Revista Pulso Ed. 138 - Louis Vuitton - Tambour Carpe Diem

O surpreendente Tambour Carpe Diem da Louis Vuitton foi o vencedor do Grande Prêmio de Relojoaria de Genebra na categoria Ousadia!

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Carpe Diem

Its extremely important for us to wake up with a Seize the Day mentality. Unfortunately, that state of mind rarely makes its way out the door in the morning (Snooze). Whens the...

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Carpe Diem

There’s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch... This is an erotic short story...

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Carpé Diem

Actualité culturelle

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Carpod Diem

A podcast where comedians carpool to comedy shows. Featuring Mirali Almaula, Amber Dewar, Cas Knihnisky, and Erinn White.

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Carpe Diems Podcast By Sylvain Diems

Every month, 1 hour of House Music mixed by Sylvain Diems. La playlist on

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Carpe Fucking Diem

Programmet som fångar upp slutet på dagen och kastar ut den igen live, i en lite skruvad version.Ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Mossberg

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Carpe Diem, Illinois

For decades, the small town of Carpe Diem, Illinois has quietly unschooled its children, eschewing tests and classrooms for real-life experiences. Now, long-smoldering political...

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Die Zuflucht

Sara zeichnet, während ihre Mutter im Fernsehen Nachrichten sieht. Plötzlich fragt Sara: "Mama, was ist eine Zuflucht?" Ihre Mutter denkt einen Moment nach und antwortet:"Das...

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Ungefähr Wie Carpe Diem - Erotischer Roman (ungekürzt)

Eines Tages beschließt Lisa, ihr Leben hinter sich zu lassen. Aber es ist schon schwierig, sich plötzlich bei Wind und Wetter allein behaupten zu müssen. Doch im schlimmsten...

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