Crypto Talks



The podcast features the early adopters of the blockchain and cryptocurrency world. It will uncover the stories of the humans behind the crypto and introduce you to new and exciting blockchain projects.Are you ready for the journey down the rabbit hole?


  • Breaking Down Barriers and Brick Walls

    04/09/2015 Duração: 47min

    Today my guest is Dixie Gillaspie. Ever since she was a little girl, Dixie’s least favorite word was "can’t." It still is, and she's on a mission to prove that anything is possible, for anyone. Her first love is working with entrepreneurs as a coach, consultant, muse, and firestarter. She's good at seeing opportunities where other people see walls, navigating crossroads where other people see dead ends, and helping people connect their passion and purpose to create a powerful presence and increased profit. Dixie contributes to Entrepreneur and Huffington Post and is a Senior Managing Editor for The Good Man Project. In this interview we talk  about the right reasons for writing the "can't" brick walls and what stands behind those 3 stages all entrepreneurs (and writers are entrepreneurs too) go though during their journey the power of incorporating your personal story into writing the benefits of having a good editor writing for big publications/websites Food for Thought Most of us write because we h

  • Signs That You Are a Writer

    01/09/2015 Duração: 10min

    So what is it that most of the writers do? What is in common among them? What are the different facts we all share together? I tried to come up with a list of things that might be signs that you are a writer. 1. You are avid reader 2. You own many journals 3. You can’t walk past stationary shop 4. You take pen and notepad everywhere with you 5. You have more books than friends 6. You love watching people 7. You Listen to life stories and think about how to write them up in a book 8. Writing is always in your priority list   9. You love solitude and enjoy “me” time   10. You think about the book you’re writing and the characters no matter  what you do 11. Spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes annoy you 12. You hate any “real” and “normal” 9-6 jobs   13. You listen to other people’s conversation trying to find a new story   14. You dream of making full time income writing   15. You hate editing  16. You have your personal list of things that boost your creativity   17. You feel guilty if y

  • How Writing Fiction Can Get You Out of Poverty

    28/08/2015 Duração: 40min

    Today I am talking to Amazon bestselling paranormal author Rebecca Patrick-Howard. Rebecca wanted to become a country singer. But later she re-considered and became a blogger and travel writer. She self-published her first fiction book in January 2013. In this interview we talk about the fear of sharing her fiction writings and how she overcame it why Rebecca did not give-up when she wanted to book marketing efforts that worked best so far Rebecca's unique approach to building her e mail list social media and its importance future plans Useful Links (Rebecca's website) (Publish My Book Today)

  • Writing Excuses and Real Reasons

    25/08/2015 Duração: 07min

    I read somewhere that 81% of people say they want to write a book…and only 1% DO. To me it was really sad discovery. Why? Well because as I have already told many times before Unread Story is a Broken Dream! So what about those 80% of people who want to write a book and don’t? Why do they give up their dream? Why don’t they write a book if they want to? All they have to do is sit and write, right? WRONG! Those 80% have their reasons… I have been there too and I think I know some of the reasons that keep them away from their dream. They all have stories locked in their soul and messages inside that stay silent. They all would love to share their stories, but they can’t. And although it is sad, it can be explained. Today I decided to make a solo episode about those 80% and try to explain why they staid where they were while the other tiny 1% actually wrote their books. When you talk to them and ask why they don’t write a book if they would like to, they come up with different reasons. “I don’t have ti

  • Content Marketing Lessons

    21/08/2015 Duração: 41min

    Today I am talking to Dan Norris. Dan is entrepreneur, speaker, award winning content marketer and bestselling author. Check This Out! (My Favorite Resources) (Get Your Free Audiobook Here) In this interview we talk about why did Dan decide to write a book which marketing efforts had the biggest effect for his book launch how to differentiate with content content marketing his new book Content Machine Food for thought If you write the book that really hit a nerve that gets people's attention and do a good job marketing the book yhen it can really open some amazing doors. You need to impact people. There is no point in writing and creating anything if it's not gonna involve in some kind of change in people. With your content you should be differentiating from other people who have the attention of your audience. Useful links (Dan's website ) (Content Machine Re

  • The Healing Mechanism of Writing Fiction

    17/08/2015 Duração: 36min (Click to Win Professional Kindle Cover for Your Book) Today my guest is fiction author (D. D. Marx.) She had a successful corporate job and was making great money, but was unsatisfied and unhappy. A while ago she found herself without a job and that's when it all started. She wrote her first novel, which is part of a trilogy,  was inspired by dear friend lost in a car accident 20+ years ago. Writing the book became the final healing mechanism to let it go. D.D. decided on the names of the trilogy, book cover, her pen name and built out all her social media channels even before she started writing the book. That made her be already committed to the work. D.D. is visiting book clubs and talks about the book. Original Ideas D.D. among other social media channels uses Pinterest to market her book. She has created boards for each character of the book and pins things that the characters could like there. In the book the main character falls in love wi

  • Let's Focus

    13/08/2015 Duração: 06min (Click to Win Professional Kindle Cover for Your Book) Have you heard Jack Ma’s quote that says “If there are 9 rabbits on the ground, if you want to catch one, just focus on one."  Looking back I realize that most of the time I’ve been chasing all the rabbits. The visible ones, the invisible ones… I looked for new places to spot new rabbits… and as a result I was doing many different things and getting mediocre results at best. No surprise that I did not catch any of those rabbits. Focus has been a challenge for me. And it’s mainly because it is difficult for me to choose just one thing to focus on. Deciding what is the most important thing for that moment can be hard. And even when you decide… sticking to it is even harder. There are many people fighting for your attention. There are many distractions getting on your way. There is family, there are relatives, there is social media, the stupid TV, the good weather luring you to go out, the new e mail, which just arrived….

  • From Stephen King to self-published fiction

    11/08/2015 Duração: 42min (Click to Win Professional Kindle Cover for Your Book) Today I am talking to Jim Heskett. Jim is an author, a world traveler, indie podcaster, purveyor of reviews, and writing advice. Steven King was the first author Jim fell in love with. Later, he wrote 2 screenplays with his room mate. Jim had day job, while writing his very first novel, which took him 2 years to complete since he was endlessly revising it. After unsuccessful tries to get agent's attention and find a publisher he finally decided to self publish. And I am sure he has no regrets. In this interview we follow the journey of becoming self-published author, discuss what worked for Jim best, how to deal with having several different audiences and get his advice for newbie writers. Useful Links (Jim Heskett's website) (Indie Author Answers podcast) (How to Make $450k a Ye

  • Reinvent You and Stand Out

    28/07/2015 Duração: 41min

    Today my guest is Dorie Clark. Dorie is a marketing strategy consultant, professional speaker, and frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, TIME, Entrepreneur, and the World Economic Forum blog. Recognized as a “branding expert” by the Associated Press, Fortune, and Inc. magazine, she is the author of (Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future). Her most recent book, (Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It), was released in April 2015. In this interview we talk about how Dorie build her platform through blogging advantages of being a published author how to choose what to be about the 3-step process of reinventing yourself the 3 word exercise, which will help with your branding 3 Step Process of Reinventing Yourself Step 1 - find out where you are now (what are you known for) Step 2 - create a vision of where you wanna go and what do you need to do in order to overcome the gap of where you are

  • Exploring Reader's Legacy

    21/07/2015 Duração: 35min

    Today I am talking to Ken Dunn. Ken is a bestselling author and the CEO and founder of Next Century Publishing and the Readers legacy. His mission is to change the way people read, write and experience books. In this interview we find out Ken's journey from being a police officer to becoming financially free and retired how one book changed Ken's life the challenges writers face today what Next Century Publishing does what is Reader's Legacy and why writers should get engaged there now Useful Links (Next Century Publishing) (Reader's legacy) (Learn How to Write a Book in 2 Hours) (free ebook)

  • How to Distribute Your Books Everywhere

    14/07/2015 Duração: 39min

    We, authirs discuss a lot about whether we should stick exclusively to Amazon or our books should be sold on all platforms available out there. I decided to talk to Mark Coker, who is an author himself, but what is more important for this particular case he is the founder of Smashwords. Smashwords was founded in 2008. It is a free ebook publishing and distribution platform, which works with over 100k authors and publishers. In this interview we talk about: Preorders and their benefits Transitioning from Amamzon to other platforms Why Smashwords is the best choice Writing and marketing series  Food for Thought Every writer in the world has a right to publish a book. The most important piece of the puzzle is to write a super awesome book. If your book is only good - the good is not good enough anymore. The book has to take the readers to the emotionally satisfying extreme. Readers are reading either for an emotional experience or for an intellectual experience. (sometimes the combination of both) Ther

  • Writer's Struggles

    10/07/2015 Duração: 06min

    Today I decided to be completely honest and share my struggles with you. And the reason for this is not to ask for petty or anything. I simply thought that some of you might have been going through the same thing and we could possibly figure out how to overcome some of those struggles. So, periodically I am getting writer’s doubts and I start questioning myself if I can really write? If what I write is good enough? If I have any potential at all? And if my writing is worth anything. These doubts became really strong recently. The reason is - I have enrolled in Writer’s Bootcamp and starting from the 1st of this month we are writing up different exercises… Then we read,  provide feedback, critique… The ultimate goal of the course - or at least how I see it -  is to learn writing well, to make sure that your quality is high and that you learn the craft. But it’s a painful process. I guess any growth is… It’s painful because in the beginning you start realizing where you stand now. And now… having objectiv

  • How to Gain Your First 10k Readers

    06/07/2015 Duração: 44min

    Today my guest is Nick Stephenson. Nick was born and raised in England. He is a fiction author and novelist, writing in the mysteries and thrillers genre. His approach to writing is to hit hard, hit fast, and leave as few spelling errors as possible. We are discussing how to gain the first 10k readers and what Nick did exactly in order to make full time income from writing fiction books. Nick shares practical and simple tips, which can be replicated easily with even only one written book. Nick is also speaking at the Self-Publishing Success Summit, which is the best online summit on the topic with amazing line-up. On that summit 37 World-Changing Authors & Entrepreneurs Reveal How to Write, Market & Publish Your  First Book AND Use It To Get To 6 Figures (You can get your FREE access to the Self-Publishing Success Summit here.) Food for Thought The statement "The best marketing is writing your next book" is a myth. N1 focus should be getting more readers sign up to your e-mai

  • Growth Hacking

    30/06/2015 Duração: 42min

    Today I am talking to Tom Morkes. Tom is a West Point grad, Iraq War veteran and CEO of Insurgent Publishing. He is the author of the new book Collaborate: The New Rules for Launching a Business Online. Tom was Write 2B Read podcast guest in episode 49 and (you can hear it at this link.) Food for Thought Crowdfunding is not good for building an audience. If your reach isn't there and if you don't have built audience in place the crowdfunding campaign will not be successful. Crowdfunding is a way to create an event around your book. There are many growth hacking tools that will help you grow your readership and increase book sales. Useful Links (Tom's website) (The Growth Hacker's Guide to the Galaxy) (support the kickstarter campaign here) (Indiegogo) (Kickstarter) (Publishizer) (Inkshares) Don't Forget! http://www.

  • How to Grow Your Audience in 18 Seconds

    26/06/2015 Duração: 44min

    Today I talk to Parviz Parvizi. Parviz is co-founder of Clammr, a mobile app and platform making audio more social and viral. Users are calling Clammr, which features snack-sized audio clips of 18 seconds or less, the “Instagram of Audio.” Previously, Parviz worked at McKinsey & Company, Goldman Sachs, the FCC, and O’Melveny & Myers. He has advised top 5 global media companies and mobile carriers on strategy and growth. He was a founder of McKinsey’siConsumer research initiative on digital consumer behavior, authoring 3 of the Firm’s 10 most-downloaded media sector knowledge documents. Parviz holds a JD from Yale Law School and AB from Cornell. In this interview we talk about the Clammr app. Clammr brings social engagement and discovery to audio.   Users are calling our app Audio Instagram and Audio Twitter.  Listeners get personalized streams of Entertainment & News in 18-second bites that they can launch automatically into full-length music, podcasts, and news. Audio content creators love Clammr as a wa

  • Kindle Unlimited Pages Read

    23/06/2015 Duração: 08min

    Don't Forget! (Join the Write to be Read podcast birthday party by registering at here.) ( ) I will be more than happy to meet you there on July 1st! These days I’ve come across many articles and questions concerning Amazon’t new policy that will be implemented starting July 1st. At first it seemed confusing even to me, so I went through some stuff and decided to clarify things for you today. For those of you who have not heard about this yet - the news says that Amazon twill pay Kindle authors only for pages read… Before digging into this let me make one thing clear from the very start. This will only affect self-published authors whose books are available on Amazon’s lending services I mean those who self-publish their books exclusively through Amazon’s “KDP Select” program. It means that the news applies only at cases when Amazon prime members get your book for free from the Amazon Landing Library and if you are not enrolled at KDP

  • Make Your Writings Be Heard

    19/06/2015 Duração: 43min

    Today my guest is Beren Hollins. Beren Hollins is a Doctor from Britain who now works in Canada. He is planning to publish his first novel later this year and with that in mind decided to commit to the idea of building an audience in advance. So he started The First Three Chapters Podcast. His podcast features new  books and help new authors get visibility and gain audience. Beren reads the first 3 chapters of the book in audiobook format and lets his listeners know where they can buy the book in case they like it and want to read the rest. In this interview we talk about Beren's journey of becoming author, the plans he has about the launch of his first book this year, podcasting as a way for authors to gain new audience  and how you can benefit from The First Three Chapters podcast. Hearing the words that you've written read by somebody else is just amazing. It brings it to life in a way that's hard to describe. It certainly makes everything about the words you've written much more real. Useful Links http

  • Transform Your Life Story

    16/06/2015 Duração: 49min

    Today my guest is Christal Earle. She is entrepreneur, speaker, passionate author and transformational coach.We all tell stories to ourselves and the world about who we are and what we are here to create. Christal works with  people who want to understand how to take their unique story, voice, passion and purpose into the world in a way that resonates and connects with who they are and the audience they want to reach. In this interview we talk about how the stories we tell ourselves may keep us away from success and how to change them into new stories. We also We look for what we want but we find what we believe.   Useful Liks (Your Brilliance Unlimited) (Christal's website) (Transform Your Life Story: A Ten Day Journey to Change the Stories You Tell Yourself (Free eBook)) You can e mail Christal at Christal (at)

  • How to Work a Room

    09/06/2015 Duração: 52min

    Susan's first book- the classic bestseller -How To Work A Room-(now available as a silver anniversary revised edition in print, as an ebook and audiobook) has sold over one million copies in 13 countries. Named by as one of the Networking Experts to follow in 2015, Susan RoAne, an author and in-demand international keynote speaker, has shared her message of connection and communication with audiences worldwide, and in diverse publications including: the New York Times, Sydney Telegraph, Financial Times, Globe and Mail, USA Today,, Men's Health,Buzzfeed , the San Francisco Chronicle, huffington post and The Wall Street Journal as well as on TV, Radio and podcasts worldwide. Her clients include Coca Cola, Kraft Foods, The US Air Force, UnitedHealth Group, Yale University, Apple Computer, Procter and Gamble, authors@google, Intel, Stanford University, LinkedIN, The National Football League, — and, her personal favorite . . . Hershey Chocolate! Interview highlights Writing is isolating but t

  • About Inspiration and Experiences

    05/06/2015 Duração: 09min

    Guess what? Write 2B Read podcast is almost 1 years old and its birthday is on July 1st. I thought about how to celebrate that milestone and yes it deserves a celebration because I have super unstable personality and for me a year is quite long… So I thought what to do and realized that this podcast would not stay alive until now if not you - my listeners. And it became completely clear to me that whatever I decide to do should be done with you. That is why I came up with the idea of having a live Q&A hangout with anyone who would like to join me to celebrate together our podcast’s birthday. I thought that it would be nice to finally get together and have fun. Besides I have never done videos before and most of you have only heard my voice, so this will be the first time I’ll quit my comfort zone and get on live video for you. You will be able to ask me anything you’d like to know and I will do my best to answer… but guess what? I don’t know everything so if there will be questions, which I don’t know how to

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