look forward to your offering of what you bring from the summer into community -- what wisdom, what joy, what grief, what sense of possibilities or yearnings -- all of it presented into the year we begin together. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Rev. Seanan Fong, Community Minister; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Lucy Smith, Board of Trustees; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Nancy Munn, Soloist; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Santana Gonzalez-Gomez, Live Chat Moderator; Jonathan Silk, Co