O Teatro Infantil Do Arnaldo Miranda: 3 Textos Para 2 Atores

Reúne três textos infantis para dois atores já encenados em todo o Brasil, a partir da década de 1980. Os sonhos de Tom & Theo, a premiadíssima Hep & Reg e A bailarina e o...

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Félix Nunes De Miranda: Trajetória, Relapsia E Herança Imaterial (1670- 1731)

O cristão-novo Félix Nunes de Miranda foi processado por duas vezes pelos Tribunais do Santo Ofício de Llerena, na Espanha, e de Lisboa, em Portugal. Em 1696, foi preso por...

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Appassionata Para Violão De Ronaldo Miranda: Reflexões Acerca Da Prática De Revisão

Encomendada pelo violonista Turíbio Santos, a Appassionata, do compositor Ronaldo Miranda, foi composta para violão em 1984. Durante a etapa composicional, Turíbio pôde...

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Trinity & Megan

Trinity & Megan

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Megan Edge

NEW SHOW! Playing on the Edge Radio with Megan Edge: Radical Change with EasePlaying on the Edge with Megan Edge will challenge conventional beliefs about whats possible in...

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Ask Megan!

Megan Fairchild, Principal dancer with New York City Ballet answers listener's questions three times each week. Listeners can call in to the Balancing Pointe website and record a...

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Megan Meditation

Why meditation is beneficial to teens

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Megan Elias

Megan Elias's podcast: exploring the relationship between illustration intricacy, detail and color in relation to sophistication and popularity of political comics.

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Cody Megan

We talk about how the laws for immigration and how we have our views on it

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Miranda Devine Live

Outspoken Daily Telegraph columnist Miranda Devine shares the mic with some of Australia's most notable people from industry leaders to the leader of the country.

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