Naturally Savvy

meQuilibrium: Tools to Help You Cope with Stress



Like food, your body needs some stress to function optimally. The problem arises is when you have too much of it.We all experience stress, whether it's good or bad.Unfortunately stress is seemingly more present than ever in today's society.As special guest Jan Bruce puts it, "stress is the new fat," in that how it affects your well-being has become of utmost importance. Like food, your body needs some stress to function optimally. The problem arises is when you have too much of it, especially too much of the bad kind.To address this increasingly problematic issue, Jan created meQuilibrium, a "digital resilience platform," which helps both individuals and corporations achieve measurable results in emotional well-being, stress management and performance optimization. “Stress and overwhelm are the new norm, so today’s workforce needs resilience as a front line defense, not strictly when crisis occurs," says Jan. "meQuilibrium delivers high impact, including extremely high engagement, so everyone can experience t