American Claimant, The by TWAIN, Mark

The American Claimant is an 1892 novel by American humorist and writer Mark Twain. The story focuses on the class differences and expectations of monarchic, hierarchical Britain...

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Those Extraordinary Twins by TWAIN, Mark

Those Extraordinary Twins was published as a short story, separate and distinct from its origins inside Twains The Tragedy of Puddnhead Wilson. As Twain explains, he extricated...

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Dublinenses - James Joyce

James Joyce (1882-1941) foi um escritor irlandês. Autor de Dublinenses,  Os  Mortos, Retratos de um Artista quando Joven, e também Ulisses, considerada a obra que inaugura o...

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A Morrer: James Petterson

É UMA NOITE EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE QUENTE EM JULHO, mas tremo semparar na grande varanda de pedra do meu apartamento. Vejo a gloriosa San Francisco e estoucom a minha arma oficial...

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Washington Square By Henry James

First appearing as a serial in Cornhill Magazine in 1880, Washington Square focuses on the strained relationship between father and daughter, which is instigated as a result of...

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Pupil, The by JAMES, Henry

Pemberton, a young American with an Oxford education and out of money, takes a job tutoring Morgan Moreen, the 12-year old son of an American couple living in Europe in a style...

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Roderick Hudson by JAMES, Henry

Published as a serial in 1875, Roderick Hudson is Jamess first important novel. The theme of Americans in Europe, so important in much of Jamess work, is already central to the...

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Lady Barbarina by JAMES, Henry

Rich and beautiful American girls heading to England to find themselves noble titles through marriage, and using their New World wealth to prop up the waning strength of the...

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Ambassadors, The by JAMES, Henry

Henry James considered The Ambassadors his best, or perhaps his best-wrought, novel. It plays on the great Jamesian theme of the American abroad, who finds himself in an older,...

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Mark Zuckerberg - O Dono da Rede

Conheça mais sobre a trajetória de Mark Zuckerberg, o programador de informática que ficou milionário criando a maior rede social do mundo. Este conteúdo é baseado em...

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