A Entidade

A entidade é um típico prédio público estatal, com pouca entrada de luz natural, mobiliário antigo e paredes descascadas. Entre pastas, arquivos e processos, um grupo de...

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Trilogia Do Reencontro

No verão de 1975, integrantes de uma associação artísti­ca se reúnem para um vernissage. Ao caminharem pelos corredores da exposição, amigos, casais e desafetos ob­servam...

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Razza E Storia E Altri Studi Di Antropologia

 L'opera raccoglie alcuni saggi dell’antropologo Claude Lévi-Strauss, famoso per aver applicato il metodo dell’indagine strutturalista agli studi antropologici. Temi...

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Elettra - Elektra (la Tragedia Di Sofocle E Il Libretto Dell'opera Di Richard Strauss)

Questa edizione contiene la tragedia di Sofocle “Elettra", tradotta in lingua italiana da ettore Romagnoli, e il libretto dell’opera di Richard Strauss,...

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Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors From Augustus To Constantine

Bestselling classical historian Barry Strauss delivers “an exceptionally accessible history of the Roman Empire…much of Ten Caesars reads like a script for Game of...

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Based Upon Availability

“Like a beautifully-wrapped gift box, full of unexpected pleasures. Alix Strauss proves herself to be an astute and deeply feeling observer of human...

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Now's The Time

Part mystery, part adventure, completely heart-felt, “Now’s the Time” follows jazz trumpeter Didi Heron as she searches for the lost tape of her father’s last gig before...

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Get Taller Now!

NOTE: Please be sure to download the accompanying reference material upon purchasing. You'll need it to go through the audio.Grow Taller...Not Just Look Taller!Are you sick of...

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The Truth

From the author of the blockbuster bestseller The Game: A shockingly personal, surprisingly relatable, brutally honest memoir, in which the celebrated dating expert confronts the...

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The Game

Nearly every major city in the world has them: hidden underground seduction lairs where men gather to trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to seduce...

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