Bíblia Sagrada King James Atualizada: Kja 400 Anos

A Bíblia Sagrada KJA é a tradução dos manuscritos canônicos originais em hebraico, aramaico e grego por um Comitê Internacional com mais 50 eruditos. Cuidado com imitações!

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A Bíblia King James-Uma breve história de Tyndale até hoje

Conheça as bases que serviram de subsídio para a versão da Bíblia mais admirada e influente em todo o mundo: a BKJ.David Norton, professor de língua inglesa na Victoria...

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Bíblia Sagrada King James Atualizada - Novo Testamento: Kja 400 Anos

A Bíblia Sagrada KJA é a tradução dos manuscritos canônicos originais em hebraico, aramaico e grego por um Comitê Internacional com mais 50 eruditos. Cuidado com imitações!

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Erica Hall

I love books and music so enjoy!

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Shanae Hall

Sincerely Shanae is a place for people that want to hear grown up conversations about what it's like trying to find Mr. Right, sharing stories of dating and loving Mr. Wrong, and...

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Trampoline Hall

Trampoline Hall is a barroom lecture series that has been delighting audiences every month in Toronto for fifteen years, where it has sold out every show. Praised by The New...

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Jazz Hall

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Smith Hall

Click Here

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Sutton Hall

Information about Sutton Hall, a holiday complex located near to Thirsk in North Yorkshire. Podcasts talks to members, guests and local people. We share added information about...

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Headlong Hall

A group of eccentrics is gathered, each with a single monomaniacal obsession, and derives humour and social satire from their various interactions and conversations.

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