Crypto Talks



The podcast features the early adopters of the blockchain and cryptocurrency world. It will uncover the stories of the humans behind the crypto and introduce you to new and exciting blockchain projects.Are you ready for the journey down the rabbit hole?


  • Finding Your Hidden Superpower

    26/01/2016 Duração: 43min

    Stefano L Tresca was employee #8 at Wind, a telecom startup company sold for $12.1 billion. Before joining this venture, he was a teacher of Italian for Koreans, a web designer, and an ice cream maker, just to name a few. Bestselling author and passionate about travelling, he worked in over 20 countries, until he quit the corporate life in 2011. Today Stefano enjoys mentoring startup companies, writing and occasionally consults for corporations on innovation and investments. Many years ago, he felt in love with the city of London, and that's where he lives now when he's not traveling.  In this interview we talk about how he wrote his book Future Cities that became a bestseller what did the Amazon bestselling rank actually brought the 50-50 rule the hidden secret superpower the mistakes he made with his very first book Useful links: Stefano's book - (Future Cities: 42 Insights and Interviews with Influencers, S

  • How to Go Wide as an Author

    11/01/2016 Duração: 34min

    Today I am talking to Dan Wood from Draft 2 Digital. This episode is the short official version of the Blab we did few weeks ago, back in 2015. We spoke about how to go wide as an author and make sure that your book is available in most of the possible platforms out there. The Full Blab Interview (Wanna grow your audience and business with Blab? Check this out!) [text-blocks id="podcast-subscription-links" plain=1]

  • My Wishes For 2016

    01/01/2016 Duração: 06min

    I hope you had nice holidays and amazing New Year celebration. And with this recording I’d like to share my wishes to you for 2016. I wish that we all read more and learn new things. Although we don’t talk about it often, I am sure that writers have not only to write but also read every day. I also wish that we travel and get out in nature a lot. Travels will bring new experiences and topics to include in your writing as well as help you become open-minded. I wish that we all toss away the self-doubt and start believing in ourselves, because no one will believe in us until we do. From now on I wish we don’t wait for the right moment and start right away. Don’t waste time waiting. Don’t make your life one long stay in a waiting room. Do what you always wanted to do in 2016. Believe me there will be no better time. I wish that instead of complaining and blaming others we practice gratitude and thank for everything we have. I wish that we all stop resisting the change and embrace it instead in the upco

  • My Talk with the Serial Disruptor

    21/12/2015 Duração: 43min

    Today my guest is (Jay Alan Samit). Jay is a dynamic entrepreneur who is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on disruption and innovation. He launches billion dollar businesses, transforms entire industries, revamps government institutions, and for over three decades continues to be at the forefront of global trends. His bestselling book Disrupt You! is a go-to book for starting entrepreneurs. It will help you achieve success that you deserve! Food for Thought Obstacles are really just opportunities in disguise. Failing is learning what doesn't work. Failure is throwing in the towel and giving up. If you think you can or you think you can't you're right. If you want get something done give it to busy person. A dream with a deadline suddenly becomes a plan. You can have everything you want out of life - you just can't get it all in once. The writing is the small piece of the puzzle. Too many people listen to everybody that gave up on their dreams to convince

  • Don't Miss This Great Free Resource for Writers

    16/12/2015 Duração: 32min

    In this episode Adam Bailey from will explain how and why did they come up with the idea to launch Goodriter and why it will become one of the most valuable resources for all writers. I wanted you to know about the special limited time offer they have for us and make sure that you don't miss that valuable free bundle. In this bundle of 50+ resources the most respected names in self-publishing share their best content for free. The bundle contains 30+ Free ebooks, 9+ Free eCourses and 5+ Free audiobooks. c (lick this link and get your Christmas gift from Gootriter now! ) I am proud to be part of that initiative and I am sure you have heard my interviews with most of those, who contributed to this (you can check the list of the interviews below). The special offer expired on December 20th, so make sure you go and grab it now. I assure you it's extremely valuable and you will learn a lot! (Just click this link and get yo

  • How to Know if Your Book Will Sell or Not

    07/12/2015 Duração: 40min

    Alex Newton (aka Niehues) is CEO and Founder of (, the leading Kindle market research service on the net. Alex brings more than 20 years of experience in publishing, data analytics and management consulting to the table. Today, we talk about his company (K-lytics), publishing trends, and how he made the transition from a "traditional career" to online entrepreneurship. We also discuss how one can predict if the book will sell or not before even starting writing it.

  • How to Become a Kindlepreneur

    24/11/2015 Duração: 31min

    Today I am interviewing Dave Chesson, who like many, is an Amazon Best Selling author, however, using advanced online marketing techniques, he creates books and platforms that keep all of his books at the #1 best seller mark for years.  Dave is a marketing nut and the creator of (, a free website devoted to teaching people the marketing side of being an author. In this interview we talk about the awesome free tools Dave has created for self-published authors, about publishing and of course, book marketing.

  • How to Build Your Author Platform

    17/11/2015 Duração: 36min

    Today my guest is Jonny Andrews. My first interview with him about (Embracing The Darkside Of Self Publishing Success) is still one of the most popular episode of the podcast. This time we did a Blab together and spoke about how to build an author platform. Food for Thought Books are a commodity at this point. You have to create daily ritual around creation of the thing that needs to be sold. Figure out what you wanna write first. Running giveaways are the fastest road to get bigger results. Give away your first book for free. You give it away so people can sample you. Don't target giveaway sites. The first book always takes the longest. You're not gonna make living on one book usually. Come up with more stuff more often. Being an author has become about generating leads. The Full Blab Interview

  • Why I am Not Doing NaNoWriMo This Year

    09/11/2015 Duração: 06min

    As most of you – especially the fiction writers know – November is the National Novel Writing Month and around 300k people are writing their novels right now. Their challenge is to complete 50k words in 30 days, which may sound hard but I think it sounds much harder than it is in reality. Many of you were reaching out to me asking if I am doing (NaNoWriMo) this year or not so I decided to make a separate episode letting you know and providing explanations and thoughts about the subject too. I wrote both of my novels (Highfall) and (DreamDown) participating in NaNoWriMo and it was a great experience. There are few elements to it that I think are very important for newbie writer. Most of us struggle to finish writing our novel – especially if it’s our first novel. NaNoWriMo adds motivation and encouragement to your writing process. First of all you have

  • How to Kick Writer's Block and Start Write Productively

    02/11/2015 Duração: 34min

    Today I am talking to Morgan Gist MacDonald from the (Paper Raven Books.) She helps people in their writing journey. Morgan truly believe that writers can change the world. In this episode we talk about reasons why people don't write although they want to writer's block writer's doubts what to do when you lose inspiration writing discipline how to come up with new writing ideas writing productivity tips Food for Thought [spp-tweet tweet="You write first and then only clarify the idea."] The energy that you bring into writing is as important as what you write. (You can get Morgan's free ebook called 12 STEPS TO WRITE AN E-BOOK here) The Full Blab Interview (Wanna grow your audience and business with Blab? Check this out!)  

  • The Power of Storytelling

    27/10/2015 Duração: 30min

    Today I am talking to (Dr. Tom Curran.) He helps people to discover the unique gift that each of them is and to discover how they can be that gift in the world. He also helps speakers be able to be able to present their message more effectively and helps. organizations lead their organizations more effectively. The most important is that Tom is one of the best storytellers that I have met so far. In this interview we talk about the power of the storytelling and Tom shares his knowledge and opinions around the topic. It was originally done on Blab and you can see the full recording of it below (including the Q&A and extra talks). The podcast is the edited shorter version of what we had covered. Food for thought Stories become a bridge between truth and meaning and between the presenter and their audience. You don't just make a presentation - you ARE the presentation. Don't wait for perfection before you start writing. Recognize that before you ever write you are already an author. M

  • How to Create Evergreen Marketing Campaign

    20/10/2015 Duração: 57min (Find out the limited offer for the Blab Traction Course Here) Today I am talking to (Bob Yeager). In 1995, at the age of 17, Bob Yeager was recruited from a local college to interview at a telemarketing firm called Dial America. Within two hours of the initial job orientation and with no formal sales experience, Bob was asked to head up training of over 30 sales teams across the country in his unique approach to selling. This interview is long but valuable so invest 1 hour in finding out how to create an evergreen marketing campaign for your books! Food for Though It's not about what you say about your book. It's about what everyone else is saying before the book is even released. Sales and marketing it's now a community of people who are going to talk about this message together and they're going to make a group decision to buy it. Today what authors and marketers are doing is manufacturing media. Publish every day something. If you want exp

  • Talk About Habits

    11/10/2015 Duração: 47min

    As you have already noticed I am really excited about the new live streaming platform called Blab and as some of you have already seen I am recording some of the podcast interviews live on Blab. So I decided to launch an online course about how to grow your audience and your brand with Blab. The course is called Blab Traction and I am preparing it right now. It will be ready and launch on November 1st. But before that I am pre-selling it at the ridiculously low price + with special bonuses. The limited time bonuses and price offer is will be available only for the first 35 registered students. (If you are interested please check out all the details here!) My  guest today is (Alex Barker). Alex is By day a pharmacist, by night a hero to his 2 daughters and wife, and by early morning a business owner. His mission is to help men and women find a disciplined approach to success in life and business. I highly recommend his podcast called 66 Day Experime

  • How to Stop Sabotaging Your Life

    06/10/2015 Duração: 41min

    [spp-player url=""]Today I am talking with Bruno LoGreco. He is a master life coach, mentor and the author of Stop Sabotaging Your life, 3 Steps To Your Full Potential. In this interview Bruno speaks about why did he decide to write a book what was the hardest part in writing a book how did he overcome the fear of sharing his writing with the world what does he mean by the phrase "stop sabotaging your life" where to find the encouragement if you don't get it from the people around you the 3 steps to achieve your full potential (If you are Write 2B Read podcast listener and have written and published your first book thanks to the knowledge and the encouragement you got from the podcast, please drop me a line and I'll feature you in podcast's special episode!)

  • Voice Techniques and Storytelling tips

    28/09/2015 Duração: 41min (Follow me on Blab and participate in the live interview by asking your own questions to my guest and me.) Today I am talking to (Tracey Goodwin.) She is known around the globe as The Red Sweater Lady, a title that somewhat fell into her lap. She started out winning speaking awards when she was 12 years old. She was never really a stranger to the spotlight as she went on to become a professional actor for years making her living doing television commercials. But, there’s so much more to the back story. At a young age, while she loved speaking, she did not have a great voice and was put into intensive voice training. She learned an incredible system that dramatically changed her speaking voice for the better. Over the years she has pulled all her education and training as well as life experiences together to create a program for clients that truly works. In this interview we mainly talk about voice technique and storytelling. Food for Thought Ou

  • A Talk About Challenges

    22/09/2015 Duração: 07min

    My grandfather was an astrophysicist and all my vacations (including the 3 month summer vacation) we spent at the observatory, which was in a mountains. It was a beautiful quite place, where at nights stars were closer to you than anywhere else. I was fortunate to grow surrounded by nature, fruits from my grandfather’s garden and fresh air that had nothing in common with the toxic asphalt scented air we breath in the city. Needless to say that we spent most of our time playing outside… We were careless and happy. I remember that in those times we loved challenging each other. And it seemed like I was the one who would always accept the challenge. If someone (especially a boy) told me you can’t do… something, like climb on the highest branch of the tree, or jump down from a wall, or ride the bicycle hands free, or anything else – my first reaction was immediately answering “I can”. I was not sure I could, but as soon as I was hearing that they thought I can’t I immediately wanted to prove them wrong. As a r

  • Journalism vs Creative Writing

    18/09/2015 Duração: 43min

    Today my guest is A.C. Fuller. He is fiction author, he leads writing workshops for adults, and hosts the (WRITER 2.0 Podcast). In this interview we talk about journalism and creative writing A.C's first book The Anonymous Source A.C.'s writing process dealing with criticism his book launch strategy why did he create the (WRITER 2.0 Podcast). Useful links (A.C. Fuller's website) (The Anonymous Source) (Writer 2.o Podcast)

  • Lead Inspired Life

    15/09/2015 Duração: 05min

    In this episode I would like to talk about inspiration.We all know how important being inspired is. Most of us lead dull and ordinary lives, and spend most of our days doing what needs to be done and have no time left to do things that inspire us instead. Life gets on the way and keeps us away from what we dreamed of. We grow up and get stuck in the routine, responsibilities overload us and with the time we get used to it. Some people stay in that state forever. Some others manage to break through and get inspired again. Those who do eventually start inspiring others by their own example… Looking at people who lead inspired life brings hope and faith. Faith that it is possible and hope that we will be able to do the same… People, who inspire us are those, who don’t wait for the inspiration to come to their life – they provoke it. Those are the people, who have a dream and are not afraid to do everything that needs to be done to get closer to that dream. Those are the people, who find the courage to fac

  • Writing Memoire to Change Your Life

    11/09/2015 Duração: 32min

    Today I am talking to Emmanuel Wolfe. Emmanuel is  an optimal mindset coach and the creator and host of the podcast called "The Steep Side of The Mountain". In this interview we speak about writer's block finding your writing voice how to become your ultimate self personal change writing a memoire Food for Thought You have to be willing to write crappy stuff until you get to the good stuff. If we're afraid to show who we really are we have no business writing. Memoire writing is a deep healing process. You will change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing.

  • Find the Write Mindset

    08/09/2015 Duração: 05min (Download Your Free Guide - FIND THE WRITE MINDSET & GET PUBLISHED: The 5 Steps To Build Your Writing Confidence) The thing is many talk about how to write a book, how to self-publish it and how to do book marketing but very few talk about how to actually get emotionally prepared to become a writer. I am talking about the write mindset here… There are many emotional barriers that newbie writers have in the very beginning and unless they overcome those they will not get to the stage of writing a book, let alone publishing and marketing it. As I already mentioned in one of the previous episodes 81% of people say they want to write a book…and only 1% DO. I strongly believe that although the 80-% come up with logical and objective excuses for not writing their books, in reality the reasons for not writing are mindset related. When people say that they don’t have time to write or that they can’t write well… the real reasons are much deeper. I think many of us used different

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