Naturally Savvy



Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Andrea Donsky, and health expert Lisa Davis discuss their passion for living a natural, healthy lifestyle. As ambassadors of all things natural, their mission is to share with others ways to become healthier by exploring better nutrition, safer products and greener options... and to help you live your life so you too can become Naturally Savvy!


  • Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny

    28/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Negative thinking can have just as big of an impact on health as eating a decadent piece of chocolate cake.How you eat and how you move are often thought of as the two biggest baselines of overall health.But, how you think is also extremely important in how you express health.According to Dr. Jay LaGuardia, negative thinking can have just as big of an impact as eating a decadent piece of chocolate cake.Plus, mental and emotional angst can manifest as physical ailments.In his practice, Dr. LaGuardia would often see in his patients that an underlying physical ailment was resolved, but the emotional component was not being dealt with and so the patient still suffered.How can you start thinking more empowering thoughts?It's not easy, especially when many of the negative internal thoughts and dialogue were "programmed" into your brain at an early age. That early programming (that you've accepted as "truth") has to be addressed and changed.Meditation, mindfulness, and prayer can be extremely helpful in order to fil

  • The WHO's Findings on Processed Meat

    28/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Do you really have to give up your bacon for good?The World Health Organization (WHO) recently came out with a report suggesting a link between meat/processed meat and cancer; specifically colorectal cancer. Before you ditch your bacon and turn to an exclusively plant-based diet, there are some things about this study (and others) to consider.Registered Dietitian Ashley Koff says the key, no matter what kinds of food you're eating, is to eat less. Define exactly what an "appropriate portion" is. For meat, that's typically the size of the palm of your hand.The second factor of importance is to look at the quality of the meat you're eating. Is it grass-fed? Organic? Or, chock full of antibiotics and other preservatives?Processing used to be a good thing; a healthy thing in fact. You wanted to be able to preserve that slab of meat so it would not go to waste. Now, manufacturers are processing food to be readily available, in large quantities, and so that they last a really, really long time on the shelf.Finally,

  • Candy, Candy, Candy: Hidden Dangers of Holiday Treats

    28/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    As a kid, Halloween may have been your favorite holiday. As a parent, it may be your worst nightmare.As a kid, Halloween may have been your favorite holiday. As a parent, it may be your worst nightmare.All that candy, with all that sugar and other unhealthy ingredients, especially artificial food colors and dyes. Food coloring has been considered a neurotoxin, causing hyperactivity and other attention issues in children.But, it's the holiday... how can you say "no" to your kids when it comes to eating their favorite loot?Kathryn Guylay says the worst thing you can do is just take the candy away with no real explanation. Kids don't always understand what "unhealthy" means, or the long-term consequences eating bad foods can have.Instead, learn what motivates your child. In Guylay's own experience, she discovered her son really does not like to be taken for a fool. So, she explained to him how many of the food manufacturers paint a "pretty picture" on the front of a food box but by reading the ingredient label,

  • Cleanse/Detox Before or After the Holidays?

    28/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Cleansing is not a one-time event. You're taking in toxins just as fast as you eliminate them from your body.With the holidays approaching, you might be in a cleanse conundrum. Do you detox and cleanse now, so you're all ready to eat those indulgent holiday foods? Or, do you say "forget it" until after the holidays, when the damage has been done?Actually, special guest Dr. Stewart Lonky says if you're thinking about cleansing that way, you're thinking about it all wrong.Cleansing is not a one-time event. You're taking in toxins just as fast as you eliminate them from your body. Dr. Lonky says that the majority of toxic chemicals in your body that impact the way your body manages fat come in through the foods that you eat. When you understand this, you can take a conscious approach to eliminating the bad foods and adding in more of the good ones.You can also do things to prevent the absorption of the toxins. Dr. Lonky advocates his process of AIPE:Accept that you're exposed to toxins.Identify the toxins that a

  • Carol Alt: Prevent Colds & Flu with a Better Diet

    28/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Why are people more susceptible to colds and flu during the winter months?People think of cold and flu season lasting from October through February.But, it's not like the virus is just hiding out from March to September. It's always present. So, then, why are people more susceptible to colds and flu during those months?Carol Alt has a very good explanation, something that she learned from her doctor, Dr. Timothy Brantley. Think about what you're doing during those winter months... eating bad foods at holiday parties (comfort food too), trying to keep up with hectic schedules, stressing about the holidays.You're also probably not getting as much exercise as the summer months because of the changes in weather.When you're not eating properly and you're constantly stressed, of course your immune system is going to break down.Listen in as Carol joins Naturally Savvy host, Andrea Donsky, to share ways you can keep your immunity up and stave off those colds and flu.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if

  • Social Media & Building Healthy Communities

    21/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    While social media has been blamed for detrimental behaviors like bullying, it does have value in your personal health and success.There are so many avenues of social media today, and new ones are constantly popping up... it's hard to keep track, much less keep up.And, while social media has been blamed for detrimental behaviors like bullying, it does have value in your personal health and success.For instance, author and motivational speaker, Cornell Thomas, says it really doesn't matter how many followers you have. Your focus should be on your connections and friends and building an organic community where you can help each other, inspire people, and grow together.There are a few things to consider when working on your "community," says Thomas. Post when you feel there's something truly important to share, not just for the sake of posting.Also, ask yourself this question: what will your audience take away from your post? Is it helpful? Or harmful?Thomas joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to share how social media

  • Don’t Take that Painkiller; Do THIS Instead

    21/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    All painkillers, both prescription and over-the-counter, have potentially serious consequences.All painkillers, both prescription and over-the-counter, have potentially serious consequences.Opioids are highly addictive, even for medical patients taking them as directed, and result in tens of thousands of fatalities a year.All NSAIDs, including Ibuprofen and Celecoxib (Celebrex), significantly increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in as little as a few weeks of use. Aspirin can cause GI bleeding and up to 3000 deaths a year. Acetaminophen can cause liver failure.According to Cindy Perlin, LCSW, pharmaceuticals don’t work that well for chronic pain because they don’t get to the root of the problem.Perlis says that safe, effective, non-drug treatments for chronic pain include:Mind/body approaches including relaxation, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma resolution techniques, emotional expression techniques, somatic experiencingBody-based practices including chiropractic, physical therapy and

  • Food Allergies, Intolerances & Special Diets

    21/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Even if you haven't been diagnosed with a food allergy, you may still suffer from a food intolerance.Even if you haven't been diagnosed with a food allergy, you may still suffer from a food intolerance, such as to wheat or dairy.The difference between the two arises in how the body reacts to the "trigger." With an allergy, your body will revolt quite suddenly; an immediate reaction. An intolerance will impact your health and wellness long-term.Special guest, Lisa Cantkier, is a passionate holistic nutritionist who is committed to helping others live well with food allergies and special diets. She understands the importance of special diets, as she has been living with celiac disease all her life.Celiac disease, in particular, can be difficult to diagnose, because it can have up to 300 different symptoms that range from mild to severe. These symptoms can include abdominal issues (bloating, gas, chronic diarrhea), fatigue and brain fog... all symptoms of other medical conditions.When treating her own condition

  • meQuilibrium: Tools to Help You Cope with Stress

    21/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Like food, your body needs some stress to function optimally. The problem arises is when you have too much of it.We all experience stress, whether it's good or bad.Unfortunately stress is seemingly more present than ever in today's society.As special guest Jan Bruce puts it, "stress is the new fat," in that how it affects your well-being has become of utmost importance. Like food, your body needs some stress to function optimally. The problem arises is when you have too much of it, especially too much of the bad kind.To address this increasingly problematic issue, Jan created meQuilibrium, a "digital resilience platform," which helps both individuals and corporations achieve measurable results in emotional well-being, stress management and performance optimization. “Stress and overwhelm are the new norm, so today’s workforce needs resilience as a front line defense, not strictly when crisis occurs," says Jan. "meQuilibrium delivers high impact, including extremely high engagement, so everyone can experience t

  • Teaching Kindness to Kids

    14/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    How can you best teach kids kindness and respect for others, as well as kindness and respect for themselves?Confidence is often rooted in what other people think of you, rather than what you think of yourself. It's an unfortunate problem in many adults but perhaps impacts kids even more, because they really haven't had a chance to discover who they are yet.Kids who do choose to "shine," often receive negative feedback, even bullying behavior, from other kids (and sometimes even adults).Joshua Coburn is a motivational speaker, mentor, and author who has spent his life and career redefining stereotypes, living his passions, and assisting others to dream big, believe big, and succeed big.Joshua travels the country with this Manners & Motivation speaking tour, in which he helps teach kids kindness and respect for others, as well as kindness and respect for themselves.Three big tips Joshua offers during his speaking engagements are this:Communicate. If you don't understand, ask.Be vulnerable and take a chance;

  • You Are Getting Sleepy: Hypnosis 101

    14/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    What really IS hypnosis? And, can anyone fall under this "spell"?You may have seen someone hypnotized on TV, or during a stage show, or perhaps have even been hypnotized yourself.What really IS hypnosis? And, can anyone fall under this "spell"?In simple terms, hypnosis involves actively focusing your attention and allowing your subconscious mind to put "suggestions" into your conscious mind.All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. Any time that you day-dream, or miss your exit because you're deep in thought about something else, you're in somewhat of a trance state. This trance state is the cornerstone of hypnosis.Performing for 40 years as a magician, Mark David Kroll wanted to expand his talents to include comedy stage hypnosis. He studied for and received a certification as a certified hypnotist and has been offering various hypnosis approaches to help with such things as smoking cessation and weight loss.Kroll describes it as "subconscious reprogramming" in order to help people overcome their bad habits and

  • What is Immunotherapy?

    14/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Why does the immune system kill some cancer cells but misses others?Your body is creating cancer cells all the time, and if you're healthy and your immune system is healthy, it will take care of those cancer cells.Certain foods and behaviors, however, will allow the immune system to kill some cancer cells but miss others. Sugar is a huge culprit, as are constant stress, lack of exercise and lack of sleep. Immunotherapy is an approach to battle the potential risk of cancer, in which you strengthen your immune system to its full capacity. Christine Horner, MD, has dedicated many years of her work to researching the benefits and practices of immunotherapy. She joins Andrea and Lisa to share tactics that will significantly lower the risk of cancers for both men and women and/or increase chances of survival after being diagnosed:1) Spice it Up: The top immune boosting, cancer-fighting spices include: garlic (the organosulfar chemical compound that causes eye-tearing has immune-strengthening and anti-carcinogenic q

  • Best Ways to Boost Your Collagen

    14/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    After the age of 25, collagen production declines and your body literally starts to "dry out."Water and collagen are the two most abundant substances in the human body. All of your body's tissues are made, in some degree, of collagen. But, after the age of 25, collagen production declines and your body literally starts to "dry out." That drying causes the signs of aging: wrinkled skin, thinning or loss of hair, weakened bones and joints, dry skin, and dry eyes... just to name a few.Oral collagen supplements boost your natural production of collagen and help you rebuild your tissues from the inside. If you also supplement with hylauronic acid, it will stick to the collagen fibers and will pull hydration into the tissues to help re-hydrate and rebuild your body.Food sources of collagen aren't very absorbable by the body, whereas supplements have about a 90 percent absorption rate. Many people use products with hylauronic acid externally, but when taken internally, it has greater, longer-lasting benefits. Listen

  • Toxic Truth About Nail Polish PLUS Healthier Alternatives

    14/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Nail polishes and other related salon products can be very toxic.Most everyone likes to have nice, clean, pretty nails... even some men.But nail polishes and other related nail salon products can be very toxic.When you're at the salon, you're breathing in all of the chemicals used in the products. This doesn't mean that you have to stop having your nails done, says Carol Alt, who has come up with solutions to avoid all that toxicity.For instance, there are certain brands that are organic and do not contain the harmful chemicals of mainstream polishes. Mineral Fusion is one option, and they manufacture both polish and nail polish remover (without the harmful acetate). Other brands include Priti NYC and Ella+Mila. Once you invest in these safer options, you can bring your own nail polish with you to the salon. If you're getting a pedicure, don't be afraid to bring your own lotions and moisturizers as well. You might get a few odd looks, but the bottom line is that it's your health and it should be your number-o

  • 5 Essential Stages of Lasting Love

    07/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Does the honeymoon really have to be over?The notions that passion always peters out, that there’s a “seven-year itch,” and that the honeymoon is over as soon reality sets in have some truth to them. But, Linda Carroll, author of Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love, promises that long-term, wholehearted love is still possible. As a long-time author and veteran couples therapist, Carroll explains that love is cyclical and comprised of five distinct stages: the Merge, Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, Decision, and Wholehearted Loving.She joins Naturally Savvy host, Lisa Davis, to explain these five stages, as well as share her expertise and experience as a couples therapist for the last 30 years.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

  • Ways to Find More Joy Every Single Day

    07/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    In our busy, chaotic world, people often overlook everyday opportunities to experience joy.Sonja Lyubomirsky, Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside, recently helped the Reddi-Wip brand commission a research survey on the current state of joy in the U.S. for its #ShareTheJoy campaign. The survey found that in our busy chaotic world, people often overlook everyday opportunities to experience joy. When they do experience joy, too often people keep that joyful moment to themselves and the emotion becomes fleeting because it's not shared.Other insights from the survey revealed the following:93% of Americans want to find more ways to experience joy every day.Only two out of five Americans think they have enough joy in their lives.On an average day, almost half of Americans don’t experience joy.96% of Americans agree it’s important to celebrate the little things in life yet nearly seven out of 10 (67%) of adults surveyed agreed they don’t make enough time to celebrate everyday moments wi

  • Dangers of RoundUp PLUS Natural Weed Control Alternatives

    07/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    RoundUp is the number-one herbicide being used today, despite being linked to diseases like cancer.RoundUp is the number-one herbicide being used today, and it's remained the herbicide of choice because it's extremely effective at killing weeds in gardens, lawns and even agricultural fields.However, it's been linked to both acute health conditions, as well as serious diseases like cancer. Monsanto is the creator of RoundUp, and it comes as no surprise that the company has also been behind a number of other toxic elements from our past and current environments (Agent Orange, DDT, PCBs, Bovine Growth Hormone, and even the Atomic Bomb).Glyphosate is the active ingredient in RoundUp, which has been linked specifically to Parkinson's disease and cancer. Another ingredient, POEA, is toxic to embryos, and can suffocate embryonic and placental cells.What are some natural alternatives to RoundUp?Vinegar mixed with natural dish soap will burn the foliage and lower the pH in the soil so the weeds won't grow back. Corn m

  • Top 5 Tips for Creating a Healthy Microbiome

    07/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    It seems like every week there’s a new article on the microbiome. But, why is it SO important to your health?It seems like every week there’s a new article on the microbiome. But, why is it SO important to your health?Robynne Chutkan, MD, one of the most recognizable gastroenterologists working in America today, joins Naturally Savvy host, Lisa Davis, to share why your microbiome is so essential to your overall health and longevity, as well as some of the specific diseases that can result from an altered microbiome.Dr. Chutkan also discusses the top five tips for creating a healthy microbiome:Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.Eat lots of fibrous plants.Skip the hand sanitizer.Get a pet (Dr. Chutkan's family just got a puppy named Hugo and he’s helping to rewild the whole family with lots of dirt and licks!).Plant a garden; get your hands dirty and eat the veggies you grow.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://ww

  • Exciting News on the Synergy of Omega-3 & Vitamin D

    07/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    Vitamin D and Omega-3s are individually essential, but new research is suggesting a vital link between them.Omega-3s, specifically EPA and DHA, are becoming more and more recognizable as an essential preventative health factor.Vitamin D is also sharing some of this newly realized importance. And, new studies are actually showing a very vital link between the two.New research coming out of Children's Hospital Oakland has studied the synergy of Omega-3 and vitamin D on serotonin and its impact on autism, behavior issues, depression, schizophrenia and violence in our culture.Jolie Root, Senior Nutritionist and Educator at Carlson Labs, joins host Lisa Davis to share more about this emerging research, as well as the specific amounts of DHA, EPA and vitamin D that both children and adults need on a daily basis.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

  • Sex, Wigs, & Whispers: Love & Life with Hair Loss

    30/09/2015 Duração: 09min

    A diagnosis of alopecia does not have to be devastating.Emmy-nominated actress, Amy Gibson, has lived with alopecia since she was just 13 years old.In simple terms, alopecia is an immune disorder where your white blood cells think there's disease lurking, so they fight against themselves to kill that faux disease and the result is hair loss.There are several stages of alopecia, ranging from small bald spots to complete loss of hair, including body hair and even nose hair.  Amy joins Naturally Savvy hosts, Andrea and Lisa, to share more about alopecia, her personal journey with the condition, and how she's spreading the word about alopecia with her book, Sex, Wigs, and Whispers.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

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