Crypto Talks

A Talk About Challenges



My grandfather was an astrophysicist and all my vacations (including the 3 month summer vacation) we spent at the observatory, which was in a mountains. It was a beautiful quite place, where at nights stars were closer to you than anywhere else. I was fortunate to grow surrounded by nature, fruits from my grandfather’s garden and fresh air that had nothing in common with the toxic asphalt scented air we breath in the city. Needless to say that we spent most of our time playing outside… We were careless and happy. I remember that in those times we loved challenging each other. And it seemed like I was the one who would always accept the challenge. If someone (especially a boy) told me you can’t do… something, like climb on the highest branch of the tree, or jump down from a wall, or ride the bicycle hands free, or anything else – my first reaction was immediately answering “I can”. I was not sure I could, but as soon as I was hearing that they thought I can’t I immediately wanted to prove them wrong. As a r