Le Mystère De Ker-even

Paru dix mois après La Fin d’une Walkyrie, toujours dans L’Echo de Paris, Le Mystère de Ker-Even, grand roman d’espionnage inaugure les «...

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Not Even For Love

On the surface, Jordan Hadlock has it all. A great job managing the English newsstand in the old quarter of Lucerne, Switzerland. Rich and renowned Swiss industrialist Helmut...

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Even More Tea Vicar?

Revd Dr Janet Anderson-MacKenzie discusses tea drinking and the health and future of the church in the UK. Find out the interviewees favourite cup of tea, how they respond to the...

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We Don't Even Know

Christian Felix and Shonali Bhowmik became fast friends while working as temporary workers at a huge law firm in Manhattan. They share a love of laughing and giving each other...

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Even More Mashed-up

Misericordia University Professors Allan Austin and Patrick Hamilton take on all matters pop culture as only they can!

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Were You Even Listening?

Music, pop culture, social media fiascoes and more. Join Britton and Natalie as they navigate the world of music one record at a time.

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E Depois Que O Coração Aperta?: Da Solidariedade À Gestão Eficiente Das Oscs

Quantas pessoas e causas cabem em seu coração? Dizem que a alma grande é generosa, tem uma visão larga e vislumbra um campo enorme para fazer o bem. Contudo, dispor o...

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Confissões Do Cara E Outros Contos

Confissões do cara é um livro de contos variados escrito durante os anos de estudos da autora. Neste livro, ela fala de todas as dificuldades e sentimentos que teve em seu...

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Por Um Populismo De Esquerda

Como podemos reagir frente a ascensão do populismo? Para filosofa política belga Chantal Mouffe, o "momento populista" que estamos testemunhando sinaliza para a crise mais aguda...

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Economics Even A President Could Understand

Despite being the planet’s apex predator we are secretly fearful that terrible things will happen. Our anticipation of the 21st century was delicious, but our mood is desperate...

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