Crypto Talks



The podcast features the early adopters of the blockchain and cryptocurrency world. It will uncover the stories of the humans behind the crypto and introduce you to new and exciting blockchain projects.Are you ready for the journey down the rabbit hole?


  • First Writing Experiences

    01/07/2014 Duração: 10min

    In this episode I share the story of my very first writing experience. Back then I did not realize that it was the starting point of a long and exciting journey. I know how it happened and you will know that too once you listen to this short episode. But why did it happen, I still don't know and most probably never will. What about you? Do you remember your first writing experience? If you do, please feel free to share it with us either in the comments below or at the (Write 2B Read podcast closed Facebook group.) Thank you for listening! If you would like to help me and you haven’t already, I would appreciate if you could take a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below. It’s the best possible way to help the podcast grow so it can encourage  and inspire more people! (Review Write 2B Read podcast on iTunes by clicking on this link)

  • Welcome to the Write 2B Read Podcast

    30/06/2014 Duração: 03min ()Hi everyone! I am very excited to announce that the Write 2B Read podcast is finally live. Many have writer's doubts, in my case I had podcaster's doubts. I've been thinking about creating a podcast since 2 years already, but never did anything about it. I was not sure about my voice, about my accent and about the fact that people will actually listen to me. Then I realized that I will never know until I try. So I spend the last few weeks learning podcasting from scratch and recording episodes and interviews for you. Write 2B Read podcast is created to encourage and inspire writers to become authors. It will have very short episodes with tips, reflections and encouragement as well as longer interviews with writers, who will share their views and thoughts about writing, self-publishing, book marketing and anything else that they think you should know. I really hope that the podcast will help you in your journey of finding your readers and becoming a bestselling author. Yo

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