Box - Obras De Edgar Allan Poe: Vol. 2

Estão reunidos neste box alguns dos mais aclamados contos de Edgar Allan Poe. Os leitores encontrarão clássicos como O coração delator, O encontro marcado e Os assassinatos...

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Clue of the Twisted Candle, The by WALLACE, Edgar

Well-known mystery writer John Lexman is charged with murder and sent to Broadmoor Prison. His friend T.X., head of a special branch of Scotland Yard, tries to prove his...

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Wallace Stegner

Wallace Stegner (1909-1993) grew up on the border of Montana and the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, and his writing was deeply shaped by the life and landscape of the mountain...

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Kurt Wallace

Kurt Wallace explores the world: interviews, film reviews, technology and an introspective look at the human experience. Find all his content right here.

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Damon Wallace

Tracks From The Hit-Single

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Wallace Stegner

Wallace Stegner (1909-1993) grew up on the border of Montana and the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, and his writing was deeply shaped by the life and landscape of the mountain...

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Paulo Freire E Edgar Morin Sobre Saberes, Paradigmas E Educação: Um Diálogo Epistemológico

Todas as áreas do saber, do senso comum ao conhecimento mais formal, são influenciadas por estruturas de crenças e modelos de realidade implícitos, denominados de paradigmas....

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Edgar Allan Poe Traduzido No Brasil: Paratextos Em Antologias De Contos

É impossível imaginar um livro sem a presença de pelo menos um paratexto, como título, capa ou contracapa. Paratextos são elementos mediadores entre o texto e o leitor e...

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Dee Wallace

Tune-in to Conscious Creation with Host Dee Wallace every Tuesday 2pm pt/ 5pm et on Transformation Talk Radio!Dee Wallace is a Healer! Love yourself beyond anyone or anything...

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Eric Wallace

From my secure closet just off the 99, this is my podcast. I look at technology news and how it impacts my everyday life.

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