Complete Service-first Unitarian Universalist Society Of San Francisco

“Hello, Frank!” in honor of the feast of St Francis which is on Oct 4.



“Hello, Frank!” in honor of the feast of St Francis which is on Oct 4. Sunday, October 1, 10:50 am, 2023 Living in a city named for St. Francis, we find ourselves looking for the humanity behind the saint as we negotiate very difficult times: Ideals of loving the poor get confused with the complexity of addressing poverty and homelessness; and a reverence for all creation can leave us wondering what really matters environmentally. Join us as we look beyond the saint and find the human. Carmen Barsody & Sam Dennison, Faithful Fools; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Linda Enger, Board of Trustee; Christoph Wagner, Cellist; Joanne Kong, Pianist; Mark Sumner, Songleader; Jon Silk, Drummer; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Jose Matias Pineda, Sexton; Linda Messner, Head Usher