O Consentimento Na Disciplina Da Proteção De Dados Pessoais: Uma Análise Dos Seus Fundamentos E Elementos

O livro tem por objeto a disciplina da proteção de dados pessoais, analisa seus fundamentos, elementos, sua evolução histórica e, de forma específica, o papel do...

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Lust Classics: Casanova Volume 5 - To London And Moscow

Casanova travels to England, hoping to sell his idea of a state lottery to English officials. Always able to charm his way into inner circles, he soon meets King George III. But...

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Lust Classics: Casanova Volume 4 - Adventures In The South

"By recollecting the pleasures I have had formerly, I renew them, I enjoy them a second time, while I laugh at the remembrance of troubles now past, and which I no longer...

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Lust Classics: Casanova Volume 2 - To Paris And Prison

"The Tribunal, having taken cognizance of the grave faults committed by G. Casanova primarily in public outrages against the holy religion, their Excellencies have caused him to...

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Card. Giacomo Biffi - 1 - L'enigma Dell'esistenza E L'avvenimento Cristiano - Corso Inusuale Di Catechesi

Ti benedico, o Padre, Signore del cielo e della terra, perché hai tenuto nascoste queste cose ai sapienti e agli intelligenti e le hai rivelate ai piccoli (Mt 11, 25)

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Gefangenschaft Und Flucht Aus Den Bleikammern (ungekürzt)

Casanova erwarb schon mit 16 Jahren einen Doktortitel im Fach Jura und studierte anschließend Chemie, Medizin, Theologie und Mathematik. Seine kirchliche Laufbahn gab er schnell...

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Die Abenteuer Hörbibliothek

Meisterwerke der WeltliteraturFerne Länder, fantastische Völker und längst vergangene Zeiten – die Abenteuer Hörbibliothek nimmt Hörerinnen und Hörer mit auf eine Reise...

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Il Duello

Scritto da Giacomo Casanova dopo il suo ritorno a Venezia, il racconto autobiografico Il duello racconta una sua disavventura d’onore. Durante il suo soggiorno a Varsavia:...

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Il Duello

Fuggito dalla famigerata prigione dei Piombi di Venezia, l’avventuriero Giacomo Casanova è costretto all'esilio. Tuttavia, la sua reputazione di impenitente...

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Alpha Male Bible: Become A Casanova! Learn Charisma, Art Of Confidence, Self-hypnosis, Meditation, Psychology Of Attraction, Dating Women, Small Talk, Habits & Self-discipline Of Real Seducer Men

Tap into your inner alpha man and get any girl you want chase you: the power of charisma, self-confidence, and the psychology of attraction and how to unlock them - a powerful...

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